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<br /> < < � ' �. A�CKNOWd.EDGEIIIIENT . � ` ��� � ' � .
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<br /> , RuAU�M t0�T6-t0I}5�R.R.S. 19�43, SS 8rt1@ftde�!by LB�"19 @1f@CttYB July 10. 1964.end bdtOl�eaOSCUtIng it1�/
<br /> dNCtibsd Ttuet I?eed,ti�ur;d�rsigned aci�rro�Medge(s�to:Unton I�oRgeys Compeny.lnc..t�e B�nsiiclary in the� �• .
<br /> � . ftinir�aMer Truet.t]eiad. and ta Paut J: LaRuus. Attarney at taw. the Trwtes tn �sia�Tru�t aesd..lhat tt�
<br /> ' " � ��C�l te�?atwulto e�cut�ackr�otvtedge,and detiv�aoer�n Tirwt OesOon rodeetate bg�liyd�scc�ed _ , '
<br /> ._ ` aa: �r��v t�..t�ar���c�rnr r� �>>*�rmrc�j��,tu wQrr�x�t�e�t �
<br /> .� , � �o�crr�r aP c�w�w, mr.qo�nr. r�. � � �
<br /> wt�kfi Tiv�t l�esd witE he gtvert w secure a promissory ncte ot even,date from the und�rsi�ned ta ths Beneficiary. . �
<br /> ' . � Ths undsrsi�ed unclerstand(aj that ths dacument the undensigned is sbout to eaecute is s Trust Oeed, and ' -
<br /> not t tpt ast�naortgsge,which wiU be given ta s�cure the payment of the pmmisbry n0ls ThKe wilt bs!t powe , .
<br /> � � at�fn the Trust C�eecf.A real esiate mastg�ge sudjects the properry ta a lien. the Trust Deed is s conveyance
<br /> ;. . af ths p[operty fpr the purposes therein expressed; whereas a mortgage�s conditiona{ end defi�aiblA. A 7rust �
<br /> � De� far axeCUted to a Trustee whv may be different thart Me 8etreficiary_ Ths ardinary m�[geger ts usualty
<br /> ` �Cuted directfy to ttie creditor ta be secured. , �
<br /> � Ths endefaign�d understan�s tha!a�c►wer of sale pravrc9es ft�r substantialty difterent righta an�oblfgations by
<br /> ths undersi��ed when campared witn a rsai estate mortgage, in the event that the underaigned detaufts unde�
<br /> the terms ot the�'3romissory n�te�rtd Trust Oeed.?he uttdersigne�acknawledge(m)that a Truat Ge�80,ir1 ths event .
<br /> . • d a QNauit by ti����ndersigned,invulv�s a,rtonju�iciat toraefosure.T�ere will be no aUry af e�cecution a othsr ri�hts � .
<br /> uwslly Y3oCiatsd with a �eal estate torectosure. ' ' .
<br /> Aft�ths expiratiar�ot one mant�tram the I�ling o1 a Notice o1 Detautt with the Reglater ot Oeads in the aDov�
<br />. m�►nticxted C€��nty,and seroit:e of a ctypy ot the notice uppn tf�e underaigned by ceRifred mait,ar pubticstian,aa
<br /> provi0ed by a�st�;lte.the Trusiee may cause a�eqal nolic�o*1'rustee's Sa1e to be pta�in a 18qa1 r in , .
<br /> tfte�bav�meM�sneO Counry, which publ+cat�an shalt take plvcp pnce each wesK tor t:^:e conseCUti�we��r'o
<br /> aooaftir tharo ten(10)days.nor more than th+rty(3Qf da��s aiter Ihe la�t pubt�catpon,the Trustee may conduct a pu�'�c
<br /> saie�t eiiher tha pro�erty�tsett or at ihe Caunty Cour4 House at tt�u abov�mentloned�unty,se11�n4 the prcperty �
<br /> E�ths hi�hsat bidder far cash
<br /> � IN WITNESS WNEREQF the unders�,yned havo executed th;s AckrtowteQgment �z �d.Is]�i, Nebraske
<br /> �in the dtte set toAh abave. �
<br /> _,,, i e� _.if� � k' - "�c�`��--�.----- `-=--'�Z"�'�r�.Y.. :
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<br />� a�.�iab ai.�al�b •--c�lt� U. aiV� �
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