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<br /> � � : . � . - ; . . gQ.,,�. 1Q�56� , �
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<br /> . t ' ' .' , _ _ "'�. . � ��.� _ �
<br /> � NUt�t-UNIFORM Ct'�VENAI�t"i'S. BorraKer and Lender lorther rovenant:and agree as foHaws: � � ,� , �•
<br /> . :t � ' � `17•FottieiwMee lr�o�e.lt l,eM�r rtq�i�e.+ta��ediN�r py esed`U[oN aedet�rapi 9.t,nder ms�isvnke fle po�te . � .
<br /> ,�; -ot�Mr����otbet�s.A��k�iy a��1[raMr lrw.Le�der s�aU be eaUtkd tQ colk�ct ail cxpea�es i�wmed is put�i� ,
<br /> , q�e�e�e�ie��Ner liia pes�ra�R 17.�eel�iK,bd�ot i�ited td. �aso�abk altorncys'�ees a�3 cosis at title cvidr�ca
<br /> , �` 1f Nie p�iet of#aIe b I�votced.Te�te�sirdi record s�otWe ai'�ela�h b eac�can�ty iR�v�icii a�y pa�t ot t�e Pro�erty �
<br /> .. � , , is.�eNed a��M�1 co�ies of a�cl toti�e�tie siu�tr Nn�scdbeA 6Y��Ilabk la�r to�onower i�ta tlt attier prrso�s��� , _
<br /> - - - - � #�e����IesMt ls�r.;A�t�tfse rav��ed bg's�ble t:�,T�e.stt�s�St�c�[b�tc�et�e�+�s�k ta t�pe�ons — - ,
<br /> ° -� �Yii�t I�e�t�er�ti iy�Iie�}le b�r.?emqee.�rttYo�t deai�d o�Rorso�res,stia8 eeH t�e Pro�erty�I M61ic a�elio� ' . .
<br /> `. ; � � - M tiK MsMiN iiiie�r a!tie 1��til�sM�iYer t�e ten�s dai�ated i�tre�otke oi.sak i�we as oore psr�ui � .
<br /> � , �aujr�Ner Trs�tt+e leler�i■a.Ttiiee�uy posit�e sde oE�!1 or a��parcel of tl�c ProP�*�i'bY P�'����o���at . �� �
<br /> ; �tl�e�d/4ce a!�Y M���9 scieHle�aak,l.e�er or its deai�ee ssy��rrci�ir!ie Prope�ty at.uy sak '
<br /> _;` • � �M��Q�1��we�t oi the/rke ti�:7'nsta ah�aeliver to�e.pucruar 7nsta's deed.co�vr�tie Prapertg. . ' �
<br /> ,; �be retMtis if tie Tnst�+e9 deer araN ie�iis i�cie ev1'deic�oi tre trati o!tir�atesnts rtaie ftieiei�.Tr�Ree sf�t/�Iy �
<br /> �t.,: _-- - �i�il�f.�3:v{ii���'.i,�:�i�3 ta�-�"-e�'.�3 t�. t�`�ri—, i�:�i�r,-�-0�ri�K-i3riit�i-Qir�s�'si�rs===;=--=-��-'— .-_= _
<br /> i as l��M rY�Iaw aad,Rac►�ik sttorrtya•fees;tb)to�II sus secured bY tt�ls Setrtity[�stnreit:ard(e)aY ' � .
<br /> : � _ exeas to t�e ferteE oc�isoas i[�e�dtkd t�it. . , r,
<br /> k li.Re�coiveys�ot.Upon payment of ail sums sccured by th�s Security Insirument,Lender shali request Trustee to rceonvt�r
<br /> � ! the Pr�pperty and�halE sunrnder this Security Instrument and all notes evicl�ncing de6t secured by this Security lnstrument � .-
<br /> -: # � ta Ttastee.'Inistte shall rcconvey the Propetty.without warranty and without charge to the p�er�on ar�ersons legally entitted
<br /> , - ta It. Such.�et�on or persons shall pay any�ecotdation costs. , ,
<br /> , �? ��'!.-S�riM[tpe T�t:Lendtr,ac its option,may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a sacCesso�tn�stee to . ,
<br /> . 4 an�'��tsux p�oinEed�teteundtr by an ir�strumeat recorded in tlie county in which this Security lnstrutnent is�recardeit.Without � � .
<br /> � ` conv'ey.at�e�f t�he Property,the successor trustee�hall succeed to all the titte.power and duties conferred upon Trustee lterein �
<br /> ��nd 6y appii�*lc law. � .
<br /> . ". ' �.Re�est tor Notkes. Banower requests that`copies of the notices of default�and sal�he sent to Bonavler's uddress
<br /> � ' �. which�is the Prope�rty Addtess. •`Borrower furthec requesu that copies of the notices of default anr�_sale be sent to the pene� `
<br /> � set forth herein:' � -- �
<br /> ( . . � . .
<br /> ` ` � � Acaln�aUo�Claqse.Bonawer agrees that sho�td this Security instrument and che note securesf thereb��at be eligibie �
<br /> � �for insaranct under�the iVational Hausing Act within ��tq days ' from the date hereof.txnder may,at ;
<br /> � : its o�tion and notwithsta�v3ing anytbing in Paragraph 4,require immeQiate paymem in full of aq sur�s secured by thjs Srcurixy �
<br /> ` InstrWnent.A writ4cn stAt�ment of any au[horized agent ol'thc Secretary dated suhsequent to six�y days ' • ' � _
<br /> . from the d�te h�reflf;dtcliaing to insure this Security Ins[rument ant! the nc�te 4ecured thereh�;�hall be tleemed conclusive � -
<br /> , proof Qtsuch ineligibility.NotwithstaRding thc foregaing.this o�stion may not be cxerrised by Lendes when the unavaitability � � �� ��
<br /> •�_R:
<br /> � of.insuranca is soRely dut to Lender's failure to remit a mort�age insurancc prcmium to ihe secretary. ' ,
<br /> : - Riders�o�iMts Sec�rt�y fMStta�eNt. If ors+:c;r more riders are executed by BorroKCr and recarQed�together with this --
<br /> Security Instrument..ttre covenants of each such�rsfcr, shaq be incorparated into and sbaq amend and supplement the cavenants �
<br /> ` and agretments of this Security tnstn�ment as if the�ider(s)were in u part Uf�his Srcu�ity In�trument.(C6eck appticabte bax(cslj
<br /> F , -
<br /> � 0 Condominium Rider ��Adju�table Rate Ridcr � (�Growing�quity Etider �
<br /> � f 0 Planned Un:t dkvetopment Rider I._..:Graduaced Hayment Rider I_.��ther. -
<br /> � BY SIGNING HELO,W.Borrawer acccpts and agrees to the cerms cancaintd in this Seeurity In�t�ument and in any rider(s�
<br /> f executed by Bo wer and recor�dect with it. •
<br /> � Witnesse . �_ �._. '' :.�.
<br /> "f :._���E�!��Z�_ �
<br /> , ---- ---- -
<br /> � . ---� I:. SL�nd�ge �� (Seap , •� -
<br /> . k ' " � �SOfFOMC!
<br />- I •
<br />� f ��' � '
<br /> -=---- --- ..._..._�.._�:..-_-•__ -- � --__.. _�.._ .. _ . t�'c�_ . '. ----- -- , fall
<br /> ' R nda "�.-..StandaRe . �.. ." .
<br /> Fi��rruacr
<br /> .��,__._._ ..__.��...�!.�.__��_._.__._�..._(Scnl) � ' .. _ ._ _ _ . . . . (�cal)
<br /> . . ..H,muxcr- , ....,_� - - - . ... . _... _ _ _.,,.._ . . _. ,.
<br /> /'u;�•0 oJ I
<br /> . linrr��ucr .. . ...
<br /> ACKNU�L'l,EUCi;ItEiN 1
<br /> . . �/We, Mark L. Standage and Rhottda 1. Stnndage ,f•''t�ru+tor"1.undcr that ctrtain[)eEd af"1'ruti►dated
<br /> August 8, 1990 . ("UecQ af 'l�rust") tn he:entcred iatn amc►ng�ro�eor.Nat lc�nnl Ha�tk of
<br /> � Commerce Truee and Savinga AesociAtian. Z3th �nd "0" Street, t.inc�ln �S� 68508 , (�'Tru�tee"► anJ
<br /> The (?verland Nattonal $ank of Grand island 1"13e�icFiriary")co�crin�;�hr foll��uin�dc�cribrd prapeny:
<br /> " , LEGAG dESCRIWftUN• T�� ��st 29.37 feet of Lot �our (4} and the F.ast G5.63 �eet of I,nt Ftve
<br /> '(S), Block Eleven (11), Paxkh�l2 3rd Subdfvi�ion. Holl County, Nebrt�ska. '�-�---��
<br /> � �, hereby acknnwirdgcihat it is undtrstnod thnt(�)!hc Uccd of 7 rutit tu he crr�•utcd hy-I iUS�Uf 14 i1 I�USI(Jl'C(I�mcl rcut:�n�orzgadc ��
<br /> and(by the po+ter af s�1e pruiicleQ for in the Uecd of'1'rust pra�ides suh�ta��tialty diffcrcnt rigl�ts and uhfi�eatic.n�tn thc'Truci��r
<br /> .� � �han a mor�gage in thc event of a default of brrach uf obli�,atiun. �
<br /> ____ Truytnr Ae�nawledees that ibi` Acknnw�cdgntef�t �+as m�de�ri�r t��thQ e.��csf�ic�st c:f tls:!T�s=t "4z�e�s.
<br />. . � ted sed deliveved t i Fith day c�€ �u�; st . 1'� 9Q � . �
<br /> �
<br /> � � �� � :� �f_�� ti��� �=������ �-� �
<br /> • rustor M�rk L. St� dage �' �n�.� ! [ihonda I. Standa�;e � � t.,,
<br /> � t!+
<br /> tilate o! Nebrxsks�, Hall l'uunl� ��: .#•
<br /> - . 'thc fareg�irtig in�tcu�nent+aas�cknu�ctedk«t bciurc ma thic St1� � rt�f;t ss, r1u�;ast . 1y g(3 '= z-
<br /> . t�}i Mtiik �.;. SEanda�;e �nd Rhonda f. 5t�neia�;e. tius�and .�nd wf fc.• _ • _
<br /> N�'1111C41111y Ililllll auc!n • �tand_Island, Nebr�;vk.� ir� :.�r,!t A�tf11E'.. €h,•�latr�tr,,r����d.
<br /> f+flfR�l t1f11��Y�S!:ii�,!� •��r . �\ ,
<br /> ;�1!: cummission ewpire;: 4�186 PiElVRE ; I���•' LJ �=•��.s:.�.-� � �
<br /> �-�•`iE I��� M►ca�Eu s�ct�t�so.� �.,�:,•, �•:,�.- . _
<br />