<br />890'. 1 01989
<br />the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, as
<br />Doc. No. 89- 100177 of Miscellaneous Records.
<br />On January 17, 1989, copies 'of the Notice of Default,
<br />with the recording data shown;: "thereon, were mailed to the trustor
<br />and all other`. interested parties by certified mail, return
<br />receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the addresses shown in the
<br />Affidavit recorded January . 24, 1989, iit thit office of the
<br />Reqister, (f• Deeds of Hall, C" Y• Nerraska as Doc..`Xi4' 89- 100345
<br />of Sis�l Rec*rdjC;
<br />After the lapse -a' ! :- 6t' l th4A: ' i�av�
<br />L. Reiner.. Trustee, in cons�er r�ra�cra;_�E. the`;��'��i�e':'.;r�$ �7efa�t' ai�s�
<br />in. compliance wrath the terns' :t�ii.:. Me: 46f -' •Trust did a tote a
<br />Notice of Trustee's Sale, stating that the above- described
<br />property would be sold at public auction to the highest bidder
<br />for cash in the lower lobby of the Courthouse, Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, on March 27, 1989, at 10:00 a.m. The Notice of
<br />Trustee's Sale was published in The Grand Island Dahl
<br />Independent, a newspaper having general circulation n Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, with the first publication being made on
<br />February 17, 1989, and thereafter on February 24, 1989, March 3,
<br />1989, March 10, 1989, and March 17, 1989.
<br />On February 20, 1989, copies of the Notice of Trustee's
<br />Sale were mailed to the Trustors and other interested parties by
<br />certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the
<br />addresses shown on the Affidavit which was recorded February 27,
<br />1989, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, as Doc. No. 89- 100927 of the Miscellaneous Records.
<br />All applicable statatory .provisions of the State of
<br />Nebraska and all provisions at.. 1 lup, . above- described Deed of Trust
<br />have been complied with as ttp ' the acts to be performed and
<br />notices to be given.
<br />The above- describeds.property was sold at public auction
<br />at the time and place of s ld sale affixed as aforesaid to said
<br />Grantee, being. I;Ihe highest b,,idder at said sale, for the sum of
<br />$19,635.00.
<br />In Vitness Whereof, Kevin L. Re ner, Trustee, has'
<br />executed this daed of this jeday of , 1989.
<br />Kev n L. Renner, Trustee
<br />-2-
<br />