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<br /> ` . . �.As adQitional�ecufitp.'iYwtBS htreby gives m end wnters npon BeaeSeiar�tl�e ciglst,power end authcrity,during th�continueace ` �
<br /> of t1�He Trvete w�collect tac rsnts.iesac�t and�ib af aia P�pesip��sr�aa�o Truator the right,prior.to any detautt Isp'i�stor .
<br /> - ia payment of any ��ebtednese eaured hereby or in performanoe af any ag�emens 6er�msdtr.to aolhet and setain snch ienta,iaaues
<br /> , _ tnd p[otita as they 6etome dne and paSa6le.Upon eny anch defa�lt,Benei'iciuyr may at any titne vrithout notia.eithes in peraan,by �
<br /> arcnt,or by a reeeiver to Ee eppoiated by a c�uk.end withaat seg�rd to the adequaty►of any neeurity fcr th��hereby ae�red,
<br /> � ' enter upan and take po�seaeion ot stid peopertg or any part thereaf,ia,hir o�ra name eue[or os othenrise eal4eet such rents,ia�ues aud ,
<br /> �Ceofits,ineludin�thore p�rc due usd unpaid,and spply the aame upon any i�efiRe�s�ecured fsereby,anel in such aeder as&nef ciary �
<br /> . a,ay detereainr.Tltia tntesfa8���&D���P�m`•ths wlleetion of ss�b t+eata,iseu�aad peoGts u�d the applicstian �
<br /> � ,the�rat'ai efaessi�elull aot cure or�vaive any defsult or notioe of defnatL her+eunde�os iavalidate any act dnne ptusuant to ench natice. , .
<br /> � C 5.Upon defavlt by�do!r zn the gayment of eny indebtednese eecured hereby as in the perfurmance of any agreement contained derein,
<br /> ' al�a�mr recured ttereby eba4t��mmediatety besame due an'd pryable at the o�tion of3he Btnefieiary.in euch event aad apon�ritten r+eyues�
<br /> • ' ot�enNititry.'i'su�t�sh�IF�c!!t9ie trwt nmpesty,ia rcwadance�vith the Nebnsiu Truat Deels Act,att pu6lic suctioa tv the bighest
<br /> hidder. My penoa ezcept Tn�tee maF C-i�:at Truatee e eale. Tru.�Eee shall apDly tl�e p�ocfeds af the eatt as f6Uowe: i l►to the erpenae �
<br /> , of t1�e eak,itxIudi��re�s�xiabie Z'rtretrc=','�"aa ra che obligacion secured by chis Ueed of'1'rnat;(91 the swplus.if artp.ehs116e dietributed �
<br /> ; 'to tl►e penoni entitkd thereta. ' . . • . , .
<br /> ' 6. Tmstee aisall deliver tv>t�e pa:r^=,.sl;aer'at the salr::_at�deed.without werran�?. which ehal�caavep to�k.e�nrehaaer the interest ia
<br /> , . the p�perty shich'i'ru�tar����th,a poxer to conve�+at the dme of hia e�ceeutian af thls D�ed af�Tivet.and�uch as he auy have
<br /> � � acquired thereatter.1'rustee's deed shait rexite the f�cta sho�ving thet the esle saa arodueted in compliance with all the requiten�enCs
<br /> � of l��v and of this Deed o!'frast,wAich n�cital ehait be prims facie evideace of sucfi wmpliance entt tonclualve es�;der►ce��zeof in fnror
<br /> � of bnns fide pu:ehesere aad encumbranrere for vatue. .
<br /> 7.'rtte powes of eale oontR.�ed by this I)eed af'Frust is not un eufu.qive remedy:�.�^�ciary may cauae lhis Ueed of Tnist ta�fdreclosed
<br /> • , ab a rnortgage. . ' , , .
<br /> . B. Ia the Et�ent of the de�th��nccapacitg, dia�hility or resi�nation of T�ustee: Reneflcinry may�appnint in writ,ing a auc���r trustee. •
<br /> � and upun the reco�inR�}f s�ccb uppointment in th�moK�qttqc�ecords o4 the!caunty.in which this Deed of 7'ruat te►ecordea. :ha succesanr
<br /> • trussttee ehnl!6o vested vrith all powere of the ori�rtai tn�tee. The truatee�n nut obli fird to nor�g any party he�to of pend:^.g�.�tle under . ,
<br /> any other I}�ed o4 Truqt or of any aciton or proceedcr.g �n tchich Tniswr. TruFtee nr [ieneficiary ahali be a�:�"ty untees auch actinn or
<br /> ptacceding is brought by!�:o Tnu+tee: .
<br /> 9. Thie ITeed pf Tntst appltea to. �nures tv the beoetu n/, and c+� Mnd�n� nut nnly on the partic7s herrto, but an their i:eirq, dev�seex. . ,
<br /> Iqgatees.a.�u�istratar+, e:ecuG�ra. eucre5w�re nnA an4i�;ns ThQ term Iteneftci�n eholl mean th�r holder and oaner oi'ch4 r:�ta ?ecure8
<br /> • here6y,wf,��L-Y±�sr net named u9lknet�nnry hcrc�n � •
<br /> 10. {�equest fot Nutice c�f(�efoult nr "�nttcn uf�intr [t �x tequested th�t n copy of any Natieo of i1eJault c�r tiirt�ce ni tiate fie mndc+i t� ,
<br /> ' each pcsr�on who is nama3.this Trust lkrd nt thc mnil�n�addreu ut'r.uch persr�rs as�c t out above , .
<br /> NUTICE TO CONSUMER: 1. I10 not sign thi� paper before you re�d i�2. You a�e entltled to a cogy _
<br /> ot thi�p�per.3.You may prepA�r the unpaid�alance et any time without penelty�rnd mwy tre e»titled �
<br /> � to receive a refwnd of uncarned c.barges in accar�iance with taw. -
<br /> � Si�ned thia � _.,- -.--_ dny ns _AuguSL . _ .A I) l9_90_ ' �. � ;';'
<br /> STATF Cr; 1IF:NkAtiKA � ,'.C16f.�`!���''_!_ /�t,�k.cs�'..��_{. , =
<br /> � �-- � f{'L�IA . �'•t)�)ti� !Nµ � i � . t_ r �7�'6'i.��1�-- - - �-- � i •
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<br /> Un this __ 3. doy of �U�t1aL , A U . 1(� 9� . tN•fnre m�•. the undc�a�gneQ. ri tiutary f'ublir. d�s1y
<br /> eammia�iotted dnd yuebfieA Pot f�nA rt�y�din�; in e�nd c��unty, prracrnnity c�nie K.f�1ft��!`R .L311E�ITi.tt�3� c�Jid I�Jt'C��I J.
<br /> «li�S�l� �M1r.�.kYKI � Wlf� tu me kn��wn t�� tn• th�• ide•ntti�l �rc�rhon S Khcs�: na�•.i• a t�ffixed tr, thi� fns�►;nm►;
<br /> �nst�urnent u9TruAtor . 5 .. . ��nd :icknnwl�•d�;t•A th�•eamt�c�t,c . Lheir �. v��ti'
<br /> ' untary nct r�nd d�ecd
<br /> �Yitnea�n►y h.�nd And Nnttinal:�ic�:�l ttiE•Aa�-�rt�d ci•s►r 1;� • � � . �".
<br /> 1iy ('omrr:�sviots expucw thr �� �Ir►c ���5�lIMM�t� : �.
<br /> �M Y.MAT:ON
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