.. �� .y � . c ' .- _ . - : .__._.. � _. . ._
<br /> _ .-r.: � r': ..Y:< r . . i ct .
<br /> . . . _ � _.S i ri .�..�',:�l' . _ _- . �t � .-. . . . _ . .. . ''.. _ . ... __' _ . . .:�t .._ _' )� . . . . .
<br /> � � . � .�.ty- `� t . � � . � ` -_ `
<br /> .. ._. . _ . , r , e _ _ . � � . . _ . .
<br /> _ . ' . - - . �c .
<br /> ,. . - . - ' ' , ' ' � . . - ' ` . � -o..a..�s- � ( , �`'
<br /> • - - • _ `:�t •� . • ' .
<br /> _ ' t . � - t � . . . ' � . ... �
<br /> ,. , . : . . , . _ . � � �,. : � � 9Q-��1��55� .
<br /> ° . ' � !.Gew�i`hr Ac�dralM�K D�M. � ` � . � , • ' < • ,, .
<br /> , . , . '(�)�l�k.Lsbder raay.exapt u umitod by'n�n4t�oas:isauai Dy the Saxeuq►ia�tht cue of pfymeat de4'iWts,re�uire , ` , ' �
<br /> , - ummadiate paymeat in fiill of a1!su��zs�d 6y this SecarEty tasttambnt if: � � � �. �
<br /> . � (�Bortoe�ar defaa�ts bY failin:to p�a�m fiill any ino�hlY MYmedt sequirtd by thls Sa:urttl►.InstruRnait pr�or W or on � , '.
<br /> `= " � t1�e,due d�oe�of t6e asxt moIItNp P�Fmm=.o� � • •
<br /> _� . �.{i��awer defwits byr f�'lin�,fa s paiod of thirty day�to perfa�nax►yotbeE obli�atioa=c�t�[ned in tUis Sacuricy _ �; -- ". - ---
<br /> Y�� _ _ ' . . � � . .
<br /> ` � (�}S�le WlOiwt C�Mt,Ag�e+wa1.i�eodet�11.if pidRr�ilbd bY�PPI�[a�r�rrti�h�e pior app�wal ofthe See�wey.iea,�icG � ' - �
<br /> �e prymeat iu tWl cf alt the a�acwced 69 this Secu�ity Ia�abmt� , , � .
<br /> 1 ' � {ij aUt ae ptt of tho Pa�p�aty i�ad�x�vbe trao�fasa!(a�ber drs by deviie ar des�eat)by tbe Batro+Ner.�od . , � . ` .
<br /> � � . . ` ` f�'�'ti�c PrupeetY i�aot a�cop�ed by tbe pu�huei or y�oe at Ai�a her pri�r�y a eaoaod�y nsdmee.oc t�pm�t�.c�r� ' .- . . �
<br /> ". � �+s��; ' �sst� ' ..• . .
<br /> _,_--=-_-f,— .
<br /> _ - ------ �►S+Y_�.�g<_� :.-,_. .--�______._--
<br /> � . , . ,
<br /> . (e)Ne�If c�umstaoces occiu that�rouId permit i eadec w reqw'Ye immediate palment in full,6atLsader does t�t .
<br /> .. �4u��P�7tm�t�,i.enpa don eot�raive its tl�hU dith n�ect to wbseqwe�t amts. , °
<br /> � t�)d�riMwr K HUD Seent�f•In maaY circ�t�uioa urtlafions issued by the Secaetas��71 Ilmit Leodet's rq�ts,i� . .
<br /> . the aaYe a��ia�meat deitults,to ieguire imcxdiace psY�=in fWl�ad forxtase IIf�ot paid.TY�is Saa�ritY Irisuumentdo�s .
<br /> � � ` nat�athaixe acoderatIon oi faralosare if not pecmiued by rc�ulitIan�of the Sa�etary: ' ' . . �.
<br /> �. � . l/. �t $arcowit iss s rt�ht to be retauated if.Laider has required immsdiue�ens m furi�txcause of . '
<br /> . � HvROwa's fai�w py�u a�aoaat due ander the Nate ar ttus Secarity[amuinent.This ri�6t spplies even afl�er forxWsurc - `
<br /> ' proceediep are a�tituted.To reinsate c�ie�ecvdtY�t.Barower s�it tender in a lamp aum aU amaunts required to ' - ..
<br /> . br�c�8oma�rec's.�cconnt curornt Iaclud�. to the exteat'they aie obIIpuions ot Boaower urjcla this Security InsuumeAt, '
<br /> • • �or�clonue su� �ad re�sonabJe and•cx�sram�ry attorae.ya fas and a�peases property azsociated with r�e focecWsrue
<br /> propeedins_lTpon reinstuem•,nt by Bbao�ver,thia S�urity lnsuament oad We obliy,�tions that it sxura shall rr�izain in effed u � , `
<br /> ' " � if Lender hsd nof required imma�iste payment in furi.Ho�urever,LenQa is not cequ�al w penNt rdnstaumeat if�:.(Ij Lender bes ,,
<br /> . � �c+cepted reinstiten►att after tde commencement of foratosure'praoadinp within two years In�maWteiy preceQFng the �
<br /> camm�s�seat�st a cutrrnt fareclostue procadla�,(ii) relasUttemeat wUl_prxtude foseciasure oa different�ouIIds in�Ite �
<br /> ! firiure.or(tii};Ginstatertient rvill Adverseiy affect the pdority of tAe tiea crwte0 by this Securits+iastrument. � � ,
<br /> � 1!. Mnswet NN RelerN;Forre�na�e ir LeNer Nol�Wahsa Hutensiars of the t�me of payment or modific�tion oY _ •
<br /> ` amortiTation ot tAe stims setured by thts Savrity lastrummt�nted by Lender to anp sucassor in interest of Borrower aha11 aot
<br /> i operate tu reiase the Ii�bility of tAe orijinalBortAwet or Barrower'a succtssor in interest. Lender ahall not be rtqutred_tfl
<br /> ; comaknce precaedin�s aqinst aay auccessar in interest or ntuse to extend time for paymeat or c�etwise modify amortiza�oa • �
<br /> of tbe�ums axured by this Secutlty Ins�aumeat �y rea.son of any dem4nd maQe by the ar��al Borrawer or Borrower's
<br /> • � sucassors ut interat. Any forbetrance by Lender in exerdsing aay rigdt or remedy sha11 not tse a waiver of or prectude the �
<br /> . exacise of aay r�sht or remedy. ,
<br /> 32.S�oeea�es f�iA�r1p�6o�ib:�oi�i aa/Se�n1 fL6Yity:Co- The cavenants a.�d agraments of this Security ; .::
<br /> Instrument sh�tbind and benefit the surcr�crs and asxigns of LenQer an Bonowa,subject tothe provisions of paragraph 9.b.
<br /> BorroNer's cove�nta and a�roemmts sh�ft be Jaint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs tAis Savrity Instrumrnt bnt das :�..
<br /> � not acocute the Note:(s)is co•sisain�thts Security/nstn�mmt only to mon�ge. grant�nd convey that Bonower's intere.t in '.•��-'
<br /> � ths Pteper�y undetthe tetnss of this Secutity Irutrumeni;(b)Is not personaUy obtigated to pay the aums secured by this Secutity '
<br /> I�ment; aaQ (c� a{ras thai l.enaer and any other Eorrower ttu�y agree ro dctend, mndify. fordeu or mare any
<br /> � • accommodations�vith rcjard to the term af this Se�curity lnstrummt or the Note without that 8orrower's cansent.
<br /> � 13.1VNiew.Any notfce to Borrower prm�ided for in th;s Security lastrumtnt�h�fl be given by detive�ing it or by m�iling it by •
<br /> . tiift Fiasf mail unlas applicabte lstw requires use ot anothrr metQod.The notice shall be directed to the Fropeny Address or au►y
<br /> . cx�er aEdres�Borrower desi�nates by notice to Lender.Any norice to Lender slull begiven by first cf9ss mail to[,ender's addre�s
<br /> atated herein or any�dQrcss Lenaa desi�nAte+by noiia ta 8orrower.Any�notice prouided for in tAis 5ecurity��strument shell
<br /> • be damed to hsve besn iivon to Barrawer or Leader wtqen gi�rn a�Dravided in tAis puagrtiph. .
<br /> � M.G��Lw;Se�etr�Wtf.This Sac�urity Inserumrnt Rhall be gaverned by Federal law assd the f�w 4P the jurisdiaian zn �
<br /> , which the PropMy is ioc�te4.ln the tvent thal any prov�sion or cl�use of�his Security Instrument or the hace cnnflicn wieh ap�
<br /> � , plkabk(aw.sueh canfliet sl�all not 4ffect ather provisions of thls Security Instrument or the Note whicb an bo gi4cn effect
<br /> wit6out the conflicting prrnision. To this eriQ tt�t provision� ot thi9 5ecurity fnstrument and �he lV�te are dectared to be �
<br /> sererabk.
<br /> .��.-.
<br /> !S.M�r�nre"s Co�y.Botrowtt shall be given oae conformed copy oi this Sccudty Instrumcnt. , ,�
<br /> K.A�■e�e ot Read.QotroRer uncandition�lly assigns and transfcrs cU l,cn�cr all thc rents and revenucs o(ehe Proptny. �
<br /> Sorra�er tuthorizes LenGe�t�r I.ender't agents ta colttct tht rcats and te��tnues and hereby dirccts each tenant of the Propeny
<br /> to pay Ihe ter:rg tn Lrnder crr l.ender's ager.:s_tlowever,pTIOi�O L.CR[IC��S ROIICC IA HOT�t1SbCf p�B4IfOWCI�9 bIGBtIi P�Q(ly fOYC-
<br /> . . nant ot�cemeat ia the Securliy Jn9trur.:rn[.I3otrower shall collect and recei�•e at2«nts.and;ta:�,ues of_the Property�s tr�:e; .. .._.. .
<br /> [or ths benefat nf Lender and Borrower.Tfiss assignment c�t rents constitutes an a�selute a�,igr:resent a��ct nw an Qss�gnmer_�,'ar
<br /> a�ditiottd security onty. '
<br /> ll l,ender vvrs notict of Drrach to Borrower:�u)all rents rcce►ve4 hy Horrc�wer s�a(!be heid by Borrawer as trustee tor bcaefit
<br /> of Ltnder oniy.to bt applied to�he sums secured by tha Serurity Instrument;(b)Lender sh•rll be eruitted ta collect and ret:eive alt
<br /> . ot the rents oi the Ptapaty;aad(c►taeh tenant of the Prupeny sha11 poy a11 rents due and un�a:d tv l.tnder ur Uznder's agcnt
<br /> un Lender's r►rittrn demind to the teaant.
<br /> Borrower hv Rot ex�ruted nny p�i��r esiignment wt�he rema a.qd ha�nc�: and wilt i�c�t perf�rni any act ti�at would puvent � �
<br /> Lender from eaerctsing its right�under this p�regraph tG.
<br /> L.endcr ahal!not be ttquited tu enter uQc►n,�ake conirol at or mnintain Ihe Vrope►ly before�r:�f[eT g��ing aolice of breach to
<br /> � Borrowtr. Mawever.[.ende!ot a judcclalty aj►pointed rttie�ver triQy du!+v at any tinte�here is u breacb.Any appLcation of rents
<br /> � shd)not cure ur waive eny defaull�r invafidate nny ather right ur remedy c�f I.encier. "this nt�ignmem c.f rerrt�a��f the{'roperry � � ���-
<br /> sh�ll trrminate whe�the debt secured by�he 5r�uri�y tnscrum�nt i�{�aid ia full.
<br />:, �
<br /> � . �
<br /> ti
<br /> • -- ' . �u;
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