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<br /> � . � . � �, �� = � � � � .� . . � � _ �. � ��a-- �o���+s ; t . �: � ; �,.
<br /> .�11�IlD��fi QDVENAMS. .�0�[DIYR irid I�lntZC�CtfvellillE iAd�atet is f611o�irS: . ,
<br /> � ' ` � 1. ��!!of Pri�iW nM tata'w�P�ya�t Yi LstR� 8onro�rer shall p�nptly p�y wlita due �"E` � . -
<br /> „ tbc p�ncip�l trfu�d iuere=t on the debt r�idenced by the Nae aru!suY Pr�Y�t anQ tite ch��rses due undet the Note. , ' � � � � ,
<br /> __ _ , 2. ��1rir Ta�s arQ t�f� Sub�ect to�ppticabk isiu ar�o a writcrn�vaiver bp�,q��#rr.�eorrorres sball p�y � �
<br /> '� - .
<br /> : ' i�t I�eidar cn tlrrdaY maRthi�r t�Yn'�nts`uc dur ar�tier the Nart�unrii the Nac�is p�rd ia fu1�a suta�"F�s"�agu��c- - .. --._: . . . � ._ .S __ `
<br /> a�atwdRl�of:(s}ye�riy ta�a�nd as�ts�nai�s wrtricli a�ay stuin priority aver tAis.Securi[y instrument; (6)qarlg � � .
<br /> . . �I�old p�ts ot �rouad [enEs m thc pt+operty. if atsy; (c} ypTly hanrd insunnce preRniums;and (d)yeuty ° �
<br /> ° � , wortWe�ncx pr�iums,itaay.'I'lxse icam.ue callea'•escro�items."1.an�es may estimue the Fund;due oe tbe .
<br /> 6�is af airr�t�w�d r�oati6�e estitrt�tes dfuture acm�y itetns: � , � . �
<br /> . ?be,Fae�ds shd!be bdd in m institution tlic deposits as a�ccounts of which ase insured or Sumnteed by�fQd�at at � . �
<br /> . , : ,
<br /> -=---. ----�te.a�mC�eGnc1��Le�der-iiLandes-i��h��-�taEitkt�-�sst$ee�.:3s�:t-s - ��ra�•� •t�se�:acr--�-=_.------ -—_ -
<br /> ----- f��J►-� �r
<br /> ' � ., l�der apj►Aot cLar�e Wr boldi��a�id applyins the Funds,ar�slyring the accnunt or vcrifyina trie escrow itan�,unles� � �
<br /> Le�Mler Psys HorroMa�iat�erat ae the Fands and applicable h�r'pernnits Len�kr to matcs such,a charae. BorroMer ax�d � � � '
<br /> � � , Ld�der m�y rp�in�vri�that iete�a�t thall be paid oa the Funds.Ualess an ygeanent is m�de or applicabk lawr ` � � � �
<br /> �. ; t�equira iMerest w b�p�id.I.ender sbalt�tie requirtd to pay Borroxer any interest or earninas ort tl�e Funds.t.encfer �
<br /> . tl��ive tp Borm�ver,�ntl�out ch�r�sn umu�!arcaustina of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the . � �
<br /> . p�rpo�e for Nt�aeh dtbit to tbe Fuads vas msde_.7'he Ftmds are pledged as additionai sxurity fot thesums ucurod by � �
<br /> t1�SecucityIastrumatt. .
<br /> ' , � � Utbe amooat of the Funds bdd by t�enAer,to;ether v�ith the fufnre tnont�ly poy�sents af Fands psysb[e priar to�
<br /> ' tbe��e ditecuf tlree�mw items,et�ali exceoci tht smaunt roquired to pay the escra�v itrms whrn due,tht excas ahaA be. �
<br /> it Borro�ner't option,ritlier prtxnptly rep�id to Hurroxer or creclited to Borroxcr an mon�hly psyments6f Funds.IFtlse
<br /> aaioutrt of tbe Funds hdd by Lender esnes sufficient to pay tfee escrow items wben due.Barrowa sh�ll p�y to Lenderany
<br /> aafount tie�essary to msfce up the def cicncy in one or more paymtntg as required by i.ender.
<br /> - � ' , � ` Upbn paytnptt in fut!etall sums secured by this Security Insttumeat.I.rnder shall pramptly refund to Borro�rer . �
<br /> any Futwk!ie{d by Lendet.If yndet paraanph�l9 the Property is sald or acq�ired Ay i.ender.Le.ader shall apply.na Isier
<br /> thao fmmedi�tety prior to the ssle of�he Froperty or it;ac�quisition by Lender,any F�snds hef�a, :.cnder at tbe time of � �
<br /> � appiication uacrodit a6ainst the sumssecurcd by this Security lnstrumene.
<br /> ''. 3• A/l1le�tk�o�Psywe�ts. tjntas applica�Ie taw pravides othervvise.all psymenis recavcd by i.ender unde� �
<br /> � p�ti�rspl�1�d 2 sha11 be appfied:6r�l.to Iste charges due unQer the Natr,secos�d.co prepaymenc chsraes due unda the •
<br /> No�e;third,to amounts p�yibk under pan�raph 2;faurth,to interest due;and last,to principal due. .
<br /> " 4 �I.inw. 8orrower shall pay aQ taxes.usessments,charges,fints ana�mpasitions attribut�bte to the � �
<br /> ' �'�,�trty wt5e�miy atc� priority.aves this Sec�iy Inatrument. and leasehold p3yments or gra�nd �sis, ii any.
<br /> �Ort��rst t1at1 p�y tAea�.�tisations in lhe msnner�r�ovidrd in paragraph 2,rs;�f aat patd m that manner,S.�a-owtr sh�ll • --
<br /> p��them on tieee dinxtty tu the petsan awed paymtnt.Rc�rrower Shall p�omptly furn�sh to l.e,��fer all rt�ti:r.�ePsa:�unts � _
<br /> toiyepud and�.t this pangnph. If Borrawer malcts these payrrsents directly.Bnrrower shali prnmptly fam�sh�ta E,ersder
<br /> reaipaevidenc.tina the p�yments.
<br /> 8orrwvetshal�promptly dixhar6e any lien which has pr�anty over th�s Secunty Inctrument un`cs�: Borroxzr.la)
<br /> � s�rees in writinjto the p�yment M'theubli�tion secured by the hrn�n cr mannev atceptabte ts�l.ender.(bt.•�ntests in g�: d �
<br /> t�itb tbe lien by,ot Qetends sEtinst enforcemmt af the tirn in,tegal prcxeedings which m the I.endei s c►pim�►n aperare to
<br /> pr�avmt tha enftxcement of tht lien or forfeiture of any�an of the Prapeaty:ar(c)scc res fram the h��:Jeo �B the Iten an ��
<br /> a�teNnetU sl�tisfi�ctory to i,ender suborde.aa:tng the lien t��th�s Security MstrumeM. tf l.endcr determin�that any pan c+t t
<br /> Ihe Praperty is subj�ct to a fxn which a:sy attun�:r�oruy over thic 5ecuni} E:,ytrumcmt. L.enCer mal. ���e Barrouer a .
<br /> natioe idratifyirj the lim.Bc�nowet shall sAtt9fy th-l�en�:take�nne ar mm,c:r>.�te acuans set forth abc�4c withio 10 days
<br /> af the�ivin�of nati�e.
<br /> , S. Ha�r�Iwra�e, 9ortaa�rr shall keep the improvemrnts naw ea�stmg c�r hereafter erect�on the Prpflerty
<br /> ' inwred apinst 1o�t by 8rc.hsurd�ir�rf,�3td withtn thr term"Cxtrndcd coverage"anQ ana�rnher hazrrds for whseh L,ender ,
<br /> • tbq�tires insunnce. This imur�nce sh�S} be rrta�ntain,zd �n the amnuntc and for the peri�ds�hat 1.{ncfcr rcqu�res The
<br /> ��tsMae carrier pruv�dinE ehe eas��ranrt�hatl he ct�c►sen by f3c�rraa�er su�l�s t<�I.ender'c appmval w��sh sh�Ii nat be
<br /> �aa�anaWy aithtxld. ��,
<br /> -- Ati ios�ranct poti�iea�nd renr�sSs shaTl be acr;e�tiiebtt to txnde►an3 shail�nc1cQ: y s�andard mongsae cf:�use. '"1
<br /> I�e�der du!!hsve the riaht to hoid thc p�licies and renew3ts If l.ender reyuires.Hcirr:;xc>sttaU promptty a�ve ta 1Lrnder
<br /> . al!rooeiptf of p�►id premturte�and tenewal notice�. In the event of toss.�torrnwer shsll g,tie prompl noi�ce to thr insurance �
<br /> csrnier u�d i.e�xfer..Ltndet s�sy mtkr pr�rc�1'�f l�ss�inot m�de prom�tly by F3nr-vwer.
<br /> � iJnless 1.ender and 8otrower c►�herwise 3gree m writmg,insurance�.rr�e�s shall br appl�ed to r�.t:�r�tiun c�r ropa�r
<br /> olthe Propetty damsaed.iflhe te9tateuon or repa�r�e ec:nnnmtc,�!'}�feas�hle aed t.ende.�'Y��curuy r.s ncs�IessencC lf the
<br /> taWr�tion ot t�►ait is not economiCatly fea�ible a: l.eodrr ti�ec t;riT�wuutd be lessenrd,t�:t insurar�ce praceed�►s:�a6�tx �
<br /> applied td the sr►ms�ecurecl t+y this Secusrty Instrum�nf.whether or n�t tfaer�due.with any e�cess p�ud to de�rrowtr. IP �-- ... . ... . . .
<br /> 9amMer�b�r�dons t:�e Pr�ny.or does nut an�.wer with�n 3Ct cfays a nc��uc f-om i,ender th�t the rnsusance carrtu hss
<br /> deted Wstttk sc�aim.therc Q.ender mby r��llcct the�nsurance prc�cercii �.er�der m,�y usc the praceMs 1a repa.s or«stote
<br /> tbe Proptfty or to piy sums securtd by 1ht�Ser:urtty Instrumtnt, whcther ar not then d��r The 3�day pcntx��ilt btg�n
<br /> w�hen the notice i�6iven. ' '
<br /> Uekss Lender and Bo�rower otherwise agree u�wnt�ng,nny a�►phcut�nn uf pruccrds to pnnc�pal shall nat e�tend or
<br /> pO�tpOflt lheduecfate OPth�tYtonthly paymentc�e.fettcd t��nparagraphs 1 and 2 nr changt the amr►um��f'the payrtsents.lf
<br /> under pa��r�ph 19 the Propeny is acywred by l.encie�.lk�rrnwer'�nght tc�y an±, tnsnrance pc�ltcics and�r��ds re�nit�ng
<br /> . ltpnt dluo�e to the Properiy pr�or to thc acsc�uis�tion�hal)pacs 1n I.cn�irr tE�the e�eent c�!'�he sums secu►rd by thts Seeunty ,._._-�-_-
<br /> tnstrumtnt immMia�tly prior tathe acqurc�tion .
<br /> . i Pte�ettatkt�aa/M�J�h�sntt o4 i'toNerf�r;l�tasthofQt. [k�tt��wer shal{nnt dc�stcuy,damagr nr suAstantially
<br /> ehut6e Ihe Pcoperty.altaw the Prup�riy :u detenurate tir cu�r�m�t c►a�tt lf this 5ecur�ty Instrument�a un a teasehuld.
<br /> • BtNrowerslullcomply with th�pravts�ons�tth:tea�e,an�!�flt�rru��r�cqu►re,f'ee��tte t�►tfie Prvper�y,the leasehvtd an@
<br /> fa utk�hall nM mer�r unteu Lendcr agices w the tnergu�n a ntrng.
<br /> - ' � �w.i:� ::�L�:.�:.z`s iti�� iu i� :rv�eri3; .ivri�e �nsar�t�ce. I� iinrrnwer f;nfs tu perform the �i
<br /> cavenantsandagreementsec+ntauted tn Iht�5e�+�my ln4ttur�er�t.�r tf►ere is a�e�a��er,u;e�drng that may s�gruficantiy a�'ecc
<br /> � Lentke's nahts en ohe Praperty tsuch es a prc*rpedmg ir� bankrupte�. pr,�bate, k,r c<,ndemriahnn c►r tc► enfane l�ws nr ��
<br /> [t�utati0ns),Ihen t�ender may daand�+ay f�r whate�er is uc�ec�:atL tc►�,r,�tt4�the�aiur c�f the Fr�•perty an�I.ender's nRAts
<br /> tn the Pro(?etty. Lender'r.ac��or�s m�y�nclude �3�uiR ariy surns�.c��cr�i hy a tr�n �hich ha+p�wt�!} nett th�s SCcul�ty •, h'
<br /> tt�sttument.appeanng in cc�urt,paying rtasc�nable�ttc�rne►�c'fet+a��d entere=�g or�Ehe Prn�,ert4 tc>msi�e re�+airs Atthuugh ���
<br /> Lendt�may take art�on uncter th�s�ragr��h 7.i.eader c���cs n�zi hatit tf��fu�c� .
<br /> � Any amvuntsdnbuixct��Len�icr�ndes ch«�asa�r:►�!:?c*�t1 lsr,+�rr,e aci:S}{tf�ii�i�i.�e�+i f�f t3rr���wer�e�ured hy t6r� _ ..
<br /> Secutify.insleti�enf.t^nless Nr,it:vati�iii�i d e�s.#er a�ree��•f�il:cr te�rr�c E,f fi},�e:a:::.t!rr.e:irroE•:�R::e chsll t�ar is►treect lrans
<br /> the d�[e at dcshurscmcnt ao tfie tic+te ra.e u�td �fta13 t�c r�r.►'-►c. ai�h mrerecr. �..�E�:�r, ►�nti,e fr��tn 1,-t�ci�r t:� N� rr��ues
<br /> raqueshng paymenr ,
<br /> ��
<br />