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<br /> � '� � � � � , � � DEED OF��'TRLIST � . � - � . � � .
<br /> • � � ; . �, : , " � , � � .� :. . , � �w c�xa. � �
<br /> � '� ` � �S'F,A'�'��Nl��' � . - . - , � � :
<br /> . `-,. ; _ � ' 32'l-1422855-7�3b ' � - � - .
<br /> � . ,.. .. . • .. . .
<br /> � . _,_.1�5 DE�:UF TRUST("Sa'uritY Instnuna�t•,)is�n�de on . . August 8, • �9 Jp . , .
<br /> - � The avs�or is 7ohn �1. t��sez and Christifie Niser, Hustiand and Wife � � ' . ,
<br /> .; � . .�
<br /> � s� ' � � ("Saaawrr"). •
<br /> , � 'Ihe trustee is Ccmrnercf al_Federal Savings and`Learr ���aciation � .
<br /> � � -
<br /> f
<br /> . , (��T�US[CC��).
<br /> ' J '!'f�e beneficiary is Wome �ederal Savings.and Loan Assaciaticn of Grand Island ,
<br /> . i � ' �
<br /> ..�
<br /> � � . �
<br /> � , which is orgAnizod ond existing under the I�ws of i�ebraska �
<br /> � u�d whose sddrcss is 221 South Locus�, Grand Island, NE 68801 :-�
<br /> _ -
<br /> � , (`•l.ender").BarrowerowesLendtr[hepriAripalsumof
<br /> � . � ,
<br /> ' � _ '�_
<br /> - � Fif�y-�ight T'haus�nd Six Mundred Fifty anci �'�/10tlths-------------------------
<br /> � Dollars(U.S.S 58�650.00 . 1. .
<br /> This debt is evidenced by Borrawsr's note dated the same date as thi�Security instrument("Note"1,which�pravides f�r
<br /> � mon�htypiymtnt9.vvitNthefuUdebt.ifnotpaideariier.ducandpayablec►n SeC�ember 1 202D • .
<br /> '' . This Security'lnstrument secures to Lender:(a)thF repayment di the dsbt e�iaer:ta by ehe lV�ote,with interest.and ail
<br /> rcnewsis,eatensions and modi�c�tions;(�+)the payment of aU otbea tums,with interest,aJ�anced under p�ragraph 6 to �
<br /> . . p�niect�l�o socuriry of this Socurity Insfnune�:and(cl the�erfom�nce�f Borrawer's cuven�nu and agreements.�or this .
<br /> purpode,Botrciwtr itrevocably gtants arKl convcya tn Tcustce,in wst,with power oi s�le.the foltmwing descs�hed pr�+perty �""'
<br /> .• j .' locatad in Ha l l Caunry. Nebrutc�: ° i�'
<br /> . ; Lot Fifty-Nine (59), in Nagt�es' �ubdivisian Yn the G�ity af Grar�ci Is2antS� Na11 . �
<br /> � GdVnty. f�eDra�ka, excepting a certa:n tr�ct cf�prJ�d to the City nP �ra��� Islancf
<br /> . .. ... _ _. ..._.._. -- -. . ... .__.. . _.. . . . .
<br />� by Warrant}r Oeed recorcf�d a; t]�cun�erit �J�. E��-0U2fi�t
<br /> c:. � .
<br /> � whirhhas�hcuddressuf ?..OZO �tiversid� Dz•iv� ;;rar,d ��lanci � `-� -�----
<br /> • (tirre:,� (t ��rt •
<br /> � � 69EiD'! . ("NropertyAddre�,,..1; �
<br /> - _ ._ �_ . ;.;;c,ut; . . - � - - . . .' .. :_.
<br /> Tt7t.C1'Nl:It Wlrtit all the impr�vements now ur ficreafter crc,�tc�u.r�thc property, and�:lt ca�cm�nt;, r�ghts.
<br /> a�purtenartce�.rents.royallie�,n�ineral, oii�nct�;as ri�;hts an�1 ptofit�, waeei righi,aric!�tar,k airct iIII QIC�UIC+!11l1.L UI
<br /> � hereaf'tCtan.�ttatlttrptu�etty-Atirerl�ceiz�en:ranelad�iiuc�m�halEai�.E*hr:otiere�lh�t4�it!�etm�tY-In�teunicnt rt'.l��f .
<br /> thr tore�t.ing�s reterre�tu in thi��rciirjtv lnctri►r�ien!a��trc"Yr����t��o."
<br /> � � .
<br /> � fiURItUWC:k CU�ENAi�i't'S that tk�rt��µct it lawfully Se�te�!��f the r.�r�is tter�;hy cesn4�e�ec!:sn�has d�r,�ht t���.�rant
<br />'. und i�iiv�v tf� �t��i that[�t'�.+�Ct[y i{�a��u�I�r��fi.��[c���i f�,���ttflifir,rf�c�rf-rc�v-�rci i�r+r�r v.3rr.rrrrs -
<br />� AJN�L1i1�I(�CT��CfICC:1IIS1�ItC hIIC�67(jle pfU�Cl�f d(jlllLSt tl�I Cldlili5 ilf}l)l�L"tlldl[t��„SilI1�lY'E�()tlf�Jr CRt'U111hiJltltti!�! �r�.<�rd `.� .,
<br /> ..�. N - - --�— .. t.` � ,� -----�.�_�._.________.�—�� ___ ___
<br /> F tU!r:l EStiASAA I?fS'[�t*F IkF�SI :'-�.:t�,+y��•,� /�,- -,..�::..-�.:r Y: . . ��.
<br /> ��ssS:StbtlFtkYh � l'tl+1��[.t!,:.r 4"e�ut::�rii �cs � • �u. ..
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<br /> ... . . .r. 4. . "
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