' < ` . . . _
<br /> � ...,.,._.�.,.. ` ` • � . � - , I _ . . . . -- - - , - µ , ` . ��
<br /> . � � . . • ,
<br /> , . � . . , . _
<br /> �... � ` ,� . . .. . - . - , 90=. 1��51� � - - � :
<br /> . th�P�op�rty is ss lalcin or damsq�d.L.�nd�r ahat!�ave t�s opt�an,in Its aote aad abaotuts di�rr.reUos,to apply a�tt�ay+ch Proceeds, .
<br /> �1ter d�ducti�f�th�eetfom all cos�and expsnses incurre�by it in connectlon With auch Praceeda.upan any irdeE�teQn�ss aecured � %
<br /> N�r�Dy and!n aueh arder as Lertder msy determine,or to eppty atl such Proceed9,aftar such deductions,to the restoraticn ot the
<br /> PropMty uporf weh CondiYons as lender may determine.My applicatton of P�roceeds to indebtedness shalt notextend cr pGStpone, , `
<br /> � � ths dw dals ot any paytnanb under Ms Kote,cf cura any detauit!hsreunder ar here�nder.Rny u:sappBed funas ah�tt�e paid ta `
<br /> � �Trul�ba: , . _ - -
<br /> . � B. l�elo�.y by L�r�U�n the occurrence a!an Event ot Detantt�ereunder.or ii any ect ia t�tken cr tegaf prdce�diny� �
<br /> . commencati which rt►sl+utatty aflec8s Lender'a(ni6resE in the Property.E.ender may in iti own discretion.huE without r�btigation to do �
<br /> • Oo,and without noUca 20 or demanQ upon Trustar anQ withput releasirtg Trustor irom any obligaUon,do ar�y act wAtch Trustor has .
<br /> a�rsed bdt fails to Go and n�y also do any oider act ii deems rtecessary to proteci the securKy hereot Trustar sAsil,immediatety . �
<br /> ' upon cNmand fharefor by Lender.pay to Lenderail costs and expenses incurred and aums expended$y leader in connec6on with
<br /> , tfte exsrcise by Lend�r o}tRe to�egotng dghts.together wiU►inlerestthereon at tti�detautt�ate provided in the Note,whict►shall be .
<br /> �.. . sdded fo th4 indeb�dsieas aecureef hereby. Lender shstl not irtcur any liabiliry because at anytt�ing it may do or omit to do �
<br /> hereunder. '
<br /> . - S. tNssrdous MaNrlals.Tiustor ahali keep the Property in compliance with alt appticabie Eaws.ordinances and regulatlans �
<br /> � � reiatin�to induatrial hypiene or environm�ntal protection(coltectively referred ta herefin as°Environmentat Lawa'�.Trustar ahatl
<br /> ' keep the Property frea from all substances deemed to bs hazardous or taxic under any Eavironmentat Lews(collectivety refeRedto '
<br /> � hereln as"Haza�dous Materials'�.Trustor herehy warrants ard represents to Lender that Mere are rto iiarardaus Matertats on or
<br /> ' . undsr tRe Praperty.Tr�ator hersby agreesta indemnifyf aRC hotd harmless t.�nder,its directors,officers,emptoyees art0 egents,arsd _
<br /> `any successors to lender's interesL from end against any and all claims,damages.Iosses and liabilities arising in connection witts
<br /> tl�s preaence�use,disposa�or transport ot any Haiardau�Materiais on.unde�irom or aDaut the Propecry.TFtE FOAEGOING
<br /> 10. Assfp�nNnt of R�nTs.Trt�stor hereby assigns to Lender the renis,issu�s and prafits of the Property:provtded that TrustOt �
<br /> shalt,unUl fhe occurrence of an;Evant ot Default he�eurtder,have the right to collect and retain su�h renta,issues artd protits as they
<br /> , • become aue and payabte.Upnn the occurrence of an Event of Oetaul�Lender may.either in person or by agent,with or wi�out
<br /> bringing any$ction_or proceedirtg,o�by�a receiver a�ointed by a court and without re�ard to the adequacy of its secariry.enter
<br /> upon and take possession of the Property,or any paAthereof,in�ts awn name or in Me name of the Trustee,and do any acts which it
<br /> - deems rteceasary ordesirabtsto presenrethe value,marketability or rentabiliry of the Property,or any part thereaf dr inieresttherein,
<br /> Increase the Income theref�om or protect�2he securiry horeot and,with o!without takirsg pc,ssess�on of the Property,sue tor or ,
<br /> . otherwlse cotlect tha rents, issues and profits thereo►, inctuding those past due and u�pa,a,and appty the same,less costs and
<br /> expenses o!operation and cot�ection inctuding attorney&'teee,upon any indebtedness srcurod hereby,all in such order as Lender '
<br /> may determine.Th�enterirs�upon and:aking possession of the Properry,ttie collectian ot�uch rents,issues and profits and the • ;
<br /> application thereot as aforesald, shall not cure or waive any default or not�ce of detau�t hereunder or�nvalidate any act done in �
<br /> responseto s�sh defaultor pursuant to such notice ot deiautt an�.notw�thstanding the cantmuance in possession af tt►e Pfeperty or '
<br /> the coHSCtiarr_receipt an4 epplication ot rents,�ssues or pralds,and Trustee anct Lender shali be enUtted ro exercise every right ,
<br /> , • • ;�rovtded for in any at tha Laan Instrurr.ents or by Iaw upon occurrence ot any Event ot Dalaun,�nclud�ng wdhout hmitation the right � , ,
<br /> ' 4�exerci98 the power ot sale.FuRher,Lender's right5 and rernedies under th�s paragraph shall be cumulative with,and in no way a
<br /> ' . �imitafion on.Le�der's�ights and remedies undar any ass�gnment of�eases and�ents rocorde0 agamst thfl Praperry Lender.Trustee � �``
<br /> and the receiver sha11 be I�abte ta account onty tor those rents actuatty rece�ved. ��.h—
<br /> ' t t. Evlitrls of DNauM.The foilowing snalt constitute an Event ot Oefauit under th�s Oeed ot Trust: •
<br /> (a) Fuilure to pay any�nstallment o1 pnnc�pal ar int�rest at any other sum secured hereby when due.
<br /> (b) A bteach of or default under any prov�sion cortta�ned m the Note.this Oeed of 7rus1,any of the loan Instruments,or any -
<br />. . ' other lien or encumbrartce upon the PropeRy.
<br /> ' (C) A writ ot execc'_�on or attachmen!or any sienilar process shan be entared against Trustor which sha11 become a hen on ,-
<br /> , fhe Propetry or eny p�F�on therQOt or�nterest thore�n, ' �
<br /> fd) �I^ere shatil be f�led by o► �y�tnSt TruStOr nr 8arrc wrr an act�on under any presenl or tuture federal.s�a:o or other
<br /> . statute,law t►r r�gu�etion relating ta�ankruptcy,�nsolvency :.��ihar rel��rf for�QDta�s,C�'t�ere ahau be appo�nted any tru5tee. ,
<br /> ' receiver or liqutdator c!Trustor or Borrower c°c'a'i or any part of tho Properry,or tr�e r�nts.�ssues c•:.�ohta thoreof,pr Trusta
<br /> • � or Bo�rawer shall m&Ke any gentrral eas�gnmet+t`�r the beneht of r.red+to►s.
<br /> (e) The sale,trenster,lease,ass�gnmont,c��veyartce or turther encumb►anc�of alt or any part�t or any�nterest in the
<br /> P►operry,8�ther voluntar�fy or mvotuntar�ly, �u�tn�ut the e�press wntten cansunt at Lery�Ar, prov+ded fhat Tru9tor shall be
<br /> , pBrmitted to executo H taase ot the Pro�2rty that tlaqs not contam an aption ta pur�ha�e and the teem o1�h�ch dpes not exCaed
<br /> one yea►: -
<br /> ` (i) Abandonment o!the i'roperty:or ,
<br /> (g) It Trustor rs no•.an�ndw�dual.tho issuance.saiQ,transter,ass�gnment conveyance ar enc��l^�rance ot moro tnan a totat �`
<br /> :".�
<br /> ot 25 parc�nl�f(d a corpc�a!�on}�tn�ssued anci vut�tandm�stock ur(�f a par,r:��,n,p��total 01 ....____porconl ol
<br /> partne►s�•�A�ntore9ts du;ing tho pe':od fh�s Deed oY Trust r�m�ms� hen on thv ProUe°', �
<br /> 12. RMn�dIN;AccNfratbn Upon QN�uH.In tneevQnt oi any�venrof Detault Londer rna� w�±n��r-�c�ce excopt as requ�red by
<br /> . taw.d@Clet@ tilt i�ldebteCrE49 36CUtBd hereby lO CB due end pByeDle�nd tttP, same sh�it 1hErt�up�^ :�-:.oma due antl payaDte
<br /> u�;lhout any presentment 6emand,p+otest ur nooce:;'�fny km9 Tt�HreaR�tr �.E:nci�r R�ay
<br /> ._ .._..._.. .. . . (a).Damand tha�.Tr.ustee exe�G�srr tno_POti'�E�� pF SAIE �r►ntCd RUrU�n, ancl. T•,.;cce sna:� ��ereatror cause.Trustor's �
<br /> interesi rn thp P�opeiry to b�r sotC�^�tho pr�ceeds to b�+d�5tnbuted a��i«1hC�p7����tfCr;,•,-;yitlCd�*��no NcGr�ska truhl Qep�.^a
<br /> Acr. �
<br /> : (b) fxere�5o any and atf r�Gn!s Grov�cJect tor i►t an� crt thv lu,m Ir9trurfiEnt9 Or Vy ic7w UpGn ::;:•.IJent�p1 Any EvCnt Ot
<br /> Do}nutt:�na
<br /> (C) COrylfftEflCb flh EICUUtti t0�OtU�los�i tlus De��3 ot Trus!�i,a rnu�tya3v.apNa�r�t�e�crcvwt;r.�r:UL'G�•`�::if��y GhfU►Cb i!(ty Uf IhE;
<br /> covenants hQraof �
<br /> No remedy here►n conierred upvr►or r�sQ►vad to Trustee or �,�f11d@��9 inSpnOfffl fO titl ETYC�u9�ve uf any olh�r rEme�y here�n,�n thg
<br /> loao tnstrumants or by�Uw�r�vir��d tsr Rp�m�NOd_but�'�C+� ;�����bJG E:�rn��1;10vH el�a��[iE+�n a(f(1�hU�tU E+vEtty pthCt r�!tttE�dy y�V@n
<br /> � hpl8U�d01,UI thE!LOFIit itlBitutnEf/lt5�t t�pW pt hBle�i.11lESr eMiSh�tq 8t Ivw C�r in�au�fy�t Uy St�Iu1C �1n�ni<Jy UC E��tlrrc.�s�•tf cuf��urrE;nt�y.
<br /> independently o+ s�ccess,+roly ' ---
<br /> 1� ?fWfN. �'hA :�rustt�p may r�s�gn at any tune,���thbUt caus4r. ar�tl l��ntler r+�� dt�r�y b���e �fr,(�v�+thbut Cause a{7yO+t�t� ` '
<br /> suCCa590�dr aubstdid�Trusteo T�u3teQ Sha1i r�nt hd I�ah�c.*t0.3ny p�rty,mCluding w�1h VJS id11it31�Cin LE:��dfi�.�SUttUd�t'� ��u.ritOl U►�3ny
<br /> pwChaser oitho Frope�ty,tur r�ny toss o►tiantagU untE;s Ou�;tn re�;k�ESS ur w+trtu�rn�scurteuct,ar,ct sh��.!hC�f 69�OpuitCd(t3(8x0�ny
<br /> BCUOn in,CUnneGUOn wdh the�ntorcemanc of thrs Ueed Of 7rust un!eSS�r,tlert,rufieti. �n wnUry, to► an costs, componsation or
<br /> ,.._ . . . °-'!(f$-�°..a 44tL£.h m�Y hn g�nr�ri�ta(t ih�BYy�Lts_In a�r�L:Rn_Tr.yirlaa rn,3�hvr_rna��.crrh?ca•2t aRj g�ta_t Ma DrntaMY���i�lCl�^! - - - . -
<br /> under tho powvr bf sata grantcd hcrp;n►.postpon�the su�e of ell pf,7n�p;,'t�pn p}thE V�6pE�►t!.eS �iO��dC:1 U�( ?cl�N.U�SEiII thE�
<br /> �ropertyas d whplo.o?in sEpatate p�7►cels or lots at?rtast�,�es cl,scr�t:on ��
<br /> � 14 ft��pn6 Erp�ql��.Ilr thf?E�rNnt 7ruSt8E�5811g thE�Ptt7pF;�f�!t��R�erG�s��t[;t�aE+ U�S�'�tE 71u5'ee s�v�l�GE t��bt��d fo i�Up�� •
<br /> S�IjiSa10 QtdC�£'f�911f5t 20Q.�.'y/tT16(1201 s'ill CCSIS 8Rd E'��1BttS8S;}}B+t�fC.1StR!�(1U�:f!t E)��AIP •Itt;ttrC}�li j ii�; TtUS2ctf"S!ef+5.a^.!f LPnr_far r�
<br /> andtruste�satt�meys�ees.ucte+altyc�lcu�►e0:0E•xtenep�rr�,��renbyaFt��'CJh't•r1��V ��•tfF�eaE�t,'[1�,rrC�r;e•,•rTrJ;1�•l��E��C��frS;f�+�{
<br /> �•
<br /> r�ght prav�dod by iaw t�cu��en EvEnt ot Osfau�t. 'tendtr sh�li bu�nbt:�d t�1,c.:.+.;c,�t:�,�,.rr,�.r,,�3:i t-,,ts���u e�;�er•ses�c.tua�'i �.
<br /> mCUrred as e res:.ilt Uf Trus.or's c1e}�u4. �r;Gud�r�� w�t��Uui(i*n�t�iS:'vh;�l! ttublE•E�b �it+;1 iiF':�t�+�s 9'C'US ip ^:�,E!+I(=s�t�,prn�,!!4�'1 bf ��
<br /> apphcabte!ah. _ �
<br />- � � ^[,�C't R: � .�.• ,�e��. r.:k e.�_,�r,_i ! ! �• ! !, _ '.]_
<br /> - !r3 �iftUfQ/RQ�aRvlS: �:1ETt7ts TC:j`vUs!Of (3Ei`7�;:Ei G•. . �; :'1 .,�tif. . t.i t':i�.�[,• _ •'i• .f"�:! �,4�E :t#vu"-t•C= .'f�€3 f
<br /> P1t�J�tat:!§fU E3t7!CUvYbt �ucti adv��,cUS F�!i0!u�;iv�l��CCS.t,�th�rti!r�f�S�!r�(•rE,:,�r� ,�,',;�;.-C�S�_�'!.'J[':(r,.�����;j�_f 7"i��,t ci1��U r,r�=�.c_r,��, • _ - .
<br /> !t�Q�tl+ttC�pilEdfttCilitiU�ltidrry�QUt£���E7SSSt.'LL��E!'�bi/Py'S�3t'•`;jt,'T�y}T ' ' �/'�'',fb�:'' yc�•f:ce`•C(��t!��l`i'-�C'_I}'�t'4b�_U��tj{�'tr•�:_ .
<br /> . ' �fib('�O}7[U.�i�_OXCC�c;! trv e��,g�R������nc�pa�e?FPO_;'��Sf3�E"�f'4;fC,n. �,• j .�1��1.1U�]�:�U , .41-<:t�{�Jr�•t c i�r5�:t�i'� -
<br /> �
<br />