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<br /> � .< � � �N(K� AbL'MEt( SY� TBE38 PRBSENTS, That The Qverland Nat�oaal Baak of Gran�i le].nnd'y. � < , .
<br /> � a cos�ozatfou; tbQ parCy`o� the fiYSt part,' in catisid�ratipa of the, eum of Fiftyr{�Vd � . � • `
<br /> - - � •� , thousan� -txq hundred aad no/IQQ-------- -•=--�----- Dollars. t�, it� ia haAd paid by � . � '
<br /> ,
<br /> �-. � �►irsr Coawerce xartAaAa� Co,�p � � • �a Corporation;, the party of �he �
<br /> ; ; � s��aad. _trt, �ecpi4t__Khsreaf _fs hereb _ acknow �ci rd ttaa rastite$� assi ' ' `
<br /> __�.'_ - • - � . �' � 8,__: S _ � gned end . . � . . . . ,
<br /> � � ��, , � 'transfe�rsd sn�T, b� �hese p�eseats daes graat; aasfgn and �xansfer unto .its�eucceaso�rs � � � . . � �
<br /> , ; s�dt 'aeslgne,.�a' certaf.n T�ust Deed Whenia the �afd The Overland Natianal �ank of Gtepd � `
<br /> ' ; I�l�lnd_ is BEneficia;y. �Mssk L. Standagi��and Rhonda I. Siandage, b�ssband arcd it3f�� � �
<br /> ' � � is T�tuator, �snd Katiqaal 8antc of C�er� �rust and Savings AesocfaEion is Truecte�, . - • ' '�
<br /> ` � •�vhich Tre�t Dee� iras. dated the Sth day�vf � Atsgust � - `, �a9 9f� �. and recoxded� tht . ` � "
<br /> < <. . , _.,_.._ � .
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<br /> 'Re d a� . : 11 . r v=-iva-rniaavnv� u . _ .
<br /> . Cout�ty, Ne'braska a�rzi al� 'its-right, tit2e acnd intereet to , _ � '
<br /> - . ' �. tha psogeYty� �here:�.n dascribed. gs fol.laws, `to-�+�.[: � . ' . . � �
<br /> � ' . ' � ' _ . ` � • . . � . • ° . .
<br /> . , . . .. " � . . -
<br /> � TEe� Wlst 29.37�feet .o� Lot �t�ur (4) and the East 45.63 feeC of Lot Five '
<br /> .`, ` � _. �S}, Block E�.evea (l�.�r Parl�hill 3r8 Subdlvtsian, Ha11 County, Nebraslca. � � .
<br /> ., n . .. � '
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<br /> i . � . • � .
<br /> � .
<br /> � ` . �
<br /> , Together with ,the pramissory qate ther�in described, t►nd the money due or to
<br /> � . b�cowe �lue thereunder, �Civain� intere�t LhpTPrtla sub,�ect onl.y �o the proelsion� �''�
<br /> . of sa� Trust Deed therein COt1t31ned. . , . � :�
<br /> . IN iTiTNESS {iNEEtEOF� The i3verland National Sank of GrAnd Isl�nd. a c.orporation'. ; a'
<br /> ,� fias �aused thi$�Aeai�nment of Trust need to be'�xecuteti by tt� PreRident_ _ . ��°��
<br /> �•and attested by fts Sr. Exec. Vi�e President . and ite corpprate seal to be ; =
<br /> hereu��o:�f��xed this 8th day of Aut�uat , 19 90 .
<br /> ; •r � , .�. .
<br /> . y t o� `''' •f�� 'y � The Qver2and nticrn��t fla k o
<br /> '� .,�a�r '' . ' . � � n f Grand Lslund. .
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<br /> Qn thie 8th day of r__�� Au�u�st . 19 yQ , hef�re me ;t nc�tnry put�l ic doly �
<br /> commiasiorted aad quali£i�d Ln c�nd for �ald countv nnd ntate.�, pert;an�lly came ttie ebove
<br /> .. Kobere A. Korsis . , .
<br /> ' rnd � Thomas fI. . auec�s ..._._____.._____._..-._.._.�......_._.�.. -----. ------ - . . _ .
<br /> . of 7'tte Civerinnd Nntionnl Hank r�f �
<br /> � Graad Ieland. who �re personnl ly known t�y me to '��tt�� i�ent ical per�;ong Nt�vne nampy � �
<br /> Are af£ixed tca the o?�uv� Ah�fRn�ent �f Truc;t !?ee�! ns the f'resident
<br /> � and Sr. Fac�e. Vic:e Preafdcnt s,f sr�i.d re,rpnrattatt��►»d [l��y^ncknawledge the
<br /> . instruioent to be their valuntnry nct�arid deed �n�! tttc vu2us�tnr�t nct �nnd drrd af said
<br /> c3rporation.
<br /> WLTNESS my hnnd ���d E�Ifici�l �ea� �t ���'�nd iglsrtd, Nebra:�k� . in �nid
<br /> , co�nty, the date nEnr�flafd. ` -�"""s ���"�`"'�"'°'° .
<br /> �
<br /> � ' �NIMY 3Y1!N�o+'is1�� ` �,�r-� � r, � : ____ _
<br /> � I.QM D./1tNK� k . ' (�'�'' �'�`)'-`±-fi--�y�l�L-_ .....�.�.� .
<br /> �����i3� , t1ot,�ry E'utr.Zlt. �
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<br /> �. _ HY CCr@fISSIUN �XPIRkS: �� � �i�i .
<br /> �� HETURN T0: , .
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<br /> Grnr�c} I�Iand Abstrnct .
<br /> � Y.U�. 63c►x £xb� . � , .
<br /> GP,�rid �s�aiid• N� 688tf1 - - _ -
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