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M <br />The above Property was soli at the highest bid received, and receipt of the bid amount is. acknowledged. The sale was con- <br />ducted as Provided by Subchapter 0. Chapter 6e, of the intamztt• fievenue Code and retatLxl: regulations. <br />Sale amount: i 25.a36.00 purchaser's name JIUJtPd Stares ;,f e�,�ra <br />Purchasers own": _1.06 South 15th Omaha NE 68101 <br />(Pigs" see the Infbrmatlan on the beak of this farml <br />tue offtoees SWISIW a oistrict <br />!60ael Ponte Omaha, Nebraska <br />40 t�ffiear'e P.O. Sox 9801 Date <br />Grand. Island, NE 68802 04- 18-89 <br />Form 2435 (Rev. 5.871 J <br />