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<br />GO— DURANU POWUl OF A1T6 sY „adman and Admeammadblis Ns 69*1
<br />89- 101971
<br />_n n _
<br />That t. Albert . A. Lindel I . _ _ _ ,,f _ -- Hall County, Nebraska, have made
<br />L
<br />eoostitttttd and appointed. and by the_lelimsents do make. constitute and appoint Ranni e I[A ndel l sand Drtrlprt a Kl 1 gin srni th
<br />St. Paul,
<br />:1 t
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<br />t
<br />GO— DURANU POWUl OF A1T6 sY „adman and Admeammadblis Ns 69*1
<br />89- 101971
<br />_n n _
<br />That t. Albert . A. Lindel I . _ _ _ ,,f _ -- Hall County, Nebraska, have made
<br />eoostitttttd and appointed. and by the_lelimsents do make. constitute and appoint Ranni e I[A ndel l sand Drtrlprt a Kl 1 gin srni th
<br />St. Paul,
<br />of Grand_ Island , Haj —CO _ & Hnwird__County. hfebrtska, true and lawful auerney'for me and in my name; place and ste4
<br />onMarf my behalf, subject to the provision:+ of Paragraph 13 henecif, to do and execute all or any of the 1:3iilttiing acts, deeds and things:
<br />h 7b i eeeivedebts, paymertts and property. A,,;tsk. dtfinand. sue for. recover and receive all sum of=y r'-Fy. debts, dues. goods. wanes, mere ran
<br />t
<br />&;m chatteLt. effects and things of whatsfieverrature vidrsLripfion which now are or hereafter shall be ot �due, owing. payable. or belonging tome
<br />!
<br />.,
<br />in or by any right. title, ways or means. hocr,Clever, and ution reridpt thermf, or of any part therm£ ton make::it�- execute and deliver such receipts` releaaes
<br />oe.other discharges for the same rrspertively as my s.ai.•1 attara y shall deem advisable.
<br />!;
<br />2.7b settle accuu ts. To settle any account or rcrkor, ing whatsoever wherein I now am or at any tires_ hereafter shall be in any wise interested or
<br />concerned with any person whumeaever. and to pay or nc+rivrf the balance therevtf as the case may req' Vie,
<br />I
<br />3. To satisfy security intem4ga acid mortgt ge& To rtruive even• sum of money which now is ur heTra4rrehall be due or belonging to taezpon the
<br />! i
<br />security nr by sirttre of any serwdy inte rmt or agrermi nt, etc mortgage. and on receipt of the full amount secured therebv to execute a geiod and a dficient
<br />j kIk
<br />rrkw or other discharge of such security irterwi. to mwli ape by deed or otherwise
<br />r
<br />4. 7bmmpound. submittoarbiMtion. orot hemi: ro. wettleoraldjusteiQerenms. T., c., mpnundw ithnrmakea '.I,i:ar- ttmstoagypemmferor�,
<br />; kr
<br />rnpwttoonydehtor demand whatsoever whiobr or- is ccshriUatanytimebereaRcrbemmedue, andpayabletome ,orbyme•oruponmyaanunt,ar_dn
<br />take and tweive. or to pay and discharge fas the t--w-- may- bei, any cumpositian or dividend thereof eu thereupim. and G; give or receive releases oroti*v
<br />"I
<br />discharges for the whole- of such debts ur rirmands, of ut settle, compromise, cur submit to arbitration every such debt or demand and every other right.
<br />I'
<br />matter, and thing due to or concerning mean my attrawy, shall think best and for that purpose to enter into and execute and deliver such bonds ofarbitra-
<br />tion or other instruments as my attutnep may deem advi able in the premises_
<br />i�fx
<br />7b prosecute and defend. To mmmPnrt•. {occecutr,,Lscontinue, cur defend aft aetrons or nthev !e•ga1(mxcrriings touching my estate cur any part
<br />thermf, or touching any matter in which 1 or my Batt to rrav he in any wire concemed.
<br />lk7bamn sd e real estate. To enter into anti upon aliandsingularrnyrealestate .and ,,f,.l,manaFn,andim rovethesameoran ypari thereof.
<br />repair trruthes- wiseimprove. al ter, arrecuntract. and too in-gum, any building or structures, thereon, andFartlsr-ru.contractwith others for themanagcmtentof
<br />such realestatrandtuttmnttosuchObersallthe{. c- xt ssswititawpecttosuchn•: ttebtateasualinrea lt�.—i- mra nagementcontracts ,findgrantedtomysaid
<br />�
<br />attorney heroin
<br />1,
<br />7.7b grant leases. receive rents, and olherx'i_ar• dctil with tenants and teased pmpc•rty. T, irntmrt with any person file leasing for such
<br />1 •
<br />'penoob. incluiding periods knitter than my life•. an d K ittr :• ,. rigs d to thc• terminisuun of this po wer of atoorr:er; :iisuch rentx and subject to such conditicins
<br />as my attomeyshall- -Be fit, all orany off my.aidr0t -,'X., r�ta let anvsuch person intoposs emionthc• ns Ctimito execute all such leausandr^attractsas
<br />i
<br />shall he necessary or limper m that behalf. ;md to give r ,ize uI quit iu ca.; tenant or „rrupu•r thereof. =1 U:, weviee and recover from tU to _ants and
<br />ocrupnrra thereof cur of any part thereof .•!i xwst +..ttrtc -n cf. rear. 3 rtd slm.:x c: money which of iw : re or shall heteaftrr become due and payaife in respect
<br />thereof. and also an ndn- payment thereof cr rf any part ih rt, lira takeall necessary or proper meansand proceedings forterminating the tenancy oroc cupa-
<br />tion of such tenanta or rxrupiem, and fore jecting the Wn :.aL4 nr mcupiers and re•tovering the pusn-sion thereof.
<br />N. To sell or exchange real or personal estate. To veil. either at public cur private sale. or exchange any part or parts of my real e•stateor personal
<br />prrtperty for t,uch eronsideratlan. payabY-ur-ctadlateSy or upon such terms as my attorney shall think fit• and to execute and deliverg(wd and sufficient
<br />deed!, hilli of sale titdnrat moots. astir tr rove- R+, o,r w.tKT ins(t uments f ,r ttvrt .i:nvey :race cur tr :mafer of the sur;r, with such r uvenants rd warranty ur other-
<br />wise as my- attorney shall see fit, and to p-. a good and effectual rt•trtpts t?•e all or any part of the purcl:. zvl orrice ur other rvnsideration.
<br />9. Tb deposit muneys.withdraw. Invest. and otherwinc deal with tangiblepmItevty. 116 de�jea nyutoni :v.+whichmuycome-tohishandvas
<br />such atWmey with any bank fir banker inmynarnt.arpdt.;vw1draw any 4 such MI1rIeV,.aany,,.)thcr rr: aiii-? N) which Jam entitled which now isorshallbe
<br />scideptaitA andeithiji-inploy such money as he &Z.-A. fain the payment ofanydt-l:oorii-.wrehf% _ yiNeby me, (it taxes,.fissmgments. insurance. and
<br />j
<br />expenwo due and payable- cur to become due and p,ayatde ran arrant of my real and person:! ext rte, ur i _, c.ii-•..ut rtny of the purpnstw herein mentioned•or
<br />j
<br />ethemimfarmyuseandlwnefit ,ortoia%sul, hmreelsif) mynameinarmyttrw-ks, shares. pruperiv, real orpersonal,ashemay
<br />think pnup-r, and to receive and give rrrxit;tA (t ilai IR(Yir11P Of dit7dend .en9lnt from such tncrslmrnlH. r..•-to vary a disprseofall trod any such invent•
<br />rmnts or uthtr investmaste for my u+r :not: I e•ntfit 4s he lose think fit.
<br />:
<br />101710 vu11eat8tvdtif#;,;. • rWmw1, r, 9s. euauteproxies, andotherwiselubstimt+ iMeiriwner. To coteatthecn ei•tin>sofsna•kholderyorother
<br />nnetinlps of any (nrpi itimi ,•r comtoa -`y' -•r mhem -ow to an as my altmnt•y nr proxv. w:th iaur,v of s _tirtaution, in respect of any su wks, shares, hnndn,
<br />�
<br />dethrdunfo, for other of uw N.-ranv_ i,t sieunt tea. ants ur hereafter field by lnc anrL++ued toy w -count of said mrimir Uiun ur company and fir
<br />{
<br />thtt ptirp<se wexecute any proxies 1.1c1ifed it, s;Erera {. ai ether Instruments.
<br />it
<br />11. 71fr e%witt • de edso. biltso. na m. rend Kienilar inmerumenta. Vow -oil -,r any of the purlm se- hc'tsitt mated u, enter into and sign, r cal. execute.
<br />. r: Qiteytedge. anddtliv�rmyamtrtcru. dc�. i.. o- item rtealmtnentcwhatrr, etFr. andtodrew- iit,•pt. make. r�td„r.e,rh.o„ out... rattic •rwisc•dt•.::•�Vit.ifanyhjlly
<br />�' •�
<br />of euhange eJ•lteka, prnmessr,ry notes. or other cter,muciA or mcrrantile in4trumrut.
<br />.t
<br />12.1hdn all other thingf# ntreveeary inc<mn%0an herewith. In gmicr.d tnd, • all otherut, . dwvis. matt cry, and the °,t:,.'a•hatstw•.<ri, - .,,rah,ut my
<br />estate, {m,perty mid affnim. fir to coact y w1h pfrP.ns jointly altert�ttrf tvtth nit',elf thcrem in dmng all arty, der•ris, matters, aced either
<br />pa.itfcuiarly ur print rally dew ribtd. x4 f u.ly j tat e:Ysctt.4v to all into ritx :i o,i tlur{NRli ;Is t c.,uld do In lair own pngA•r person if pt•rv4,nA,: l;rr tl•cI, it tieing
<br />:
<br />my ITltent a+ grant te, nay s:ud attonlry :I f;rile r:.l fvm'l Ur act for ale nod 'ci :ay ht-Kill. ;rod ntd a limited or sptr•t. l power, limited to, the e;xr;ifie iota herein
<br />dew Mted
<br />Ili. Power of anarney effective notwithitawfing disability of principal; atnkitaow In of Bet after priate Amts death Until notice.
<br />�
<br />PuruentwtheprotafnaifthelnifnrmU-- aYoeVowITt•f Attorney Act. Ide:lace{ at1fj pttaiIrofattomeyshall notbeatinedbymydisabiifyorn.
<br />t
<br />capacity .an9Qatt:eauthnritygranted hereinsLaJietmtitfuedmingany periodwftileiafndh4ditedorin ayacitafcd .Further,punuanttosai3 ^xvtions,
<br />all Butts s- .dh!aiiy shall cmtinueafter m;i& -atk u-Lttittoticeofeuch deathcfu li havebeen evedby t ayatturtifysothatheh asactusIi=rwlrtlgeofthe
<br />factthO halv edied. Anyactiontakeningaexifiizhby�saidattameydmin{ jilitypenodwhiteitisuneertantwht,t he'rIamalive,beforeltetwfoi0tsactual
<br />1
<br />knowlidgeufmydeath. or. inanyemit. WYendrrin ganypeeriodwhileIctnelisabkdorincapacitated, stir) lixeiavalwasiflweteauve .coot�ent.and
<br />i�
<br />not dita v*&
<br />I
<br />Is ltTN'} t,S 1CI11Kt}t }. i have cvgrud ard ;rknuwkdKfd thi4 in.frument lhts day of -F-- e-b- ru v-
<br />I
<br />AAA
<br />..Albert A. Lindell
<br />I
<br />lifts f };OFNFHHA -,4KA
<br />HALL
<br />:
<br />Cf0 N'tii o
<br />February 88
<br />FIE: Flt Ei,�Utt'ti, t11:1. :r else �,�,�_� rLrr r,f .y _ . _ tv t.t..,.. - , ._ :::tt•, = :�---ci!
<br />Albert A. Lindell
<br />- -- -- - :Ih,•ie n.unerf uhn I, t„ rrte• lim..aII t•. L,- Ilia I. r•.aI ,iv mica In .InJ
<br />whnextr td the .fir.,rltlrnlZeF',a <r,f,%vivuet :aular thos.tmat„is- f, ;;,.rI-,ri••:unt.,n.at ;ir:dd••.?
<br />Iftf •i1f:SmNHN 7 KfFF?fli OF, f E•,i., NAtoutro, %utr+. -n`.,i my narrre and nf=ottr} my , :fiu_,; ,.•.11. ±h R.n acrd %tar I.c,t .Ili.. :ewrtu :1
<br />(seal) b/ : -r
<br />/�� My Conn. Expires:
<br />�i
<br />hJ
<br />;1
<br />