_ � -: � � �. _ : _
<br /> . � �"
<br /> . , . .. _ , - � - -- - -- � ,
<br /> ` � ` , ` '� : ' , � < ' 1 , • . . ' , ` ` ` �
<br /> , , , , _ , ,
<br /> . , . , � 9Q-- 10��?n ` .
<br /> . . � _ - � �
<br /> . . . , � . , _
<br /> - tf i�eiider requira�aprtpr�e it�iunace e3 a canditiort arf�akins the lan sesurcd by ttas�urisq Instr�mant, � .
<br /> �"` � 8orrawer a6all pay tbe ps�e�iums�equirad to mainnae thp ins�rance in rA'est unti!such rim!as the rcqttirement tar tbe ' ' .
<br /> ! iawranc�e terminita ia icoord�nce wit6 8orro+rer'��nd�der's�vrittrn�Sr�emrnt or spplicabk ta�r.�.
<br /> : ' t. i�etfw. E.atida or it�a�ai3.s�m�Yc-re�tabk enttis dpan ind inspeatic�vf t�e grop�a�ty.i�n�er � " � � �
<br /> ' sh�t=ive Bo�a+�ar aatice�t tt�e,ttsee of or prioreb sa in�n sgecifyit,6 aasonahte w�sc f�the ins�pection. � . `
<br /> ' t . ! C�ir■�flwi. '7'brpiioc+erds o�anr a�ru�i or ci�im for damsaes.direcc or consequentLL in connection�rith
<br /> . �ny,ca�deasnation or other talcint of any p�rt of the Prope�ty.ot for convQyrsnce ia liw of condemnatioe.ue he�eby . •
<br /> ' a�ip�ed�sl�li b�e p�id to i.seder• . � . ,
<br /> � tu tAe eveat t�f s tatal hici�s of the Pnnperty,tt�e procads s1Wi bt applied to t�e wms secnt+�d by this Secutity .
<br /> . Iastrtae�a���rbelbar at nat#1���rith aap exoat pid to Borrorrer.In tise evem oF a partiai t�f�of t�e Piroperty, ' �
<br /> � w�1a�Horrn+rermd Le�t otl�e ajree in�rritin�,the sums sec�red by this Se�¢ntity Instrument shaU be reduoed by = .
<br /> t1�e��tt ot`tLe pta.�eed�tnnh��r tLe foltanrin�tcactioa:(a)the total amount of ehe aums seeured immediatety '
<br /> � � �divided by(d}tbe fiir r�utet vatuc of the Property imrrtedistet�before the taYin�.Any baltnce shall be
<br /> � . It tLr prope�ty is�6mdoned 6q Borrowa.ar if.after notice by Lender tc�Borto�rer that the condecnnar dfers ta
<br /> , , s�lre��t�rtN at settk s cWm for durta jes.8cxrcrvtr faifs to rapond to Lender�vithin 3O days aRer the date the notice is `
<br /> =tre�,L'eRdtr iswtbocized to Cotkct utd apply the pro�acds,st its aj+tion,either to restoration or repsir of the P�apsty ar•
<br /> . t�t��ms�ecured by tltisS�curity tnstrumen�w�h�ethcr or not tb�n due.
<br /> U�tlais�,enclet�nd Hotn�!er dhetMise�ree in ivritin�,any spplication of Qtoceeds to principa156a11 nat extend or
<br /> � postpone tl�e duc dstt d�£ie maethEy pe�ymtint�re£'�red ta in parsaraphs i an�2 ar change the amount of such paynnertts. . .
<br /> � 10 Sorrow�t�.�telea�e�l;FatlranKrr Ey i,e.ier Na . V1t�i.er, Estrnsion oi the time for p�yment ar
<br /> � . maiilic�tio� t�f'au�arti2�lioa o�the sums secured by Ehis Secunty lnstra,mrnt granted by l.�mder to gny sucassar in
<br /> � � in[er�att of Bn�rrwver that�swt opente to rckase tl,ie li�bility of�he original8arrnwer or B�,rrower's succGSSOrs�in interest. .
<br /> , I�endee�6Il raot tfe roqes�red to cam�ce�roce�dings against any successor �n ����s't or retase to.extmd�ime fot
<br /> � ' p�ymen[at a�crMise�y amortiution of ebe�cc�ny se�curM by this Security Inatrat:�ent tiy rea�.u�n r�a�y demand made
<br /> � dy t,�e ari�sl 8orran�es cxBotrasrr's sncaeswrs c�mterest.Any farbe�rance by[.ender:n esercisi-��.;;y right or rertrcdy
<br /> . . s�l t�at be a��aiver otor preelade tbe�zr¢ise of any ngAt or remedy.
<br /> • '. it. �eqwoe��■1 AOf�s��M;�oi�t tM Serenl LiaMlitY:�Atrs. '@'F�cotierz�nts and asrer.�ts of
<br /> this Security Itutrummt�!1 bind and beneSt the successon�nd ass�gns of!_cc:3er and S..:rrewer,s�:+s�ecr ta the pro�isinns '
<br /> , atp�ra(r�ph 1�T.Bosrawet'i cqvrnants and agretments�shiil be jomt and se�c�J.Any Bor�ower who 4^rs�signs this Secutity�. �
<br /> Imtrument but Aaes not eaecute the Note:(a)is co-signina this Security instrument oNy ea mort�age.grant and convey � �
<br /> ' tbat Botratves's int�rest in the Ptoperty under the terms af eh�s Secusity f natrument:(S►is nnt persanally abligated!o pay �
<br /> the sums secured by this Sxurity tnstrument;and(c1 agrees that l.ender and�ny other &�nower may agree to exttad, � ' ,
<br /> ritodify.forbear ar ttuke�iy accommodattons with reguQ t�the terms of�h�s 5ecunty Instcument or the Kote w�thout � `�
<br /> th�t Borrowa'sccn�sent. . .
<br /> � f2. �.oM L1�r/es. ittAe tan securM b}this Security Instrument is subyflcl to a t�w wh�rh sets maaumum laan
<br /> ' ehu�e�, sMd th�t 4M i� Anslty iatetpteted so tf►at the mtrrest nr c�tAcr loan chuges collected ar to be enllecteA in
<br /> . ca�ncetion wntb the tan eaceod ehe permitted lim�ts, then fa1 ar�y �uch loa»cha►ge SF�all t+e aAuced by Ihe amnunt =
<br /> , ne�ary to[educe ths¢hu6e to the permuted limtt;And Ib)any sums alrcady cnllettcd fram Hnnnaer wtuch eRCeeded �—
<br /> petfnitted tit�tits�t11 be�efundtd ta�rrower I.ender rnay chixr.,e t��make tlus refunJ by reduc�ng the pruic�p�l n�aed �: '
<br /> u.t�der the Note er by msiuna a d�tect{�ymettt to E3orro�vet tf a refund reduces pnnc�pai,the«duction wtill be Ire�ted a�a
<br /> �tnial prepeymrnt wnthou��ny prepiyment chargr unQrr ihe ti��tc
<br /> � 1�. Le�Mt�tlo� Alfeetl� [,t�et'� Rl{�ts. (f enactment c�r eRp�runon c�f arp4cable laws has �Ar effect of �
<br /> senderins�ny provt�ion�'the Nou or�hisSe�unty instsumcnt unenfurceaE�leaccc�rd�ng t -:�s term�.L.ender,at itsnpuus�,
<br /> m�y roq�eire immedate p��ment �n full of alt sum•.xcurcd by th►r�ecuniE �ntitrumcni and m3y +nroke any retnedtcs � 'r
<br /> petmitted by qr�jr�ph Dy.IC Ltndere�etcisr.►ih:�npuc�n,l.enttsr fih.�ll take tt:r�te�++per�t►td ia�?�:�r«nnd paragr�ph��f i.�
<br />� a�.a,pn».
<br /> U. !\iofleH�. Any osauce co E��rtc+wer proYrded fann eMti Sn unty In�tei�mrnt.E;.�l!he g�tirn by delivrrmg rt or by
<br /> ma�Una�t by Ant clats min) unte�s apptccahle lan requnts au af anuther mcthc►d 1 he n+�ttre sh�U be drcrcted tn Ihe "� �
<br /> P�opetty Addre��or tny c�ther Nddre+�� liutrawet clesigrsatec hy nc�t�cc tc�i cnder My m•t�ce t��t.er.tt�s zha11 Ne g�ticn by ' `�-�
<br /> 6nt Clau matl t4l.enQtt`s addtecti stated here�n or any c.ther adAreca I.ender A��ignuteti A� nnt�ce t�t���ruwer Any nMice
<br /> provided tor in this Securtty I��trumen[rhrl0 be deemed tn have heen���rn ta Horruwer��r I.chder whcr�g�.en a�provrded
<br />' m tAis parqraph.
<br />, iS. G�effit�lsx;!+eut�ilit�. Thw tiec:unty Inctrumtni tihali he F+��er�cd by f�dere!taw nnal�ht law�tthe ,
<br /> '�unsdution�n wlitch Ihe Nroperty �c laatM In�Re eYe:�1 thae on��+t������r�n��r�:laure��f tQi�5ccur�ly Instrument ar Ihe
<br /> . Ntxe canffkis with�ppl�cable law�.such canAi�t shall uni anec;t ulher pru�nn+nti of thi�Securi��.Intilrumrrtt ur.�he.fintt .. . . . . .... ... . .
<br /> which can bt e«rn e}[cct withaut the c�+nArcung pm�u:c�n �t�c+th�s en��he pr��ziaum<<�f ehn 5rrur��y Instrument and the
<br /> NMe ire decLueA to be severable
<br /> , 1f. aaRO�d'�Cqr. fi�rrnr�et shall be Ki�en c�nt cc�nfurmed c�F>��t�h�ti��tc and��f fA�t�cunty lnsuumer►t.
<br /> ' 19. Tra�tr M ILe Pro�eA�w�Betrficia!latuest in E3orrower. lf alt ur or�► �un ui the Propeny ar nny
<br /> ttttprest in n ts sa{d ar translcrrc�d tpr if�ber�efteiAt interes�in i��rro�er i�tinld nr t ransferre�enA ik�rtnv►rr«nat a nawryl
<br /> � person►w�Ihtaut l.endrr's pnur wrcttcn ce���ent.lr.nder may.a�t ats c�ptwri. �eyu�tc��n�mcdutr�vyment�n CuU ut a1!sums
<br /> secureQ by th�s Serur�ty Insttume:�t i���rrtier.IF11S i��Ltt71i 4�I.�fE n��i t+P exerciE:.,t h��.f en�ier �f ewrr;:�sr«pt�,h�!►ued by
<br /> fedetallYwa�aftRt�teaf'Ih�sSetiunty In�trumtnt
<br /> - 11'L:tndertxercise�th�sopl�r�n,LenS�r�hal{gitie#i��rr��raern{�u�eufe«eicretu�►� "Ehir�i�t�c�tchaUpr��vcdeapertcxl � - -----
<br /> trtno!kssthut 30dfyskcsm t�ted�ttt Ihr not�.c�s delnertd nr nt3�lccf a ithu�wh;c•h[3���rc�Kei mu�t pay al!�um�Str:urc0 by �
<br /> lh�s Secunty lnstrument If iir�rr���•et fa►I�tf►pay ttc�cpmc�+ruu tu the rs�+�rarr.im��t th�s�ennd.leadu m,1y in�uke aay
<br /> remedets ptttttnted by 1h�s Se�ur�t} lnstrument wnhout fs�nher�u��i;c��t der��an�f��r,ff:�rrc�uer .
<br /> ' 1�.Bo�rower's Ri�t to Rti�st�tt. Ii[b�te,�►e�mett4 cer��u,ct,�,�i�t�:�r►.,f�,r�e�a�cr rhalt h��r�he nghe a�h�,vr �
<br /> �� � efif�Tcttiifl�l�f�t15i�5ecu�'ety Tnsirurntnf di�::�int�nued�t any°i�nie�ri.�i fi�if:e t�sTi^i��P fvi 5 dyy.eur�ucf�{>ffier petiud ds` � �r
<br /> a�.+pluablr tav�mry s�ec�5y fc�=_ reirr�tatcs�sent E�!fv�c u[c a!Eh*_ �':f�;r�s�ty��nrtivar.s z:}any r.:�wer c�!sate cc�:�tarried en this ��f
<br /> � 5n.unty Inu:ummt,nr(Mlentry nf a Judgm.^nt enfc•rsi�g th��5-.ririt�Incrrurrrcnt IA�+s�-c��sidit�:�n�ar�that f3nrroatt
<br /> {a)pa,�s Lendu all sum� �hicA then wautd t�r due Ut3titl [h14 4t�Uf�t4 �nctr�,f�i!n! anil thC !1�:�te had n�±aiceietatcean
<br /> cercurred. (b) rurrs eny drfivlt�f any dthtr ca�enantc nr agreeme��t�. t;c pa�+ali {epe�4c�• m:.u►re�ia enforrmg th�c ��t.
<br />' Se�unt}tastrzment. �nciudit�g.hui nc�t lim�ted tc•. seai€�rw�t�nue�ru:�i fcey ua:!td►ta�e��u.ti a:r��;n a�l.endcr may ���
<br /> tC�Ststt�aJy te:�t�tte tn s5sute th�t the h:t�of th�c S:cuftt}' Ins*run:tr.t: t tndet'4 r�ght�tr. thc Nrn�r.ct� �n�! f�c�rt«wer's �
<br /> - ctblr�ilttoi� tt� �ay the su�mg �ure-d bti tht• Sn:urity instr=�rsrrnt �l��tt _Rarraur un�h3n¢cct C`�!*r= sc�n:ta[�n�e�[;ht ,�-
<br /> ��i�er.i'��s 5e:i��iti IiisltutT�en[and�hc r}rliqafc;ins�ciie�f:crehk SFiaiI ttmhiri s�:!Iy�r:�Cic:sc uti ii i.��:i��:elcfat�n�i�3 - `
<br /> c�ecu�ve�t1 H�v►�tirr_�histFght tc+resnstatcshall trut n�yfy y:rtfsr�acr��f u_aeie�arr�rs�n=uer�3ra¢�a;hs:z E�i 1"
<br /> . ��
<br />