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<br /> , � . � � � . � DEED OF TI�UST. - � � � .
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<br /> ► ` -��=.�n�oF�rnu�r�s.�t,r,�����ae�, Juiy 2�, � .
<br /> � ` . � �� gp.T1i�#rt�+tor is L�ly W.Fa�:le arcy�.:r�a"A. Fc�e, Fl�t�erti and ltfife. Sgrlue��r�. Ctaiys Jr. .
<br /> . � ;' atd 7t�r��';:'�'�r H.d7i�r�d ad'�l3�e. • , �••�owet'"'�.'The trust�e ii AR�fiD R.�JIACK.M�ft t"Trwitse"l.
<br /> . , TM'bt��i� lIOM!IR�DEIlJIL SAYMIt3�/tND L011N 11�SOCfAT10N O�ORM1D(SI.l1UrD, NEONA8ICA.whteb is `
<br /> � t�tni���pd ext+Na�under tAe Itws of NEaNAlKA.snd whoie addseu is�21 3outh Locwt.�itatui INw�,N�btadt�. _ •
<br /> . .�1�~ilf���� , � . . .
<br /> � ' 8otrow►ao�res�tl�eprincipstsumof Si.xteen �hausand Eight Hundred and 00/1OOths--------- .
<br /> ` � ---=----.•--�----------------Doltus(U.S.S 16,B00.00 f.This debt es evidercced by Bonower's nott
<br /> � d�t�ed tht fa�se d�te arthis Sesurity tnstrununt("Note").�rhich provide,s!or manthly p�yments, :r i:�the full debc.if not .' �
<br /> ; . pwidarlier:ctua�ad pyr�6leoe Aug�ast 1, 2��30
<br /> � _ 'I�S Secutit�r ImtnttnatE sa�ures to Len6er:(s)t6e rep�yment oi the deDt evidenced by the Note,�i;�interat.aRd sll � . .
<br /> , ne�arat�.eatensia�s�nd modi�catiorts;(b)the psyment of all other sums��-ith interest,advanced un�der psraaraph 7 to .
<br /> . . . protact the secutity of ehis Secutity tnstrument;and(t)tbt perf'ormsnce of Borrowcf's r.ati-�snta and s�rcemmu.For this ' .
<br /> � parpo�Bortoxer isrevocsbly fraats snd canveys to't'tusta,in tcust,writh paw�er of aale,che foitowin�described property � :. .
<br /> ' lacated in Hal1 County.Nebraska: � �.�..,�.
<br /> . � �:
<br /> �s =
<br /> � Lot tlne (1), 81ack �ne �?�, Baggs & Hill's Addition, Grand Island, Hall Caunty,
<br /> ' Nebraskas Exceptfng therefram a tract rsf land more particularly r�escribed in � -
<br /> . ` Warranty Oeed recorde� in the f�E�istet of Oe�d: Office as Document ";o. 89-105182.
<br /> ; .
<br /> - , �
<br /> i
<br /> � • � � �
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<br /> wrhicbhasthe�dOre.�oP 121 E� tV. E3r���ivw.,.�.;�.I � C'yrand 1�Car}d ,
<br /> �_�----•__-
<br /> Nebratic� 6H803 l"Prapexty Arfdress"); . .
<br /> tt�v caa.l
<br /> TtiaETHEIt WiTH all tht improvements now► or heraRes erected an �he property. aad al! euemtnts.�t�ghts.
<br /> - - r��st�s:ttces„test�..s�•�sssiaessl,r�i��sss!�si�:s e.�€s:�sb.s:s:�rsg�s.:sss�:t,.�^?� ��!!fer.ss::�r.s;� �sr _ ._:.
<br /> �ferqRer�prt ottht praperiy.All►eplsetmentgatt��tWitions shil)o1sc�Aecoverod by thts Sccuttty fnsltumen6.All of th=
<br />. forejain�is reCerred to in this Secunty lnstrument u the"�rapeny." . ��
<br /> � ' � BOIUtOw�R CUVEN�Ni'S thit Bafro�rer is[awfully seised of the•estate hueby conveyrd artd has�he nght to grarit �
<br /> �na epnvey the Property ub that Ih�e 1'�e�plrty�s unetfeum6ere�1.txcrpi fur encumbrances of ra�rd. Ciortawer watrants '
<br /> and w�ill defeud 6enenUy the titk ro the Property agiinst all ct�ums end,�emnnds,subltct ta bny encumbrartccs�f reci�rcl �''
<br /> . . rA
<br /> THIS SECURttY 1hrST111sM�h'T eombirtes uniform car�en�nts fc�r nat�asa{ use bnd nc�a-e�ndurat cc�+aaansc wNt� �
<br /> limitt�vuvt�c�s�sb�jur�sdic�ian t�cuastituta a ssriSormseeunty instrur.�cni c�ver�ssg:eal pr�}�,erty z, �
<br />: � NEBitASitA—s���re f8m�ly--fNMA/iNL�C UNIFORN fNStRU1�EHY Eorm aare ss:e3 '
<br />� r4•,M;��1 lM�CIT1'r f
<br /> cam sats . •
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