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Fenn 2435 <br />mM►.s• �� <br />Ons>wt�afafeTweaer —per wr.+`.tvws <br />Corti IWO of Sale of SM=d prop t 99 ft 101974 <br />I osrwy that f sold at public =16.:tfin vtAitfrty described berow. seized for nonpsyment of dekroqueat fntunal eavmus <br />lixia dwt lfiorian: <br />DONALD .Q' 6 ShL- xTz:'4i_ 9wi At <br />T"Powa no". dba g.:P.:C'. f+.'�is`ENI►I�$$$t. visa. D 6 S PROPERTIES; dbaDONSAL CRATES <br />aft of isle: - -aril_ 18.. 198 Sale held at VERNAL REVENUE SERVICE; <br />GATEWAY PLAZA BLDG; 3 07 W. CAPITAL AVF..; GRAND I i Vy dp8803 HALL <br />0eaw lion of OMWV sold: <br />(N You rNed Mao tlPaca. PAN" attach It separate ahest.�` <br />A tract of land comprising part of Lotri''rP and "E" of :$'saes Subdivision i the City vf. <br />'Grand Island, NeibraskA " and more partf: W14rly described as folio ": Beglnizing at the <br />Southwest'Corner of said Lot "V; therse running Northwesterly. q;zg`the Southwesterly <br />line of said Lot "E" a distanr_ :4ibf Sixty -five and Sixty -five Hundredth (65.65) Feet to <br />the Northwest corner of said.Qaa "E:;'t:hence running Northeasterly along the Northwesterly <br />line of said Lot "E" Li distan =ce of Forty -one and Sixty -five hundredth (41.65) Feet to <br />the Southwest corner of said tot "A "; thence running Nortrh . estetjy, along the Soatir4tsterly <br />line of said Lot 'Wn a. distarce of Slkty -six and Thirteen. H'tm re4rh (66.13) Feet to the <br />Northwest co.irker of 'said Lot "A "; theme running Northeasterl' 4# g the Northwesterly <br />line of said Lot "A".4 distance of for,iry -nine and thirty -f:LV, �S,ciredths (49.35) Feet: <br />thence deflecting right 92 °3'9' and running Southerly a distance ,ui.0 Seventeen and Forty - <br />five Hundredth (11.45) feet; Ch,ence deflecting right 25 °45' and';yunning Southwesterly <br />a distance of One Hundred TwenLy' (120.0) Feet; thence deflecting right 22 °33' and running <br />Southwesterly a distance of thirteen and Eight - tenths (13.8) Feet to a point on the South- <br />easterly line of said Lot "E "; thence running Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line <br />of ",' acid Lot "E" a distance of Twenty -three and Eight- tenths (23.8) Feet to the point of <br />beginz)ing and containing 5,735.45 square feet, more or less, as shown on the plat dated <br />December 8.',M2. <br />A tt»rct of land comprising part of Lot;( .Five (5) and Six (6) of Fractional Block Seven <br />(7)o:,cf Wiebe's Addition to the City c.cYand Island, Nebraska, and more particularly <br />described as follows: Beginnigg at the 'Northwesterly corner of said Lot Five (5), thence <br />running Northeasterly along this- N,6rthwesterly line of said Lots Tive (5) and Six (6) , <br />a distance of Seventy -two and tzieitty -five Hundredth (72.25) Feet, thence deflecting <br />right 118 °45'30" and running Southerly a distance of Sixty -six and Seventy -five Hundredths <br />(66.75) Feet; thence deflecting ' = 90 000' =4 running Westerly a distance of,0rs'and <br />Five - tenths .'(1,,.5) Feet; thence deflecting Left 90'00' and running southerly a distani ce <br />of Six (6.0) feet; thence deflecting left 90 °00' and running Easterly a distance of One <br />and Five - tenths (1.5) 7aet, thence deflecting right 90 °00' and running Southerly a <br />(see %F" Property Was sold at the i-IV-iest bid received, and receipt of the bid amount is acknowledged. The sate W et onm <br />ducted as provided by Subchapter 0, Chapter• 64. of the internal Revenue Code and related regulations, <br />Sob amount: = SEE PAGE 2 Purchasers name - -SEE PAGE 2 <br />f+ect tjser9 address :. SEE PAGE 2 <br />(fafasae aaa the /nkrmallon on the, Oeck of this form) <br />offiWo Sfgha * <br />SEE PAGE 2 <br />SEE PACE 2 <br />Rawnus bffiears Address Date <br />SEE PAGE 2 SEE PAGE 2 <br />Part i — To Purchem <br />Form <br />(Rev. 9.86) <br />�I <br />