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r <br />Mr- 1419344 <br />had been taken. <br />38. Recording and Filing. Trustor, at its expense, shall <br />cause this Deed of Trust and all amendments and supplements thereto <br />at all times to be recorded and filed and re- recorded and re -filed <br />in such manner and in such places as Beneficiary shall reasonably <br />request, and Trustor shall pay all such recording, filing, re -. <br />recording and re- filing taxes, fees and other charges. <br />39. Loan ZXpenses. Trustor shall pay all costs and expenses <br />:1n connection with the preparation, execution, delivery and <br />.,-,performance of this Deed of Trust, the Related Loan Instr=ents, <br />`and all other docamentatien evidencing and securing; tke <br />ek:'ted�ess„ , ; . . „ feeinclti .dx,,�L se4.ggt__ : <br />' its. nd Be efcjCz "s rs:rts i,. h ciL , ee , . cif <br />i r <br />-inspectiqn ] mpl,i�I <br />. , . `CO$ts aii "exim, s <br />c , <br />apps is , PC i "fee ;•t34` tLa s nsuran ate t:���r� , ct�,it�1.�+`ix1-� <br />xami aiticn ariCaa�' iAbi <br />, <br />:: insure ce, arid busineis" �.r�:t stption and io as of rents insurance. <br />Vhe maximum amount for whic)r> ".'At6tor shall be responsible for the <br />fees and costs of the'apprdi44.k shall be the sum of $20500.00. In <br />this connection, Trustor agrees that it shall cooperate and assist <br />the appraiser in all reasonable respects, including furnishing the <br />existing appraisal to the appraiser, and assisting the appraiser <br />with travel needs through the use of Trustor's airplane. The <br />maximum amount for which Trustor shall be responsible for <br />attorneys' fees of Beneficiary shall be the sum of $2,000.00, plus <br />j <br />reasonable fees, if any, relating to assuring reasonably clear <br />title of the Trustor to the Land. Provided, however, that the <br />{{ 3 <br />dollar limitation of the foregoing two (2) sentences shall apply <br />Lam_ <br />only up to and including fte date of closing of the loan. <br />w <br />40. No Representatiez:t by Beneficiary. By accepting or <br />approving anything required to be observed, performed or fulfilled, <br />or to be given to Beneficiary pursuant to this Deed of Trust, <br />including, but not limited to, any officer's certificate, balance <br />sheet, statement of profit and loss or other financial statement, <br />survey, appraisal or insurance policy, Beneficiary shall not be <br />deemed to have warrr-nted or represented the sufficiency, legality, <br />effectiveness or legal effect of the same, or of airy, term, <br />provision or condition thereof, and such acceptance or approval <br />thereof shall not be or constitute any warranty or represierAation <br />' <br />.with respect thereto by Beneficiary. <br />41. Tae on Indebtedness or Dead of Trust. In the event of <br />the passage, after the date of this Deed of Trust, of any law <br />deducting from the value of and, for the purposes of taxation, any <br />lien thereon, or imposing upon Beneficiary the obligation to pay <br />the whole, or any part, of the taxes or assessments or charges of <br />liens herein required to be paid by Trustor, or changing in any way <br />the laws relating to the taxation of deeds of trust or debts as to <br />affect this Deed of Trust or the indebtedness, the entire unpaid <br />balance of the indebtedness shall, at the option of Beneficiary, <br />after thirty (30) days written notice to Trustor, become due and <br />payable; provided, however, that if, in the opinion of <br />Beneficiary's counsel, it shall be lawful for Trustor to pay such <br />taxes, assessments, or charges, or to reimburse Beneficiary <br />therefor, then there shall be no such acceleration of the time for <br />payment of the unpaid balance of the indebtedness Inotwithstanding <br />the provisions of subsection (i) of section 33 hereof) if a <br />+ <br />mutually satisfactory agreement for reimbursement, in writing, is <br />' <br />executed by Trustor and delivered to Beneficiary wit�,in the <br />aforesaid period. <br />42. BurwLval of Rarratwties and Cova na zts. The warranties, <br />representat irp2s, covenants-and agreements set fort —h in this Deed of <br />Trust- shall s;;rvive tha raking of the loan and the execution an <br />deli�fissi^lr of each of the Related Loan Instruments, and, except as <br />a• <br />D: \LOANDOC \HEALTH.DOT <br />April 10, 1989 22 <br />g <br />f <br />