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STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF LANCASTER <br />AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING OF PUBLISHED NOTICE <br />) ss. <br />Randy James, being first duly sworn under oath, states that on May 15, 2017, a copy of the <br />attached Notice, which is attached hereto as Exhibit 'A', required in this proceeding, first <br />published in the Doniphan Herald (Hall County, NE) on May 11, 2017, was sent by United <br />States mail to each and every necessary party appearing to have a direct legal interest in this <br />proceeding whose names and addresses are known, as listed below, except those upon whom <br />service has been attained, to wit: <br />» James J. O'Neill, 2426 N CUSTER, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803; <br />The applicable parties were unable to ascertain and do not know the addresses of any other <br />party appearing to have a necessary legal interest in this action or proceeding other than those to <br />whom notice has been mailed in writing, and other than those who have waived in writing such <br />notice as evidenced by the associated files, or have been otherwise served with notice of such <br />proceedings as evidenced by the associated files to this proceeding. <br />FURTHER, AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me February 22, 2017, by Randy James. <br />Notary Public <br />201706000 <br />