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<br /> _ . .,._ . .
<br /> - � � Y.ot�One .t1I � Westgate Fourth Su�di�isi'c�n, Ha�l CQUnt3tf -
<br /> ' � 1��a tract of ].�nd c�nprising a part of t�Ce Snnth�rest Qua��er
<br /> � � iS�1�1 0€_ 3eation Titentir-Faur `{24) , TdwnshSp EYeae��i�ska mo e
<br /> - _ � Ra�ge Ten t10a: iteet �nt the 6tb P.M., Hall CauAty. . � ` _ ;• �
<br /> . � -. ' psr�t�cularly d�scribe�i ae z beqiru�ing at the Northwest°aorne� of . �
<br /> � ss�i@ Southwest`Quarter; � thence Easterly alonq the North la.n� of `
<br /> � said Santhwesti Qnarter a, d�stance of One �hou$and Oa�e Hnndzed �
<br /> _ E3.c�ht ,and Nf.n�ty-Five 8nndredths t 1,108:95� feet to a pof nt oa ,. ;,
<br /> . the NorthWesterly r�qht-of-Wap Yfne af II.S. H�►� 30s thence � . � ,
<br /> � , d�fl�ctinq riqht e 4a odigtance ef One Hu d ed9Fifty-Seven� a dd , . ` '
<br /> . � right of s�ay lin
<br /> � Savetrth Tenthg t15?.�?) Eeet, to a pc�int o f curva t n re; t h e n a e
<br /> � coAtinuing Southwester�� alonq the arc of a curve to the left �
<br /> ' �hose �cadius is 2,9��.79 feet (i.nitfal� tangent`of which caincides � .
<br /> s�3.th the last de`scribed course} a distance o€ Ono Theusand ane
<br /> ; Hutndred Eighty-Ef�ht and Five-Tenths (1,188.5} feet; thence . .
<br /> � � rur�r�.ing NortY�weaterlp aloag a line�which forms an angle af 90°00•
<br /> �f ` right� ��om the fina2 tanqent of the last described curve, a ,
<br /> ' � .i .
<br /> � � dis�anae of One Hundre@ Tliirteen, and Two-Tenths t 113.�) ,feet to a
<br /> point can the West line o� said So�tht�ve�t Quarter, the�c�
<br /> � � No�ther�.y along the. West line of 3afd Southwest Quarter a
<br /> � d3stanc+� of Seven HunBred Ninety-Five and Nine-Te�tYts �795.9) ��
<br /> l��et,� �o the place af beginning, •EXCEPTIISG THEREFROM.that part af . _
<br /> � �he Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter tNW}SW}) of •���
<br /> ' ' Section Twrenty-�Four t241 , Township Eleven �11) North, Ranc�e Ten L�
<br /> ,, (10) West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska naw inaluded as
<br /> � a part of Lot Two t21 Westgate Favrth Subdivision� Hall C�unty, ` -��
<br /> ` Nebraeka as reflected on the plat recorded o:� February 3, 1988 as � --
<br /> � Doaument No. 88-100613 in the Offi.ce of the �all Countiy+ Register r_;
<br /> � of Deeds. ' ��
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