— • ' � . _ _ _ . • f;� ' _ -;.Y.. __- _ -_-_ . _ . ` _ . .
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<br /> . . Ut�t1Ft11tM Cqv�xR!�ts. 'Banaarcr and Lender.covenant and�gee a;foltows: ° � ,
<br /> , 1. pjy�wt�pei�CiN1 a�Q�te�pr+e�ay�et ui Lte A�. Botrowu shaIl prmnptly paY v�hen due .
<br /> ` ,� : �1le pritt�pt�of at�d;ntetESt on thede4t evidepced by 4he Note utd at�y Arepaymayt and late charga due under[he Nate. , .
<br /> � . - : �. FiritKturawiil�e SnbjECtta�p�icalstets�csrtoa�rritce�evaiverbyLer�der..&uro�rersbaltpaY
<br /> to t+ender on tbe dsy ma►thty pay�tsertis are dve unQer dte Nnie,until t�c�Nate is paid in full.a sum("Funds")�ua1,to. . ,
<br /> . . a�e-twe�lh ot: (�l�Ya�ly taxes and axsessments�vhicli msy atitain prioriEy �i�r this Security Insuumeat: tb� yeu1Y ' .
<br /> y�id P��ts or �round�aits on tIK Praperty. if ar�y; (c) Ycar1Y h�xa�uuwanx premiums: ana (d� 3raFty , �
<br /> �� � - � � �ftfpyt i�autnu�oe pr�ni�an.Jany.'Cluse itans ue calkd"escspw icrms."I.ziid�r may es�imite the Funds due bn the �
<br /> 6r�dc�rtent dat��d ridwonsbk atia�stes of fumre escro+e ituns. � � ° - - . .
<br /> � .'�1e fwd��a11 be IteW in an institateon the deposits or accounts of whiefz are insured dr guuanteea by a federa�ar -
<br /> � � Nate ya�y(inet�edins t�tnder if Y,ender ia such�n institution?.I.ende:shall appt�r thc Fands`to p�y thr esaro�items. .: .
<br /> Y,n,aer mar�a��a tor t�oiai�s,Aa a�iri���F�nas��nalyzing the accnunt or vetifying the acrow iterAS,untas -
<br /> � l,esder pe�s 9o�e�rer interat os the Funds artd�ppticable i��p�ermiu Lender to matcc such a rbsrga Borrower asid �
<br /> ' Lende�awg ajt�ee in Mritinj tbst intes�st sb�! 6c paid on the�gnds. Unless.an agrameat ss made or a�licabk�►x
<br /> roqpit�s i�terat to be pud,LenQer;h�not be requirsd to pay Hc►rrpwer any i.ntcrr.st or ea�ing3 on the Funds.t�r
<br /> tMt!siv�to Bot[�er,�ithawt�l�u�e,an snnas!acc�ounting of the Fus�ds showang crrd'ats and Qzbits to th��unds as��the
<br /> pu�po�e for�rlh�ch ach d�t ta the Funds Mas ntsde.The FunQs ue pk3gad as adi3iuonai securit�for�he si�ins secured by
<br /> � t�3a�curicy inuwewebe. , .
<br /> � �. tttl�e amount of the FunQs hcld by Lender.toaether with tre futurc monthf}p�yiaient�'of Fands payablt prior to
<br /> � tl�e due d�tes ot the escrorv ftems.atWl eacc�eed t6t amaunt rtquired to pay th��scr�w items when due,the eacess st�ali be.
<br /> - tt Barpwer's option.tither pcomptty repaid ta Borrower or credited to Borrowrr on cttonthly Qsyments of Funds.lf the
<br /> an�ount of the Funds held by Lender i�aot�ul�rient to pay the escrow items w'a�due,Bnrrowtr sh�ll pay to Lendet any . .
<br /> ' �teountt�ecessarytom�keuptftedeficiencyinontarmnrcpa�mentsacreqturedfsyl.eRder. ' �
<br /> • Upon payment in full ot ail sums securrd by this Secunty lnstrument.Lender shali prompti}.refund to Barrower �
<br /> � any�a�ds AeW 6y l,ender.Ii uttdto p�ragrAph 14 the Pr�s�+ert}is sc�td or�cqu�red by Lrnder.Lender shall appfy.no later
<br /> thaa immed'uteiy prior to Ihe eale af the Prnpcny or its arquis�tian by Lender,any Furtds het.:o, ;.cnder at the time of
<br /> appiiCUion as a credit a�inst the sums se�ared Dy ihis Serurity Instrumem •
<br /> 3. ANlkati�o►P+rp�e�ts. Unless appltrable!�w q�ravides atherw�!,c,all pa}ments cecened by l.ender under
<br /> patt�rsyhs t attd 2 shsi!be ap�lted�8rst.tn I�te charges due uader the Note,�cand.to prr�aymrnt charga due under the
<br /> Nole:thirQ.to amounts psyable undet p�ngraph 2�founh,t�r mterest due,end I�►st,ta pnne�pat dua
<br /> +. CLrp;l.i�r. HurrnvYer shall pay aU tax�s,assessmrnts,rharbes.finrs an�im�►cKitcnn�attnbutaak tn the
<br /> ptopertq ahiclt msq.atuan prionty over th�A Secar�ty 1n+erumrnt, ar�A ►ea�C�.ald payrrter►ts or graun�i rrnts, ii any. . . .
<br /> Botrowtt sltsll pay the��blt�ttons m the manncr prcivided�i�paraFraph 2,nr�f m�t p�icf m that manner,EMrrowrer shal!
<br /> p�y them an pme dtrectly to the pctsaa n�xed payment.l3nrr�wer��.�if prcimps+ty�urnwh t.�t.c.�,+.cr all ncnices af smnunts
<br /> tobe p�id under this psna�aph.!f Horrowrr mulies tt�ess p�ymenra ci:re:�ty. l3nrrnwet shaE,�rampily furn�sh tn lxn�er
<br /> rectipis evidencin j[ht p�yments. ' . -
<br /> Bprrower shail pr�mptly d�scharge any tien wfiich ha�pn�zniy wver tht�Suur�ty!r»trument uni��4;Burrowtr:(a) .
<br /> �oas in�ivf'"ttin�to tbe qyment of tbe c�bli�,t�an ucured hy th�hen�n a mans►er�:cer�able r�I,enQrr,(bDs�nntests�n g�:�d
<br /> tuth it�e tien by.ordefencls a��nst et�f�sicement nf ehe!►tn m,frp,a}prt�eec�uigs�h�ih�n cr.p t,cnd�s'�t*.�n• �n n�xr.:t^:u __
<br /> pttvent the tnfotcement atthe(ur�ar[orfeuure vf e�y p:+rt uf ehe Praptrty.r.r fc)sec. c�,ftc�z►1 thr 4��..ie� ��f the i�en an —
<br /> taCernent salisPactory to I.enQer suburdinating th�I�en t:►iA�.Se�:,unty Inc:rument !f E.cr,drt cirttrt�ines st►a�any�aat.�f 5 •
<br /> � the PtoptRy is sub�ecf tp a l�rn vrhich ma}+ at�a�n prsort�p r�ver th�+��cunty Instrurr�ent, l.encter -nay�ctie Rc,rr�+uec e
<br /> notice idrntifyinE the lien. Horrowrr tihall rau4fy the hcn��r taicr�•ne«r more of Rht acn�;na ict f�nh:aAS,ue uUh�n !A dayr
<br /> af the�ivinsof notics. �
<br /> S. HasY'�IMYrMCe. [lntrower qhall keep�Ac impru�cmtu�s now e�itung ur h�:c�fter rrecte�d a�n the p�c+peny
<br /> ' inwtod�ainst lass by fire.harards rnri�ded wrih�n the u�m"r�tended carrr�sge"�n4 any_ahcr harards fat whcc�►t..�nder
<br /> requircs insur�nce. Th�s �nsunnre +hal!t►e m�mtainrd �n the arnn��nr�anc� for rhe per.cxi� that t.�•ns�*= «�u�res Yh^
<br /> �ttwrulEe camer pravrn�na ihe�nsurancr�hall he�:R��sKn he I�s�rrc►w•cr whJtce cE► !cn:ler's pppto►�1!wh�ch�hali rt�st be �
<br /> nnra�onabiy withhetd �
<br /> A1)�nsunnet poltcia and renev�als�halt►hr a<<r�.t�hte t<< t.cnder and ti}iall�n�fudc a aarulatd mortgage clause . .�.
<br /> lRt�der shall h�►vr Iht n�ht to hutd the�x�licic�arul rcnewol� If t end^r rcyuuc�. Hutr«LSer�haU pram�+�ly g�ve tcr Lender
<br /> all�tceipts of paid premiums and renewal��au�e� In ehe e�r+►i��f tc+�•, tinrr�+aer�h�tl g��e�+rarnpi nnuce t��he m9urance
<br /> camer�nd Lenckr IRnder may n»a4e pe�x,f uF t��t�.�t nF,t ri3aJe pr<�tnpti}hy Rs�rr{�wer
<br /> Unles.s Ltndtr�nd[i�rr�awer othciw��e df?tCC Ifl Afllll)g�Ip4tllAtllC��feKC�l�S�II4U�1C A(�(>�ICQ I<�(CStCffdl{pO(�►fC��lf
<br /> pPthe ptoptrty clamARed,�f the rctit+�raFwn�a rr=���t F4 c+.�m��nu:att� ieatibte and 1 end�r'c ucunty i�not Ie+urttd if the
<br /> ' re�toraticx�or repair is nuf ecorium►c�tly f�;w�hle�".t.euder.'�tieiu�lly yt�tuid.A�.tCSStt�eJ..the�nsurancr pr�xeeds shall be
<br /> ._ . .. ..- -
<br /> ��QIIf�A f0 tllt AUM��hUtftil hy fhis Sttidtit} �I�i*.tUfnCl2f, whnh�r �r n�Tt then Aue, witt�auy e�ciss pa�d t��lic+rrnwer. !f
<br /> Bwrorrer abandons 1he i'urper�y. ��r�t;Nev�i��l JF11Nf� w�tiw�. �t��fat��a noti:c t'mrn I.ertdct that�hr ina�.:ranrr carrcer haw
<br /> ORettdtUSeltks�ctttni.theni.etrQe►n:�ti���{te�trheir►ru�a«rc��rFx�td� len�terrr►ayuseth��+r�Kcec���c►rcpavorrestore
<br /> the Ptopeny ur to pry s�ms�e�ured hy th��tirr r,nt,; In�trururt�t. Whc�her ��t ru�l tht�due 7he 10�dny penud w�i)tftg�n
<br /> wiieer I�e nol��s�vrn ` .
<br /> Utik�Ltndt�and Ht►rn�wrrathrrw�u aRrce u�wr�l�n�,.a;�o u{��+1►.xtfnn��f(+nkce�s t�►�+r�isnpal shoU nnt extend or
<br /> postponelheduedatentthenulu�hi�E+:sln►eiilv rrfcttr•�i c:��n�,ar.i�;�a�,h; t .�t�il���t�he)�(;e 1he arnuisni�+9thepa�m°nt� ��
<br /> , undcr pit[arsph 14the Pa�perty�y►�ywrcd hy 1 rn:�rr.I��rr���cr'ti�a�;t►�.���a:�� �n�ura��.t��1��srr asTCi�+►cKCCds resutnng
<br /> . ifOfi dfrtuaC to the P�operiy�+ttor t��tt�c n,,yut+�t um+�rail;n�t tc�{.rr��p..�„EF����{P�ii a�E IfSC iUlllti S[+l UtC`tf�t}'(I1t5 SCl'U111�f
<br /> ,-°-_——
<br /> • instrument immCdutely pnnr tu�►Yea�yu+s���E+r� • ;
<br /> � , 6: Prqtrv�tfua aAA!►ldntteaner af Yr�,per�y:i cesrhulds. f���n�1Her�h��i m�s de�er«y,damaKe ur substanhally
<br /> thtnge�he 6'ropeny.nitc�w�hr Nrnperi} cs�tlrtrtu�ratr �-t ������fr��t �sstr If tFu�'+ctuneti In�Uuntent it un e te�sehcitd.
<br /> Bt�ttor►et sh�ll�ampl}wdh�hc�+s���ist�ms c+�tftg 2r:s�z,at��i�f{I:.�c:t�ae�a�y:�src�frp ri�;r t�+.�fire Yro{rrty,the lra5ehr.�t�anA
<br /> rltllt�tlhll�tlUtRtCtReutljCSA�Ttic�ct:�grc�titi�fFitluethrsiii.�iifir�h � '
<br /> 7. �i'roteet� a1' I�et►Aer•s H�Qbts ie the E'rapery: '�tari�tr In!�uraace. I� Ht�rro..er fatlti tc� pr�f�}rm the �
<br /> � Cuvttt�tltS�ItdAgtKments.��nin�ncdinth�t4/'e'UY1f4fr�titru»te��� :�r�t�cre�c�:sic�.�ipr��t.er�iu��that+ri�yti�gnificentlyaftect 1�
<br /> �.<T1Qft'x�ghts�n �he Ntoperty tsactf U�+t ��it�iffc}ttiEt If� �,9171ttt)�,`.t�. ��1c'�t.fl�` lt�r E�:�t�er�rea��un t�t t�T tT1�l�f�C �aMS!�f
<br /> . redutztinny?.thtii t.encter r�iay d�•a:�d�:�y i��r ut������r.r��:�e�r��.:��ti �"s,r�a��r�►�c�ajur.�f thc Pr��petty and{rniter`s nghts
<br /> in the Pro�+ertX l.en�ter's artc;tnc iva� �i�.iu�le ���►�u�;uu� yum�. e�.uicS i�., a :��t� �fn_Fe h,�v ��ru•ta�y r�er thr. ticcutity �
<br /> �nstrumtni.ppp�tat�ts�itr�i�U{f.��3��1l� fC.11(`flJ�•�CT1ZItiiN:i♦ �[['+:f'1'�it)t�`.•I;F''•'�1t7f��F(�M�F�� ����tidkCfC(�dli� Althi�ugh
<br /> � I.ZYSQ[i(ft3�l�8�iC86t1�lID4I��Ftfttc�Jt�kiil(,�r 7.� f�c,3rt���_:�;i<+E}i;t:p t��.}<<:.. �
<br /> As��an���uc�[cdi�(ni►isr:���1 I t�1:.�tt ilft:�t[ 4ht��*.If.!(:t:i('�1 �►��711���..°"�� �.i*`�z 71:��i$��`t i�n'r.�r=wc:�'_•c`tSTCii�L I�iiG T ,
<br /> Secur��y Insirun�rn� l't1�Ci�E�:�Iit�L�CF cstsc!1 cr.ci�•t us..ti•t�,,.�t�te srr���z.•.`t,e.i�.�!,r r!iccr.rsrn.•.:t�f«i;.�;!i�e.�t isite�e�t�rnm .
<br /> Iht(1�1t t�i d�thurcem:nt :f1 ihe �ii�te� r.i'� .�n:i ct�.r1l i�r ;�.e:.��•i� •:�af; ,� :�,r�. 3,,- r;.:tt.e lr:��r 1 r�:i:c� r" 6i��rr��uct
<br /> . �cyut�tuig��a�ymer�t
<br /> � �
<br />