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<br /> , � , . ' . � ' E � •
<br /> , - : . a-. � � . . � � ` . � . - . .
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<br /> ... � ` '-�-�--�-- -�---. ,'. [C --- - .- -`-' . - � ..` ___ ___Y'-" _ ___ _.--__ .. _ _-. __ .. ._'. _--____," --_.__-._-_-_ __"_"__-. _ .
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<br /> . :� . _ . . � � .
<br /> � . � � � � �� � , - � - � sa—: �o��e2 � : , ; � , �
<br /> ` � . : urt�POliv c�ovpvAnrrs. eorraM►er.�,a I.ender cavenu,:.na.arie n fauows: � . ` � �
<br /> � , � " �. .P�ie�t�P�i�ei/�1 ri lefe�P�reN�ae�t aM Late CA�e� Hon+nwra�hvl premptEy P�y when due
<br /> `t?�e ptintip�l ai�lnd intenst on the debt cvideaccd by thc Nae and ang prepayment and itte chuges due undsr the Nste.
<br /> . , x F�ForY��L�tte. .Snbject t�apglia�le ts�or to a writtmMUVer�y l�tsder,Bofre�rsr slueU pa� ---. . ._
<br /> � to�.mdet on the day maitt�IY payefeat�ire dut under tht Note,until the Note es psid in fall.�sum("Funds"j oqual to . .
<br /> cet-t�Mh of: (a}yar7}i taxa and a�sments �hich may sttain prioriYyr over tQis'Security G�strumenfi (b)Y�ZY .
<br /> la�ebold.pyments or Rround rmu� the I'ropertY,if Yny: (c) Yafly haurd insurance prensiums: aad (d)'yeuiy . .
<br /> ` mortp�e insunu�ce p�+emiums,if at►g.1'hese items ue c�lled"acro�►iteau."Lender e�y astimatr thc�nnds due oa the
<br /> . . ti�is of cuttait dtu and[afortable estimita of future acroM items. . .
<br /> . Tbt Funds s1u11 be b�d in an it�stitution the de�sits ot sccauntf of which sre ensured or 6uaranteed hy a federal or �
<br /> . Nate s�e�cy(incl�dMS La�der if t.e�der�sach an iastitution).La�der shal!apply the Funds tti pay the escrorrr items.
<br /> Le�ider may no!ci�arEe for holdins and apptyina tbe Funds,anatyzin�the ascaunt or verifyina the escrorv uems.unkss. �
<br /> lreider ptys Horrawer intaest on the Funds aed appti�bk la�+petmi�s l,ender to malce such s chuse.BorroMet`and .
<br /> �` Larder tnay a�tae in�rritirt�ttut interest shaU be paid on the Funds..Untess an a6reemmt is made or appticabk G►w
<br /> . . requira iata�at w iAe pid,Lendet sbt!!not Ae�oquired to pay Borrotivat any intaest or atmiags on the Funds.Lender
<br /> sb�11 pre tp Bo�ra�rer.�ritdout cbar6e.�n aaetuat acaiuntin�af the Funds sh�wing credits aad de6its co the Funds�nd:•e
<br /> . purpor�e foc Mhicfi qch debiE to tht FunQs�v�m�de.Tht Funds ue pkdaad�additions!sxurity for the sums'xecured by
<br /> . tlus Sacnrity Ia�rurnmt. , ` .
<br /> ` tf tbc�mot�nt o1'tbe FunQs�he1d by Lender.toaether�viil�the futur�monthly p�ymmts of�unds psyable priar to
<br /> . the due da4ts at t�cstroN it�emt�s1�a11 exceed the smaunt raquirad to p�y tht rscrow items when duG the excas shall bG .
<br /> ` at Bocroaes't optic�:.either�romptly repaid to Bc�rro�v�r os credited ta Borrower or�manthlY paYments a�f Fuads.If thc � �
<br /> � � an�t ot'tbe Funds hdd tiy Leader is aat srulCicie�t to p�y the escrow items whan due.Borruwer sh W pay to Lender any
<br /> itmmd�uunt r�ce:sary to make up ehe deficiency in one ar more pa►yments u requir�Dy 1.mQer. . � .
<br /> � Upon paymsnt is�iiill ot dl sums secured by this Security Instrumrnt. Lender sha11 promptly refund to Borrawer �
<br /> any Fut�ds held by I.tndtr.If ueder psnarapb 19 thc Property is sold or acquired!sy Lender,Lender�hslf apply.na fater
<br /> than immadutety prior to the sak of the Property or�ts acqaisitian by Lender,any Fands hdd by Lende�at she time of
<br /> � , appticationaacraditagainstthtcumssecuredbythisSr.�:rityinsirument.
<br /> � 3. r11lliatlo�of Piy�ts. UnJas appticabk;a�v provide�otherwise.al!payments received by I,ender urtder
<br /> ' pttajtaphs 1�nQ 2 shill be apptied:fin�to i�tte char6es due under the Note;secortd.to preps��ment char�a due under the�
<br /> Note;third.caamounts p�yable under pua�nph 2:fourth,ca inttresc dae;aad fast,to principsl due. . � .
<br /> 4. A�I�sa�. Borraw�r shati pay�iJ uycst,a�asments.chuges.fines snd impositions attribuubk ta the �
<br /> _ Property whicl� may atuie priarity.aver this Sccur�ig lnstrumen� snd lasehold paymrnts or graund ra�ts, if any.
<br /> Borr�nNa shalf pry these oblisaYsans in Ihe mannes proyidod in�arsgnph 2,or if nat p��d m�hat manncr.BonroMer shalt
<br /> piy them an time duectly to the persan Qw•ed psyttunt. Borrowtr shall promptly fumish ta Lcnder a11 not�ces o!art�ounts •
<br /> to be pab unAer thu panjrsph.If Borrower msices thae psymeats Q,rcetly.&�rrawer shal!pramptly fumish to Lender
<br /> �eceipts evtdencina the Qaymmu. '_
<br /> 8orr�o�ver:hall promp�GS dischar6e any Iktf which has pnonty over this Ser.�dty Instromrnt unkss 8onmver:(a)
<br /> � yrea ip writin=to the p�ymtnt of the obliaation secured by the tirn in�manner accepUble to Lender,(b)co�tests in 600d
<br /> tait�h the tien by.or deftt�ds�ssinst entotcement ot the lirn in.kpl pracadinas which�n the[,as�er's op�nion operate[� � __
<br /> prevent the enfoteemrnt af thc ticn or f�rfe►€�:a af any part af�he Praperiy;crr(c)sesurcs trom the halder of the tien=n . '. --
<br />, aveen�enl astisfactory to LertAtr tubordinsting the t�e�a to this Secunty Instrument.!f Lrndtr dtterm�nes that any part of � '
<br /> . the Ptoper[y if aub�tct ta a I�tn whicfi may attain prt�ncy ovet this Suunty Instrument. LenQet may�ptit Eiatrower a
<br /> notice idetitifyin6 the lien:Bo�r�wu 9hail sstisfy the l�m or[ake one nr mnre�f tht acttons set fo�h sbove wnthia 10 days •
<br /> oPthe pvin�of not;see. .
<br /> S. HuaN�awrswee. 8orrower Shall keep�he improvcments naw e�isnng ot hertaf�er ereeied an the Properiy '
<br /> insured a�inst lo�by fire,hazaids�ncludeA wah�n ths eerm"extendad cavenae"and any other huards far whrch L.ender
<br /> requita insur�nce. Tl+is ies�e�aece ahxl.l fx muntsirtod �n the amaunts and f+sr tAe pencbs that LenQer requ�ra. The
<br /> insur�nce carrier pravtdinj t4�e�nsur�nce ehall be cheser�hy 8arraw�Rr�ub}ert t� I.rnder's approv�! wh�Lh shall noe be
<br /> - ur,:ca�,a�:r��:�:�tS: ;���;
<br /> All ituutance poltc�es and rentwal�s'2�ait be uceplsbk�01,cnder an0 sAnll include a staundatd monaage clause '
<br /> t.tt�der shal�have the n�lt�to Itold the poficies�n0 ttnew�ls If I.cndtr�eyuires,Borrawer Fhall pr�mpsly��ve t�Lrndr.r
<br /> alt receipts of pyid prem�um�and renew�i not�ces. in�he evro�of tc►ss,Nc�tamvet�ha11 g�ve prompt notice tn the�nsurance
<br /> catYierand 1..ender.LenQer may make prnr►f c�Ytc�ss�f na=rnadr promptly t�y f3orrower
<br /> � Unlesa Lend,;.r and 8orra�►er utherwtse agrce m wr���n�,insur�nce puxeeds sh�ll lx c+ppl�cd tn restotahon��r repa�r
<br /> o!Ihe Piopeny c:�mxaecf.�f�h+e rcstorat�on csr rtpair�se�anomtcally fcas�ble an0 l,ender'�srcunty�s rcat te�ssene�. lf s?�e
<br /> raturauon or te�st is rtot ecemom�rally ft=x�ble or Lender'�secur�t}wputd tre Itsserted,the msurance prcxeeds�hail br
<br /> . . ... . .. .. ....... .
<br /> • � +od to tht svnns Stcured b� th�s Secunt} instrument;whethtt��n�not then Q:tt.v�ith aily tiiress pa�d-tci F3i�iri�wer��IP�
<br /> 8+�rower aDsnQons rhe Propercy.�r dcxs not answcr w�uhin 3U d�yy a nut�ce fr�=:n Ltnder that the tnsurar.�e carner has
<br /> offered t�seuk a cla�m,tArn��etrder may collri�ths msurartce prucrtds l,ender may uce the�roceeds tr,rrpa�r nr re�torc
<br /> the Ptoperiy nr to p�y sum�secared by ty,s Se�eutity Iniln�ment,whelhet c�r no�ettec�due T'he 3tl�ctay penoQ will beg.z
<br /> • whtn�he notict�s�rvtn. ' „
<br /> Unlrss ixnder and Harrorrer o�herw�se agrer in wntir+g,any appircmion of prexe�eds to pnrtr�pal shall no!extend nr '
<br /> pos��on�thedUt dateof themanthly paymentt rtfevreA tu in p�regraphti 1 an�f 2 ar change Ihe amuunt of��e�syments. If
<br /> un�:pu��r�ph IQ 1he Propersy is acquucc�by lx�dtr. Hnric►wer's nght tn nny msuranee{+��rcu�and�r�;��rttuh�ng
<br /> rro,r�a.,�,ae ep the PropeHy�ttvt 1�tfte ar�•��siy»n sha11 pas•�tit t.endet t��the ca�ent e�1 t1:c tumti�c:urcd hy thic Secur�ty �� �-- �-
<br /> instrument�mrnecis�tely pno►ta�he acyu�sit�on •
<br /> 6. i'relerr�No�ana�taintteuce ot Pro�C�;t�eueholds. f3urrt�wer sh��t n���dts�roy,ci�magr nr�,ubSlanually �
<br /> ch�trtge tF�e proprrty,allow fr±� Prnpen,y �n deterc+�rate ur c��mmn werte Ii�his 4e�urny lnstrumene «an a leacehatd,
<br /> Horrower shaltcompty w�tb t:e pravts�ons c�f the teass,enQ if f4c�rrnwer a�qurres fee hlle to thr Property.the leasehnld art�
<br /> _ _—_-- -.-, ---!ce titk slull nnt merse unliso.t�ner:�v�r�c fn tAr_en��c�r�atintytl a�_ _ ,
<br /> 7. P�retcetiae o! Leeder'r Rip,t►ts in the f'roperty; Mo►tjtage tnsurwnte. If F3nrra�wrr fa�ls tu perf�rm the �
<br /> rt,ven�nisandngrecmentsct�t�tpmed�n�his 5ciunty (nszrumen►,nr thcre t�a tegal�rcKeed�ng thnt may s�gm6rantiy aRert �
<br /> LLtnAtr's nghts�n the�rc�aeny(�uch a�a prc+rcedmg �n h�nktuptry. prohate. i�ut rE�ndernnatwn c�r t��rnfarce laws ur .
<br /> tegutatinns).then i.ender,may dti�nd�.�v fat whatr_�•er�s necessary tc��tc�t��.t tne�SEue��Fthe 1'mperty sr�A Cender`s nRht� �•�
<br /> " in I�t ptvpetty. I�ftdet's�ctrc�n�tatny �rts:iutle �y�ng an} sumc crcutcc!t+} a l�err u����h hac prTC�n�: ovcr Ih��4ecutity �
<br /> Instrument,appc�t�ng in ct+ur�,payiag tenic�n�hle attutne}a'fce�;�nc1 entenn��n�he f'r�7J�vry td ma�e repa�rs A[�hou�h . �t�f
<br /> l,tndtr may I�ke acei�s under th��paragraph 7.i erti�iert�c+es nni ha�e tc>cfc���,
<br /> Anp�muant•;citsbusstcf hy Lttie�rr under tficc�ar�gt��+tt 7 sh¢!�t+�„�ne aeldei!e�.3_:I{IoF,E:>;lle�tt!}H�E 4ft;!!dLl4 t!}SE!!4 =-
<br /> SKUnfY Iri�Stumrnt �1pFCSa Eitsttt�u�i 8tti1��ts�tf��tftr fr�n2F�cr fCtm�t���3}�itC1�F.�f1:��8ttiti�unt��I1d��e F�Cdi tt�t�EC'SS Ctf�.n
<br /> Ihe d�te c�t c��shursrment a� tk�e !dt�le r�tp :�rid chs!!hc 4•���blr. Kith Erstere;±. :J��u t�t�ts:� fn�ns i cs,der t�� f}E�s+.>>uer
<br /> rcquc�ung p�ymrr:
<br /> �
<br />