1018 9
<br />6. Assignor hereby covenants and warrants to the Assignee that (a) Assignor has not executed any prior assign-
<br />ment of the Lease or of its right, title and interest therein or the rentals to accrue thereunder; (b) Assignor has not performed
<br />any act or executed any instrument which might prevent the Assignee from operating under any of the terms and conditions
<br />hereof, orwhich would limit the Assignee in such operation; (c) Assignor has not accepted rent under the Lease for any period•
<br />subsequent to the current period for which rent has already become dueand payable; (d)there is no default now existing under
<br />the Lease. and(e).Amignor has not executed or granted any modification oramendmentwhateverofthe Leaseeitherorallyor
<br />in writting except as set forth in Schedule B. and that the Lease is in full force and effect.
<br />1. Assignee hereby grants permission to Assignor to collect upon, but not prior to accrual, all rents, issues, deposits
<br />and profits from the said Premises and to retain, and use and enjoy the same, but reserves the right to revoke such permission
<br />at any time, with or without cause, by notice in writing to Assignor by certified mail sentto the address hereinafter prescribed
<br />for sending notices. In any event, such permission to Assignor shall be automaticlly revoked upon default, by Assignorinthe
<br />payment of any of the Obligations secured hereby or in the performance of any obligation, convenaunt,_agreement herein, in .
<br />said mortgage or deed of trust. itt the Lease or in any of the Obligations secured hereby. or in any securing document given in
<br />connection therewith, (all of which will be referred to herein as "Default "). In the event that the Assignee should re ioW.such
<br />.pennissionoretertftr. occurrence ofaDefault, theAssignee, mayatitsoption, after notificatibatoAssignor ,byceriTkA tail,
<br />to the address hereinafter prescribed forsending notices. direct any or all of the tenants of the Premises to pay to Assignee, its
<br />agents rrr its attorneys, suchrente, issues,profits. revenues, deposits, rights and benefits as may now bedueorshall herehuifter
<br />beecaue true, and Assignee may collect the same. The affidavit or written statenurr.#.ef an officer, agent, or attorney of Assignee
<br />stating thatthere hasbeen aDefaultshall constitutec endusiveevidencethereof, a=i anytenantor other persona isauthorized
<br />and directed torely thereon. The Assignor further agrees, that in the event the permission to use and retain the rents, income,
<br />issues, deposits and profits, should be teradnaW or upon the occorance of a Default. to im-m effatdy turnover to Assignee, at
<br />the time and in the manner requested byAaBrgu, _=e, all security deposits or other rata esdepasit edbyLesseesofthepremisesin
<br />accordance with the provisions of the Leasga,
<br />'' ?. Netwitbatanding the provisicr:a_gf baragraph 1 hereima) salve, upon or a. a5 yti� a�ter a Default, as deffaed here -
<br />i +s fair: Assure, at its option, may dechLre_'01 Obligations secus,ed hereby immediatAythi e and payable, =d tray, atits
<br />rip! xi h„, i l out rage, and if any such Obl4g6 -as be secured by deed of trust irrespective ofirether a declaration of default
<br />ur.&xeafd deed of trust has been delivered to Trustee therriiinder, exercise all rights and remedies contained im said mortgage
<br />or dee& . of trust and without regard for the adequacy ofsentirity for the Obligations hereb secur
<br />y ed, either iii person or by agent t
<br />with ' without bringing any action or proceeding, or by a receiver tc be appointed by a court; enter upon, take posseson of,
<br />manage and operate said Premises or any part thereof, make, enforce, modify, and accept the surrender of Leases, obtain and
<br />evict tenants, fix or modify rents, and do any acts which the Assignee deems proper to protect ibe security hereof and either '
<br />with or without taking possession of the Premises, in its own name, sue for or otherwise collect and receive all rents, issues and
<br />profits, including those past dueand unpaid, and apply the same, leas coat and expenses ofoperation and collection ,including,
<br />but not limited to. payments for wages and payroll taxes, compensation of managing agent and othermanagementcosts and
<br />expenses, real estate taxes and aseessiment;C, water, sewer, and similar charges, insurar-cw imil workmen's compensation } :
<br />premiums, ground r1:ntaa, customary real estate commission, and reasonable attorney's fees anti court costs, upon any (Jbliga-
<br />tiorra secured Ihereby, and in such order as the Assignee may deterwiue; The entering upon smi miring possession of th ePrem-
<br />iser,.thm wilection ofouch rents, issues and profits and the applicathin: taereofasafaresaid, shell notcum orwaiveany default
<br />or waive, modify, or affect notice of default under said mortgage or &A of trust ;orimvalidate any actdi)nn_ pursuant to such
<br />notice - Assignor hereby releases any and all claimswhich it has or ai i(jILt have e4jilctst Assignee arising out of ouch collection,
<br />management operation and maintenance, excepting the liability of Assignee to accountforamounts collected and expended --
<br />by it.
<br />3. The Assignee shallnot be obl; gated toperform or discharge, nor does ithereby undertaketo perform ordischarge,
<br />any obligation, duty or liability under the Lease, or under or by reason of this Assignment. Asst
<br />agree to indemnify he Ass' y magr shall and does hereby
<br />Y r8rte�eagainstandltolditharmlesefromany ,andallliabilit ,Joatogdama ewhichitara.orrrt ht
<br />incur under the Lease or under or by reasan of this Assignment and of and from any and all cjaime and demand w•hatwe' ver
<br />which maybe asserted against it by reason of any alleged obligation or undertaking on its Bart to perform or in the divaYr�arge
<br />of any of the terms, covenants or agreements wntr�inui in the Lease; should the Assignee incur any such liability, loss or
<br />damage under the Lease or under or by reason of tl is A asignment, o: in the defense against any such intros or demaaCa, the
<br />amautst .tlrereof,includingcost�, eapensesand reasonable attorney's fees. together with inter��et.thereonatthe higheatzaeet
<br />forth in any of the Obligations secured her+Eby, efaall be secured hereby and by the said mortguj or deed oftruet, and Arteignor
<br />shall reImbwstethe Assignee therefor inI uaWte upon demand, and upon the failure of Assignor so to do the Assignee may
<br />declare all Obligations secured hereby immediately due and payable.
<br />1. Until the Obligations secured hereby shall have been paid in full, Assignor covenants and agreesto keep leased
<br />at a ,good and sufficient rental the Premises and upon demand to transfer and assign to the Assignee any and all subsequent
<br />Leases upon allor any part of such Premises upon the same or substantially the same terms and conditions as are herein con-
<br />tained. and to make, execute, and deliver to the Assignee, upon demand, any and all instruments that may be necessary or desir-
<br />able therefore, but the terms and provisions of this Assignment shall apply to any such subsequent Lease or Leases whetheror
<br />not-so assigned and transferred.
<br />a Assignor shall, upon request of Assignee, furnish it a complete list as of the date of the request of all Leases and
<br />other tenancies of the Premises in such reasonable detail as may he requested by Assignee. Further, if requested. Assignor
<br />shall deliver to Assignee executed or certified copies of all Leases and other written agreements, correspondence, and memo-
<br />randa between Assignor and Lessees and other tenants setting forth the contractual arrangements between thnm. Such
<br />requests may be made at any reasonable time.
<br />S. The failure to list any specific Leases under Schedule R hereto, shall n>>t invalidate or affect in any manner, the
<br />Lgeneral assignment of rents and lessee provided for herein. 4f
<br />4. Upon the payment in full ofru11Obligation3 secured hereby, ny evidenced by the recording or filing f ;faninstru- fr
<br />ment of satisfaction or full release of said mortgage ordeed of trust, unless there shall have been recorded another mortgage or
<br />deed of trustirs favor of the Assignee coveri ng the whole or any part of the leased Premises,this Assignment shall become null
<br />and void and t f ne, effect r'
<br />— - x. r
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<br />' 4
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