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<br /> �,`�. , < _ � �1! �R.L !� tT �� �1'�s t,A�Is � !1._�.� ��e s�at_94�! ifas�n ` - .- --- - ,._,�_�--
<br /> . . �rtw. O�a'. ,b .d2S2�� 4o h�t�br r�fnat�. canst.itut��rrd�ppoinL diAE OtR.ta. qoir =�idf+�g � � .
<br /> . a� 3?A M�xscv* Stswrt�'E�arx! Z�Lt+d, M�s �`�ru�a�d 1wfc�I attarnep 3es�a�ct,�_!ar ��and in ' . . . ` . `. .
<br /> � wY nant, plaee �nd sb�d. ind for �r u� ead bwt�ff� , ' ' � �
<br /> r . , , � ., .. . .
<br /> A. Ts ll�eaiw O�ti� �/Parw�ts. Ta ask� d���nQ, suf for,-r�cawr� call�ct an� � � `f ., .
<br /> : . � ` r�iY� a]3� �t7e�1 lu�l! Ot !e�r�*_4�bls�__d�s_�_.�z_�__�a-_it�tlt�lt} diMid�rda. :--- � _ _._._ , • `�
<br /> ------,_ — � _�- - - -�- -- ---- -� :. �--- r-_
<br /> ' �t�q��Ii��Dr!^���f� �t1�II'�I1C� 6�1lf�t! �fd d�� Y�sMtfaY�L' SS iYA f1D91 Qr �It�ll ' , — .�
<br /> . � �lM��R b�� ��OY�i1�.�lb�,tr aT. br1Q1Q�fl9 td /! iCid�1t11�� �fy illd'E�k! il� u�U�'•Ytyl� � • '
<br /> - , sM �ns in�y rn�or ottrr�i.s� tor �t4� r�cawsy tf�r�ot, b�r attad�w�b. �rrh�s. �istsasi or - . �
<br /> , � , othrrriM a�d iCo co�prq�iss��nd s� for tt� saw� �nd giva �cquitt�ness or ot,F�rr��u►tic�nt , , .
<br /> dSach�rgRS snd re1�aN�sE � . , .
<br /> � � - .
<br /> 1 � 8. ?0 0�1 MitA Psapst�. . For M �d in �ay na�e, to �akr. acaaste uid d�Iiwr, ta � � .
<br /> - ,�. . ��►r ��. �� f�s �• r�aiv� ard �ak� Iands, and all or ury fnbrt+e�it. iri
<br /> . psaQprtY ard �ac�pt t.he pass�sim ot �3I I�nds md el,�. ar arry int�rnt !n'PrapertY: �ca�i s21 �
<br /> de�ds �nd othlr �awrancss in th�e lar th�retclre a*�ta, leaae. let, dssise. bsr�a�'�� ss21,
<br /> r�l�, canvrY. �ortg�9� �rd 4rypotfNCat� 1�.an0 �?3 or eny interest iR�pxo�st� s�por.►-�uets . .
<br /> � tu�� ar+d oanditions �nd undsr �eh cown�nts � ahe sfiaii thir�c tit, irrespsctivs af '�tr atate •
<br /> .` �ithin rhich aaid Prop�rty ia loc�ted� � � - '
<br /> ; . .
<br /> � - C. �o Ca�d�t �aitlpa. Aldo to basgain •nd sgre•s lors buy. Sall, .��ortgaga.
<br /> , nypoth�est. .n�g ir► .ny .nd svssy rsy �rtd .arxwr ersi in snd �ith cpode. rarss and r��rctw�dis�. • .
<br /> ahoM in �ct3oni �nd ot,h�r�prap�rty !rt pus�ri.�n or �n �ction, and �a ��ka, do�er� �rar�m�et �1l. . �
<br /> �ewry kic�d ot businns ot r�ats�a�nr ns�a;ss �nd kLx1�
<br /> ,
<br /> . L. To �x�cut� it�lrw�ntar p2�o for �0 srufi �.^ �y na��. arid as wt act arM tle�, ta � . . .«
<br /> • siqr, s��l, aucuts� Qellver end ookno�ledg� sust+ de�a� 2es�es, martgages� hypothsc�l�iorr�, � ��
<br /> ' ' bi3�s, bonds, noteE�, rec�lpts. evidnnce ot d�bt, raleaesa ar.s� sstietaction ot ms�rtgaq�, : �°
<br /> ���rtts �ttd otttsr O�bt��t�d euch oth�s �nstruM�nta in �riting at r�hatsaev�r kind anA natuie ss
<br /> ;. My 6o rt�cess�sY os pioper in th� pr��i�si
<br /> ,
<br /> `. E. To 0■r! Yith �r�tc Ae:�ounts and Qpo�it aa�t�s Also to mekG �ithdr���ls frc� or
<br /> ' � d�pasits En sny D+�nic acec:inL or a�yinq� or lo�n eccant or other e�sh eccunt !n my nt��= and to
<br /> � '�e�tre uid.h�us tre,e acces� to any sate deposit �ax in ny naee for tt�e puspo�c►f �ddtng PlOperty �
<br /> � thn�tt�o; re�oviag pro�rty th�selro�,�
<br /> � f. To RatiTy 1kts. Giv3ng and gsanting unto my 9�lA attarn�y in Pact tu21 pc�9cer �nA
<br /> , I�uthority to ab �nA p�rlor� eu�ry act nsees��zy� requiaitr ar prap�r to 6e da� in�nd atMUt ths
<br /> pr�aia� aa fully as I a►ic,�ht or cauld da if parannally pr.ese�t �Sth tull �rrss of suh�Cit�tion
<br /> arid r�oc�tlon, Mr�by ratftyfng rrtQ corsfir�nin4 al2 th�t mti� �ia etcorn.r �iz ia�r�ixy ao or
<br /> cauni to b� dorw by victu� h�r�of� � , '
<br /> . ' G. To !!r E�/ttiM I��Wy �rd bdsw Oifhbilitr. TNis poraer ot �LtornEy sh�ll �°��
<br /> not b� att�cttd tsy dlsat�ility at tRp pF�r�ci�al. (Un;farm F►utable �a�er �t ALtorrtay Rct, !�. �
<br /> RRV. St�t. �3�1-2681. et. s�u�) ,
<br /> � M�CTIE�S MpEff, I hav� hereunic e:�d my naMe t.�fs -�'�1;1 csuy o.* Rt1�'J3tt 1�','�.
<br /> � � � !� ` . .
<br /> --�� ,.f�� E 6��. �; c��,ry-�
<br /> ----'--
<br /> � �.orr,p . oo2r.on
<br /> STIfTE QF NE+�A"sKl! ) ' � .. •
<br /> � } aae .
<br /> CUINTY flF N.ALt )
<br /> � Qn tt±i� ��d�isy oP pu�iot� 1�;�p, t�etpra �a th� tmctflr�icyt��t1 �dotery �blic, �ersnri�2Iy
<br /> . sppeered Ceosge ft. UtflEon� knor�h to mp to be thd pvr�a'r► �hasa nar�e� f� subscrit�ed to eho
<br /> _ lnr+igoir� lra�trun+ent, an:f arxrsn�ie�� tr�sr r,� e:.,�,�*� .� '..�,� �_r �....;_....._____ . _ .
<br /> cmteinM. , - ��-�� L�z='afr. .
<br /> IN UlltlV�'5$ C"F���F� I hpr�ntn set ny h�►r�A qrs� offlcfal �eal.
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