` `` ` .` , _ ` 4 `_ , ' __ ( . . .. . 1 — .
<br /> . . 'r,• . . �� . .� . . . . . '. � ' '. . _ C... . � . . .. .� .. . ._ _. _. . . . .. . _. _. . . — ' <
<br /> . _ ,.. . — ( . .. , � . . . �� ..._ .... <. .__ __ '"' . ` . _! � . _ - ,�, `_�i.._. . L . ` . •• `� • • ` . ' _ c( � . .. '. —
<br /> . � . _ , " � ` ` ' ` �� , �-
<br /> ` � ` • . � � � . �_ . . � i � . . � -
<br /> ` j ` ` , . . . .— . . _ ♦ � , �� ` �
<br /> -`L - � . . � t - . ' , ' t ' c . • �[` � . � .
<br /> . • � ' . ` , � l . � � . ..
<br /> .� � : . � � . . 90=�0��5�� , � � � . � �
<br /> . : � J'��T S�CY Ml1�L � . _ �..
<br /> :��"� . . � D8lta S�LiL�I�ET and H�Ul�i�6 SILIi�HET, i�usband��nd Wifc, .Git!►NTORa , • � .
<br /> c . �n� con�3Qerati.an e�f SSV]:IiTE�t� ' THGUSl�i> i30I.L1�12� AND NO/20� ; .
<br /> � �� , tss�,aoo.�0) seeaived fsom GRJ►NTEES� SEtJK SOUATIC aad itt#i�MPHFO � ,� :�. ` `
<br /> `� � �OUI�TIC, Husbiait,H and Wife, conveys �to 6R�ta'�EES,; aa joint ,tenaats � � � '- ', t
<br /> �- < � ..--------- --._— - -- ----- _ � - - ., _.._�_.�._ _
<br /> � �. and not aQ tenants ia ca�n�onR th� following•descrfbed reel.estate � . . .
<br /> � . - � t u defined in Neb.Rev.Sta�. '�6-20i�: ' � `
<br /> � � !, tract af �and camgrisi.nq a part of the Southwest '
<br /> `, Quart�� t�/4) of Section Three (.�1 Township E2even tii} _
<br /> � r North�Ranqe Nfne t 9 j West af the 6th P.M. 3.n Hall Countp,
<br /> , �tebraska mase particularly deecribed as beqinning at a
<br /> � = . pafnt on the South i�r��e of asid Se�tion Thrtc t 3) said � � -
<br /> , � �fnt being •�ee� �iundzed Eleven• aad reventy �ne � ,
<br /> ._.. . . ffund�edtbs L 31��'�ll-�eet Wect of the 3aters��.�n of raid .. . � .
<br /> �. , S�uth li�e of Section Tbree (3) wfth �he 'c�es� riqht of
<br /> � , � �y line vf the �r�lan �at��fic Rai2road Ord �ranch, thence , �
<br /> �esterly alonq ��e Sou�t� iine of said �ection Three �3), � �
<br /> � a distance of one Kundred Seventeea and Forty Nine �
<br /> Hundredt2t� i117.49) �eet thence defiectinq riqht 8B � - .
<br /> . . degreea 25' 20" and running Northsriy a dlstanae uf� Eight ' �
<br /> fiundred Z�nty Five and �3ve Hundredths t 825.OS) feet
<br /> . ,, thence d��leetinq right 91 degrees�. 34t 40" and running� `
<br /> Easterly a aistance of Fout Hundrad Zwo and' Eight
<br /> HundredChs (402.081 f�et to the westerly right of wAy � � � •'`'
<br /> • , lfne of the Union Pacific Aai1�Q�td, thence Southeasterly � �
<br /> alang said right of way line a distance of Tbree Hundred �
<br /> �relve �nd Ni�e HundredChs �312.091 feet thencc .
<br /> ' � � deflecting right 93 degrce,s and Thfrty t 30) feee art�► ,
<br /> ; running Wcsterly a distance of �ro Hundred Ninety Five �
<br /> � and Forty On� HundredtAs (Z9S.61) feet thence Deflecting —
<br /> , Left 91 d�grees 36' 40" and runni�g Southerly a Distance �
<br /> of Fiv� Hundred Sixteen (526) feet to the plac� of
<br /> tieginnfnq.
<br /> ' GR1IN�DR covenastts (joint2y and goverally, if mote than one)
<br /> . with G1t11�1TESS tt�at �A7INTOR: � ,,,,�
<br /> Q 1) is lawfully s�xs�d of such zeal estate and that it is '�:
<br /> f ree from encumbrances exeept eas�ments and restri�tf.on� of r�cord;
<br /> (2) has legal power and 2awful autharit�y ta cc�nvCy the same;
<br /> � (�) warrants and will�de�'end t�.tle to the real estate -agaiast � - ��- �- � �
<br /> the lawful claims af a�,l Bc�s�n.s. � �
<br /> , ExeCUtCd: r,/..�;,,�� �' . 1990. .
<br /> „ .
<br /> � }'+(! �)y�'" C ���i I�1�7�" ./� !!
<br /> '(��•��� t . L `_ ��40. al.,����� � �`�- � � 6� �'_.<..u—_
<br /> � �eng Siliph��' �fieuang isil�ph�t �` '� �
<br /> __._ ' . ��`::'I'� �P ��°�:Y.R � - � . . __
<br /> . } ss. � -�;
<br /> � COUNTY �P HALL 3
<br /> TRe ��regaing instrwnent was acY.nowledged t�efore me on the �.
<br /> ;7�„ `� day of �;f�:,�:i��� , 1.990 by IIeng �i�.fph�� and Heu�ng
<br /> Sil�ph��, husbaad �nd wi�e.
<br />. �_.
<br /> � ���� �S�M 11�+i� .�,. �_ :�/�r��r E_ �- c
<br /> ��"_'...''�' �'��'���t0�� ;�toEery ��i��—�- - - —
<br /> ,._, _ �t4�.A t�33
<br /> , � �
<br />