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<br />Entered as DOMMent No.,
<br />Grantee
<br />ftmerical—ze
<br />Z 4-
<br />0 STATE 0, F AIE2-USKA)
<br />00 u v �*, F 1;: A L L )SS
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<br />989 APR 13 AM
<br />ca
<br />Rrfl: OF DrF:ng
<br />Excm* Fmm IMMW Re"lln Codle r, -,,,tjs of ftpfft Swm -el liar - 177-- purposes of
<br />Secriffary rocir/M written
<br />proscribed In rjoullijo
<br />fit fuwc. �vj -�ft
<br />Sec. 6321. Lion For Taxes. A iw ftp#ay • In the UM Of foal property, at Its cam"Ing chargelfiftilviopm
<br />physical tocat1w, or a - -1vW-gUc*,=
<br />Harry Wien liaws to pay any tax neglects or of it of sum lien is also filed In sorflar M,*ith suhoftn M In
<br />(s) hrionol prop" • in ill* CM of Ws" pro", the Staff In which W MMM tl!ircm.
<br />PAY the 11140141 S?W '"Aid ft Mount (including Irry ✓p-- whisithor tanivs or Intangible. at M fallom of the
<br />UL Additloral Vwxr addition to tax, or "HUSM 9VM*. lewplyw at ON #M IN no" of list Is filed.
<br />MPOW IN" any CPO 00 4" accrue In addition VWIN) Fat purpom of pareglao 0 (e). ft Mideno a, a CoWravan (3) R@qL*W RMV FvjA — in v* case
<br />Pall be a lien 10 f1sor of the United States upon all property or partnership of f101ift0f 11011, thtfOrill"Mu".1ft MrIlIrg pirloCrasans-
<br />and fights, 0411 be doom to be this place at which the
<br />to Merry, *W-Nf fill Of personal. belonging pri%Val executive office of go business is located, and the (A) the one-year period ending 30'ap after the expiration
<br />to Such person. residence of a taxpayer folhass residism is Without the United Of 6 YOUS After the data of the amsmaril of the tax, and
<br />Sul" shift to owned to be ir ft District of Columbia. (B) iheontyNrperlodandinpwt�fheexpiratlasaldylan
<br />See. 6322. Period Of Lien. (3) Form • The focus UX Content of the no," 11"Of that CIM Of the precede fog fKUlf0d car E% r4f1Od for
<br />Union Another daft Is lowcaly fixed by law, Via lien retained to In 101111010ft -,4 u-111 DO prescribed by the such notice of list.
<br />Imm" by section = lull irin it the ti sievirtary. such notice sv, * valid nowthstinvig any
<br />me the assessment Ot?4f provision Of law r1W-f--g MO form or content of a See. 6325. Release Of Lien Of
<br />IF. r-we am shall contift" UNII 2110 liabil lity for ft mount so 11OVO4 of fit".
<br />"MM (Of 8 Judgment MIAMI the taxpayer sirlog out of Discharge Of Pro;ertV.,
<br />sKft IAVIM Is "IIJIN Of 1111COM" unenforceable by reason (8) R111118iIIIIIIIIII Of LIOL — suw to no,
<br />Nab., See section Mb) for protection for roculattoft a the secretary MR "Wit* ft silcmarythail,
<br />certain Interests evw tPUgh notice of lien Issue a oftificits of fWain of aff NUIMOTM wit "s;JI
<br />any internal (eviinus tax not lateftiffirm days, ary flu ely at
<br />Sec, 6323. Validity and Priority Againat IMPOSed by section MT is filed with respect which -
<br />Certain Persons. to: (1) Liability Satisfied Or I.Wrro'01s - Ths Sanw.-W.
<br />(1) PV~S, HOMM Of ;0I In. I Securities fincls thilft liability for the am" UMINOW, folfft with all
<br />bra* U01011111111k Lkw% kw JU*Mt 2 motor voicles Interest In r"wl thereof. has bm 1114 $41141119d dr to
<br />Lbo CrWNaL — The um imposed by Majon gj2t j,,,11 I perwft property paroAvat ir foul) bKOM 10118HY Uffilinforcubir or
<br />not be Valid as against any oarchaver, holder C1 I "Curity 4 Personal property "a4m ta casual "Is (2)
<br />5 Persionalpro"MI UA#ry to possessory lion scooted by film a bond that is CV441CAN UPM M;ajjW.f4f
<br />& Real V!Wt." lu en WKIAI UMIM. films the amount asmaied. together with ail introll in (11pect.
<br />MUM Which note the failulfamfents Of 34MVion (1) has 7 R"(94mill inw) WW to a MOcUltri. thollot. within M1 V?f8 prescribed by War 06*4 ".
<br />been W by tro secretary. her kir 1",ali 1twit; am ImptowmOfft Offlins Ion of Jun 'IM, and that Is in accordance Ift n(A
<br />Atiomq's liens requirements relstirg to is I M 1, 3. A nd f 3 IM 0 11% W4
<br />M Pbft Fff Fft 1110ft, FOM U111119 I4urMty.,jjW,, and vJf#IW thereon. 45 may be aderIffid tysuca regu*410M
<br />(1) RM For king • ft rjoIjc# referred to in rule 10 Passbook loans
<br />Wif"(0001OW- Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and ft.
<br />(A) Urft E*M lj*C (0) MIMI Of NOUM. For purposes of this closure of Returns l ITRIeluril lo.
<br />ft'liffItV - In ft case d RIM property, in one section an
<br />crolf-Iflovirnmenw formation,
<br />as dassrated by to laws; 401 such State, In G#fwilFt*.—(J.knmollctoll;enisrefiliditI
<br />Which the vrwm, 1 Ifuhlid 0 re t" is situated: V4 ft mom prescribed In OL's4raiph (2) eurov the required M OkbMW Of C1111111111111 RdWrill Md
<br />fill Pa'sStB F(W-tv • 4.4 ifts fees of personal RftM InknMikill FnW Ta A**MM*n,.
<br />d&bWwft
<br />10111111". 6`11111111f IS%" OF fwxkvo. In On off" ft eforatlen Is 108000" WMAIRCS Oft SUNK11011 (1)) after PWPOM-
<br />WIT-In ft Stale (Of ft counti� cr QM#r govilmmeftlial 09suchro"Priole
<br />suilflivision), as designated by 1k, ILWS Of such State. M PIN* For Fft — A notice of 1,#n tll,;Sd (2)
<br />in ww the property ~ to tka lion is z1fulled. duri no ft refw1rod refili-4 prim WWI be Active only - U 40 his &M Ved puts Ulm to section &M. t4LP 8"N'.04 of na,
<br />or (A) N. OLMOM0111ON201611110cured by vich lien n-11 r4ghe-s Ied ft
<br />(a) Withelerkof vistriclMil - Intheofficeoftheclork of 4117Y Wiliam ON furnishes Uwariory writ"" tvz wtw. he
<br />the United states district cowl for the I udicisl 911trio in vr sfch Vdir r45ce of RIM was time. and 11411 a flight in the Ora" IUIjftl to such IMM of fralifft M
<br />the " ly lubiect to "On 19 litulltdd- WUMV the SUM has Gi) In ft class Of feet Pfc", " fUll of rattling is obtain a right in sucil property.
<br />aetAilewaesi0natidaneatiLlMtitiftirhaebfhereQg GMPW And tKOfeld If) V MC111 to Me IxW.f reqjirsd by
<br />Subilaragroh (A). at SU4KtM (1) (4). and
<br />(Cl wain illecarde
<br />1,,) (3) In any case in feNth. 90 days air rrve;rior to the ail@
<br />theaffa offtftecrd4f oIDW3ofth#o.vr.,Lj ajr4,jrb;s. It of a Wiling of notice or Ven u** IftVagmilft (A). the
<br />the pro" 16*1 to the ban is sirjaud to tee clialfin $I
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