, � . � �� , . � , ` _ . t . . .. .. . � ' . . . '
<br /> - ` ,� � `�-- � � �'� . . , , � <`` _ � � . • ' `- � . - ., .,,�,«-.,..._ , , ,' � •
<br /> � � . . .
<br /> . ` ,` � . , , . C ' , , , ', �� ` ` .' ` , ,' ��
<br /> . � , � . � � , � � � � �� ��--- 1���45 _ `. � .
<br /> . S. Re air Mafntenance ` an� Use. To _ promptl.y repair, --
<br /> ' � � . restore, or re u an�r u =nqa or improvem�nta now.ot h�reafter . '
<br /> ` , o�n . �he praper�y: to keep the prs�perty in ga�o8 condition , an� . �
<br /> �'�` � rep��r, vithout Waste,� �nd �fr�e from mechanic's or other ��f,er�s - �
<br /> -�i not exprea�ly. _aubordinated, �o the=. lien . .hereof� eot_ to nake, , _ :
<br /> . - � �uffar• or ca�mi� ar�y nu�sanca to exist r�or, to dfmfie�sh or impafr � - � -
<br /> � t�e valut nf the' property by any act �or omfssfon. to act; and ta � � � : �
<br /> � , coRpiy with all requi�rements af law wiLh sespect to the property. �
<br /> � � `. ,6. ' Ferfo��ance b 1Kort a ee. � � Mortgagse iaay: but shall � ,
<br /> � � hAVe �►o vb qa on ta. a any act w i�h the i�iortqagor bas aqree� ` � �
<br /> - . , but failea to do, and Mortgaqee may a9.so do any act l�rtqagee �
<br /> deea�s, necesaarg to protect the lien hereof. Kortqaqor aqrees to . �
<br /> . , � repay, upon demend, any �sums so exptnded dy khe Mortgaqee for the . �
<br /> � abovt purpases, anci any sums so expende� by the M�rtqaqee,.shail , ,
<br /> : be added to the indebtedness secured hereby .and b�cn�e subject to
<br /> , � � � tt�e 1.ien h�reof. Mortgagee shall not• incur • any perspnal < �
<br /> 13abflfty because of anything the Mortgaqee may db or omft to do `
<br /> . . . . herewnder. _- • � �
<br /> �7. �. Oefaa2t; �isai nment of Rents. Ti�a� is of t�te essence � � :�' '
<br /> � her�of, ar� upon Mor gagor s e au n eny covenant ar agree�ent �. �
<br /> '° of thfs Mortgage, inCluding covenants to pay when �due the sums • `
<br /> ' secured by thf� Mortqage, �the Nertgagee shall be entftled, at '
<br /> � � Mortqagee's sole option and without notfce, to declare eil sums �
<br /> ' � , sec�red by tbis Mortgage to be fmmediately due and payaDle and � •
<br /> • _ . aeay commence foreclosure of this Mortqage by judicfal
<br /> proceed.�agss and, prnvided further, that upon such default the � . ` :
<br /> : Mortgaqee, ar a recesver appoanted by a Court, may, at their �
<br /> � s�ption and witbout regard to the adsquacy of the securfty, enter . �
<br /> +�pon and take possession of the praperty, collect the rents, . �
<br /> � i�suCS and profits therefrom and apply tbem first to the cost of
<br /> collectfon and operation of th� propexty and then upon t�e `�'�-
<br /> indebtedness secured by this Mortgage; said rents, issuea and �"
<br /> profits befnq assigned to the Mortgagee a� further security for ' �
<br /> � , tbe payment of tl�e indebtednes� aecured taereby.
<br /> ' 8. Tranafez o� Pro ert . ff . all ar� any part of the �
<br /> proper�t� .ig so or trans erre b�r the Mo=tgagor, Morigngee may, � '�'
<br /> � at their sole a�tien, declare �11 sums �secured by this Mortgage
<br /> � to b� immedfe�e�f �ue and payable.
<br /> � � � 9. Miscellaneous Proviaions.
<br /> , �►. Any forbearance in exescising any right or remedy '
<br /> �. � � shall not bc a waiver thereof. �
<br /> e. All rPmedies prAVided herein are distir�t an� � �;.
<br /> � cumqlatfve to any other ri�ght nfforded by law or eguity, a�d may � .
<br /> �e exercised, concurrent2y, fndependently or successively. '
<br /> C. The cavenants ehd d�rPemer►ts �ontaineci herein
<br /> shal l bi�cd, __and. tt�e. .sights...fnure .t.o...thc _xes��ctive-..suceessarg, - � ��
<br /> h�irs, and assigns of the tioxtgagor and the Mortg�gee.
<br /> 1�. All covenants� and agre�ments of the Mortgac�or are
<br /> jofnt and several.
<br /> � E. The he�dings of the paragraph� of thfs Mortgage
<br /> � are for convefli�nce only an8 shall n�it t►e u�ed td interpret or
<br /> . define the �rdvssibns her.e+of.
<br /> - ,-_-°---..
<br /> 10. Itelease. Upun paycnent cs£ A11 �ums secured by this �
<br /> � ' Mortgaqe, Mor�gee shall disCharqe this Mortgage aad shaA1
<br /> exe�ute and deliver � satisfttctory release t�he�e£or.
<br /> IN WITN�SS WHEftEO�', the Martgagor � hns executec� this - ��
<br /> �� . Mortgage on the y r�+ d�y pf ��,..;;� , �g9p.
<br /> BUSIN�SS Wf3ftLD INVESTM�t3T5, IP��., � t„„
<br /> � � �
<br /> _ . . _ . _ ���� -�t s:�� � r� _
<br /> v
<br /> " , Its r'esld�'i�L �. _
<br /> .. . . � � _ �
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