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<br /> . 1 , ' • ' ' . A � '�� ,� .T:,.; _ . .
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<br /> f <, --— — _� , - - — -_— -----... � V, `�� �,,,. • . . -
<br /> - . . , ... _ -._�;5�� IEaa�rt Sbs Lin� FOr RKO►dmmt Gats] - �..�__� ! . .. `
<br /> . �. , � � � .. . � 'DEED OF TRUST � • ��� � .
<br /> f . �. `� .
<br /> .l ' ; , p ` �
<br /> ; ..`. THIS DEED OFTRUS'i ("Security InstrumenC'�is made on �AuguBL 8, • � � �
<br /> . 19 g�. :Tl�cirustoris �uk Bovet�c and Khamphen Bauat�c, each �in-his and her c�wn right� e�rd ' •�
<br /> , aa spcwae of each atber � (••�or�av�er°}.Thetr�estceis Eeri p. Ahischwede. At�ornay . •
<br /> • i � l"Ttu�tte"1 "Thetsencfiriary is � `
<br /> � �he Equ�table �uilding an� Laan AB�iOCietion ��h�ch e9 nr�am�ed un4ca�si�ng �
<br /> � �����s�� the Stete of Nebrask� . ,and�►fi�is"eaddre�ric�13-�115 N�rth Locust � �
<br /> � Street, Grand Islend, Nebreske 6�801 ' ' �••l.eneer°).
<br /> �gorr�swer�wesl,endertheprincipaT�um�rf Twelve Thous�nd and no/100 -------»---------_-.._�_.._.... �
<br /> ` •------- - --lZnllusEU.S.� 12,0OO.�fl 1-7'h��deMtye��idencedbyE3orrowet'srtate
<br /> z date8!he same dsYe as this Security Instrument f"Note"),which�rovidr�:far mnnthly payrnentc,with the full debt.iPnnt
<br /> + poid adiet,dne and payabla an September 1� �.997 ' �
<br /> �, This Secur'tty 1�strilment secures to l.ertder.fa1 ehe apayment of the�tebt c�idertced h.y thr N��te,with interest,and�Q
<br /> ` • renewals,tatenaions and modificationc:(b)the payment of all ather sums,r�rith interest.advanecd undet paragraph?to �
<br /> � ptotect the sccurity of this Steunay Instrument;und(c)the performance of�arrow er's caver�ants�nnd agreements.Far this ' '
<br /> ' �utpc►se.Borrawer irrevncably gr�nts and conveys�o Tructet,ia tru4t,with power of.ra1�,the foUuwing drscritsed prnperty � � � .
<br /> ' �����n Hall County.Nebraska: .,_,.sF
<br /> i
<br /> ; A tract of lend camprfsing a part of the Southwest Querter (�j of Section �hree (3) Township `-
<br /> �. Eleven (11) N�:th Renge Nine (9� West of the 6th P.M. in Ha11 County, NebrASka� more parti- -
<br /> cularly described ag beginni�ng at a point an the South iirte of said Section Thre� (3j said -
<br /> pofnt boing Three Hundred Eleven and Seventy Qne HurQredths (31�.71) feet West of the in-
<br /> � tersection of said Sou�!� Iine of Secti�n Three {3� with the West right of way line of the .�;�
<br /> ; Union Pecific Reilraad �rd Branch� th�nce west�rly along the South line of said Section —
<br /> � . Three (3) e di$tance of One Hundred Soventeen and Farty Nfne Hundradths (a37.49� feet thence
<br /> i deflec�ing riqht 88 deg:ees 25' 20" and running ��or�herly a Aiatance af Eight Hundred Twenty
<br /> • Five and Five Hundredt�s (825.05) feet thence deflectfnc� sigh� 91 degrees 3A• 4Q" e�d `
<br /> ; runnfng Eestorly a dis��nce of Four Hundred Two and Eight� �Nundredth3 (402.08) feet to the
<br /> Westerly right of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad. Theraca Sovtheastor2y Along said
<br /> , righ� o.f way. line a diatartce of Three Nurtdred Twelve and N�ine Nundra�lths (392.09) f�ot �
<br /> � then�e defl�ctfng right 93 degrees and '��:rty (3�) feot and running Westerly e diEtance of � "�-
<br /> two Hundred Hinoty Five and Forty Ona h:�r.dredths (295.41) feet thence deflecting ioft 91 �
<br /> . degrees 34• 40" and rur^+ing Sout�srl.y a Cistance of Five Hundred Sixt�en (516y feet to th� •
<br /> • plece of bec�innirtg. . �
<br /> � �
<br /> � . .
<br /> whIchhas�hcaddresyos 324 Ft�st Cnpit�l . Grand Isiand
<br /> �s�,Ke► �,.,,; � .
<br /> .-Y•=—=-
<br /> Ncbraskn 6$a�. �•.Prc�pert� Adciress'y. . .
<br /> �za c�r} .
<br /> .__ . �i'rM��+}iftt WtT3! :t{) !he impro�znter,tti r:;,�r ot here:+fter crectEd��F� the pra�n±�_,nrnd �It e:�v-ererrtr�_ t�,�e�_ _
<br /> ����3�f1CCG, tk)1��� f:cy:.;��na,���ir:er�4, L?!��:1�E"J,,s�={6�i�olt� �1TSi.:=4� b:d:ti ti�ire�aiiu �efhR aiiu a11 fi.Stutei tttstv tt► . -
<br /> e
<br />. „ ' �',ereafter r�partuFthc pr.;.;ctty-AI{sepla�rtnet�ts a^-�add�ti�n�xhall aise�he co�-ere�hy th�ti 5ccur�e}•tu<trument.AIi nf thc
<br /> ' fnrrgoing iv referred to ii�th�5 Secunty Instrumrn!tss the"i'nrjser�y."
<br />: • [Ic►RknwE:tt C��vt�ati tc that Borr�wer�s lawfully sctsed of:he ccsatt i►creb}«�r��eyr�i and ha�.tf:e tirht t��btant
<br /> and cvt��c�the!'�ojsec�g�aid th�it the Yt�t;rertv iy utteniu�ttt�fcit.cacept fc�r cu:unihr,u��:r�of rec,�rd fsarrnwer«ait:i�i1.
<br /> and w��lt dcfcrcil grrte►alty the tatle t�►.hc�'roprrty t��inst nll�I;urns ai,d de�na�:dc.�uFqr�t tn c�,ty en�uR:�br��rte.��f re<<-rit �"
<br /> �Ff�tS St_tl�RllY ltstttt�tit�:t k�:�if+ii}e� �ir�tfr,nn �e�ttn;tt�ty ���t rr�lie-nal us�an�i ue�n ur,�i��:,,� te�ie•�t;�l1t4 WlIIa
<br /> I�d
<br /> �,.
<br /> _ Itf�fi[Ct��:iI7�1[RI7?�F}}�Ut�S��t�lll�JliUte�l�S!}�U}CEIt!}tt�t�l(l3try:�►fitVitStttiitlif€7FCtrrtF;tic`.1"��i��:tt�ictfl `
<br /> �.. . ..
<br /> , � . �If8RA5KA �.���t;� ��r.., fNMAri'NLMC UHIFaRIY! fHSTftUMtNt ����{� :,o�� jrre�
<br /> . ..�. � - . . . :• �. �
<br /> 4 Et�7F9A43c79.- -. . s..: . f BtrU 33A:tG07
<br />