<br />MOB ACM JL " 192 6 M --T.W. fftu rasa. Ca. "&, TbNM
<br />TMS MORTGAGE, Made this 11th- day of April '19 89
<br />by p�siiia il. Hanke asd Freda D..Hanke, .husband and rife, -
<br />al6o Ianowri as Orville Fiance
<br />of Phillips County, in the State of Ransas , as first party
<br />to The tamers State Banks Stuttgart, Kansas, A Carporattla.
<br />of Phillips County, in- the State of Kansas , as second party
<br />is as fonows:
<br />In consideration of the sum of
<br />Thirty Dive Thousand If • r' as; a .s r it. e' "s s s : a 0 s a. a s a and al nOIJAMr .
<br />too,
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, first party hereby mortptes and warrants uUtM nid. rty,
<br />hie/its heirs, successors and assigns, all the following desgUe >Feat Estate situated in Hall,
<br />Nebraska
<br />County,,liilMto wit:
<br />Lot 1, Block 12, Parkhill 3rd 'Subdivision, City of Grand Island,. Nebraska
<br />First party hereby covenants and warrants that at 4he delivery of this mortgage first party is ae
<br />lawful owner of the above premises, and is seized of a good and indefeasiblie estate of inheritance therein,
<br />free and clear of all incumbrances except
<br />and that first party will warrant and defend the same against all claims whatsoever.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and
<br />appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, forever.
<br />First party hereby agrees to pay all taxes and assessments on easel premises before any penalties or costa
<br />accrue thereon, and to keep pafd premises insured. In favor of seconds rsarty in the sum of
<br />Sixty Thousand # a• a s.. w s a a s w'. r ... = s w a n s am m • mm r a DOI44M
<br />in an insurance company satisfactork1b amcond party.
<br />PROVIDED, ALWAYS, That the presents are upa this express conditLC4 that whereas, fire, party
<br />has this day executed and delivered a certain promissory ccAe in writing to second party which is to be paid
<br />as follows:
<br />178 Payments of $410.00•$72,'60.00 Due IItt:.�of each month starting 5 -11 -89
<br />1 Paysent of $281.150 281.15 Final payment due 3- 11 -2Cfi V
<br />$ 7392617.17
<br />Now, if first party shall pay or cause to be paid to second party, its heirs, successors or assigns, said
<br />sum of money represented by =d not;, together with the inte rest t .ereon, according to the terms thereof,
<br />then this mortgage shall be wholly discharged and void; and otherwise shall remain in full force and effect.
<br />But if said sum or sums of money, or any part thereof, or any interest thereon, is not paid when the same
<br />is due, or if f every nature which are or may be assessed and levied against said
<br />premises, or re no id when the same are by law made due and payable, or if insurance
<br />prrminms it u0 j" first party doe not MaintAin X*1d property in good condi lon and
<br />repair, then eindei�6eAneas, and ntereat thereon, shall become due and payable at the option
<br />of the holder hereof, and second party shall be entitled to possession of said premises, and to all other legal
<br />remedies available to second party, including the right to foreclose.
<br />Exeeuted on the day and year first above written.
<br />ille -14 Hank* '
<br />orihi First Party First Party
<br />MRS—
<br />U
<br />