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<br /> � • Nc�rt•Uk1FORMCOtr�NAN7SBortaaetandZ.mderfi�RhetCOVensntinda�raas�'oltows: � .
<br /> •. � " i! Aa�eia�iol�Re�ia.I�ier�id! d�r�to B�ower�tto scod�toy► ioliowi�Boeeowe�"s . .
<br /> �:M�a[ahr eo�e�art or�ea�t i�dik Se�t�Ia�est.tMt wt p�tar W acceienttos r�dcr�pr�pis!3 t�i i� ` `' '�'.
<br /> MtJ��bit b��o!jiat o�h�e).Tte�aMkt�I!s�ecifj�:t�}d�r�khiE�(b)tiit aetios re�N to arr t�e � . .. . � �
<br /> ` �tc}s dibe.�ot leM dpai 30�tTs frow tie iate�ttie��otke It�+�e�to Harra+�.b9 wtikl�ti�e�tt�art bt e�re+� '
<br /> '� �l(U tl�t bit�t 6s erre tre�elf�idf oi1 or ielore t�e i�te qect8s�f�tye antke aq tYnit i��a�ti�e ss�M� ` . . .
<br /> : . . �t�c��i i�r tl�s S�ciaih i�tt�a�t�■i�of tie Pro�tr Ttie�otke sfuY!f�rditr[atarr Becrewa ot't1�e ri�t to� , � '
<br /> r�i�fat��lber st�de�o�arii tt�ri�t ito�ri�a��t a�tfo�ta�iieit tMe�oa�e�istt�cc�df�de�Snit rr sa��s' � - - - � � -`,
<br /> " , �iel�i�a�e�t�eee+�n►er tio��sde Itt1e ieta�lt i��ot i�..'•+e!oe or klort tk i�te�ei&a i�tl�e uomite.Le�iee � , , , . : .�
<br /> . � ` �ib artlor wnr re�ire i�e My�at b�hQ ot�U�s��d bl tris Secrrity I�n�t sitio�t f�tLer . .
<br /> •'i�t aM�t�ia�eice tY�Mwer ots�ie iui a�r aeier r:aeiiea ia�ttterl 8�a�tcab�e 4w.Iariet ei�tt�re cttitk�to . . `.
<br /> ` erM�et�es�e�es i�e�re�t i!�f�e e!ereiies fnatiiel ia>d�is��11l, t�Rwli�;lwt �et lisite!to. . �
<br /> '. ° �i�e atl�r�ri'te�t■i ea�s alHtk rrfieue. � , ° . • ..
<br /> : � �lis l�sw�e�at s�k 4 i�ro�e�..�rw e��.�4r���af�t t�a�k cor��is_wUc�a�_!at ot_ttie— . _ _ —_:_--_
<br />_ --- = —=
<br /> __— _
<br /> -�re�eee����i�7i-�uif oo�es otsici aotke iE tLe a�aet�rariibed 6y a/��cibTe�ir to�wer gi iu�
<br /> o���raer�b�na�s��.we�n�e�re�a�y a�Cawe r�R,r�.me�aau d.e�■odce or ; - �
<br /> ' �ic to!�e ler�ors i�b tie wi�et p�t�aLbei bl'a/Nk�bje 4w.Trata.wit�o�t des�ed oe Boetowtr,siaU ui!t�+e ''
<br /> � �b+�ertY,K/�ie a.ctto.to tie fi�t M//et�c et�e tit�e sM�ba a.i�tl�e ter�s d�u�d t�tye eoti�e o€sak is . .
<br /> � � e.e or Mors/�eN a�i�aRr erd�lr T�cee deter.t.a.Tr�ee s.y rostpo�e�ate of att a u�y�.rcet at ctie Pm�esey by
<br /> - : � .:. �.lile ri�onas�c at eie ttwe ssd�oe ot ar K�r�du�rieA s.k.i.eader o�ics datpec s,�y wrdr�ae tie � �
<br /> • 1�i�trtr�t a�y riile: ` .. � �
<br /> ` ` . Ufa�retefM�o[My�t�t af tie�rioe Wi.Tratee s�alf delits�to tl�t 1�TrwRee's deei cor�rzyitr�tbt . .
<br /> Pee�f�.'[tit rrtitds i�ti�e Trwtee'i�ee��Mll!e�tiiq lack etNe�te M ttie trnt6 oi ttie shtc�b wad�e t1�a�ela. . ' - � � .
<br /> Tr�t�e idl��ly!��notee�r of tMe�le t�tk folfowi��orier.(s)to a!i e=�e�es of tbe a�i�ct�ii�,Mt iwt li�ited � �
<br /> ta.?rt�te's t�as p�ra�tt��}ar�syttca5k 1ss and rea�oasble otiarr.�ys'�tex(b?to s!!s�ttas sseasr@ by t6fs Sr�rity. �
<br /> IMtnwew�s�i(e)�y exeas to the pefsoe oe/e�+r teg�lly ea�tltkd to i� " ,
<br /> , 20.Lewdtr is Pa�iow.�Ipe� acce2eration undet par�gtaph i9 or abandonment'of the propetty, txnder(in _ .
<br /> perscm,by a�t or by judicially_appointad rectiver)shall be esttitled to enter u�n,take passsssian of and manage the
<br /> Praperty er►d to coflect ihe t�nts of the Property intluding those past due.Any rents collected by Lender ar the receicer -,
<br /> sball be.appiied first to payment of the costs vf m;�gement oi'the Propeny a��coltection of rent�s.including.but nat •
<br /> ' � • limite�to,rectiver's ftes.premiums an receiver's'Mcndti and reasonabie attorney�fees,anQ then sa�hc sums sa:ured by .
<br /> , tbis Socurity Instrument. . . . ' ,
<br /> 21.Rtco�teyil�ce.Upon paymes�t of all sumc secured hy this Security tnstrumenr.ti.ti;nder shaU requat Trustrc to . .
<br /> �retonvsy tht Ptoperty nad shall sunatdet this Stcurity.[nst�ument artd alt notew evidenctng debt�urcd by this Securily • � '
<br /> InstNtrknt ta Ttuslee."i'rus[ee shsli reconvcy.�he Pr��pcny without warranty and wuhnut ch3rge co the person nr persons
<br /> teg,atly entitled tn it.5uch person or persc�ns st�31{pay any ruordatinn cc�sts. '
<br /> � 22.SrMtlt�te Trwtta l.enQer,at its aption,may fram 1�me tc►ume rernove 7'rustee flnd apperint a succesu�r lrustte
<br /> to any Trust�e sppainied hereunder by a�n instntment reccrrded in the ecrunty en a hreh th�s Secunty In�trurnent is rerardtd. � �-
<br /> Withaul conveyance of tbe Prapetty,the succtssar trnstee shall succerd[a all the utte,power artd dutitc conf'erred upon , -
<br /> ?rustee hc�stin and by applieabte lawf.
<br /> 23. Itq�est fot NWiee�.BorruwCt tequests Ih�t capiey nf the nvl�ces af detnult and sale be sent tc► Hart�wet•s . - -
<br /> ' address+�rhicb is tbe Yrc�percy Addras- � •
<br /> I4 Rlien to ttiis.�'itcurity l�seM�IPonc or mUre nders are exe�uted by ik►rr��w�es and recordee!togeiher w�th � __
<br /> � Ihis Security Instrumtn�,�he covcnants�nd agreer.��nts of each wch nder s6a1)he�n:or�+�rated rnt�and�hall amend and
<br /> • svppkment the covenmts and agneements c�!t:`.:�5ecunty Inslrumcnt ac if the nde�(c) wtre a part �f thi9 Stcunty
<br /> Instrumcnt.[Check�pplicable box(es)j
<br /> " �_ [_; Atl;ustabk R�te Rider ;,:; t'�mdt�m�ncur� R�der. �.; 2--�i N'amily Kider . .
<br /> (,� Grad�ateQ Pa;ment Ric�rt ;�; Plartned Unit [lc�rtc�pncrnt R�Qrr , �
<br /> �J Qlhtftg) �5trec�fY} _A�_r�
<br /> Qv S�txNIHr, BE�.ow. Norruvrrr acceptc aud a�;ret: tu the tern�ti and ti�+�enamt �omameQ in th�� Securqy �'
<br /> . lnsupment and in any r�dett+)execu:e�by i3��sroNer�nd rea�rdrd aitb it
<br /> �.�!�!�! ..J�'�r` ���f.Qt�O�'" ' "�� ,Jf`E��Gl.�;,, . ESCJ{j
<br /> Ann Hoolck � T _ are�'. �+ce c�f.. ��"°`�' •
<br /> ,
<br /> _ . .. . ....... _ .-- -- - -� • � ---- ._ . . _ _.. __. ._. _.. . .. .. .. .. . . �
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<br /> . .. ....... .. . C,a ��in �. I rsv�lGk� �. ,�.a+e�
<br /> tit,a�1 ��F Nt Nk���n. H��11 („iin�� •.-.
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<br /> {Jil tflt� 8L�1 c#J� c�) �UL�U�,� .(`T-�� . i:r�iV� �R.. 1t:� u��ticl�ri�i'�ril. ,� '�,�f.irt I'ut+h.
<br /> r . .
<br /> . . (�UI�l�)1�111I11��1(i11C�Iiill�I(�U;lIt�4L'lI ft7t�+.11{Ilillllll�.,n,�.�,ualtti �,us�� 11nn Hocick. .�:s u�married person. ��nd - .
<br /> . Yheador� �. ({UC�C�4 ��nd t�atS�;�n �. E�Of3�C�(. �1USf1ii[td ilfld 'ril�C' , tt��t:c b;n.�:ti�� ti�/� tl�� : _`-_-_
<br /> .IL�Cil�tl`i� (tl'Ct�111+'ti� tL(Ill�( 7�,Itpl'�til .1JL' i11��:Ct[��Ct� (tF l4'IC ((�1�:'ielliL Ifi�ltti(I7f`IIS .f11tf.;t_�(I•+::�:t��`:s� !flt� !�`i:'lil���i . .
<br /> �hrrcof ro he ��Q=r �ielllTit�ii� ���t c�rtEl.t,c.1
<br /> Wititc,�ni} han�!i,n,t�wt.�r�al.c.�t.�t Gr�n� Islar�d. fld�k�Ti35k� �u�.r�i,:,��;�t�.,.�L•�
<br /> . xl�t<:€���--:te�- '' . . _
<br /> , f*'. t`� . �
<br /> � 11� C�,rnru�„►ori c�l���rr•;if i � �• . . . 'f' .. . !.'- .
<br /> ��y� . � ,.� e �. �,,ri j !'�.f C� [�_.
<br /> , �1�11�1�'�A�� s•� •� ': . t• :
<br /> M![�A.6�LOE11 I.E,al;14! 1E►k Kt < t�•vt`k 'e t'�c ! �
<br /> I�h��,GtN�R t!M
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<br />�. . Fit[litit�Cf�ii;tfCu� f�S�r.f�:���•,-t v�: i�:c tit�ti i�� h:•k�•. ..nt:.i � ;��r- fi.•�e{ i�t �i:: t ��r.i �r : � �- . .. . , �_rrr,r •�.
<br /> [tlt�;:tjF+%iRt:F�liit:h�ic�Ei;: s wZii!`l';.�:?�ir•.�7.i�4r•. �:'�r,t.li.e_, �-.�i,�:c..� . . _i. i °�. . . -.1�. .I� , • - :�:.. t• i � —_
<br /> .. rEn`�r�r ti�,;�� .trr,l tiE�4 !i._vE ��i E::rr. ��I�r,�� at: �i:L�.r:,f .._,.�t,. .���.t . ,_ ._. !. ..n?. ,i� t._ ..�� _, ... :� . . . ..
<br />. �t!r:4 f!CIf� E`� . !# ail:.�"t :Rir.� ��il.t� .i{ �(ei�.t . ;:' {� s-.� !� .,t i� . ._ '.. . , . . � .r'.. ' � -� �
<br /> � I I�Ft_ - � , �
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