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i <br />�9--R 101849 <br />230501068 <br />1WRTGAGE ADDMUM <br />The following are addenda to tho Mortgage. Please check the applicable Wen - <br />din. The addendum checked shall be incorporated into, and recorded with, the <br />Mortgage. The tern "Hortgago'k" ' shall be deemed to include 'heed of Trust ", if <br />applicable. <br />IRA ADDENDUM <br />As 1008 as the Mortgage Is. outstanding, the Lendor say declare ail ams, secured <br />by the Mortgage to be iasediamoly due and payable if t <br />(a) all or part of tbs:p4aperty is sold.or.artherwise transferred <br />(other than by devise, deacon cat'.0fttion of lav), by., <br />Borrower to a puscbassr or other•trsnsfltee; <br />(i) who cannot''Coaxonably be expected to. occupy the <br />property as A - principal reagence within a, reason- <br />able tLA4 Or= the Gale or transfer, all as <br />provided is Suction 143(c) and 143(1)(2) of the <br />Internal ftwenue Code of 19 $6:: as amended; or <br />(fill who has had' a present ownership interest In a <br />principal residence during'L any part of the three - <br />year period aft. an the date of the sale or <br />transfer,. a11i' as provided. in $action 143(d) and <br />143(3)(2) of 'the Internal Revenue Code; or <br />(iii) at an a1g1;1s1ti0a cost which is greater than 901 <br />of the avaa+age area purchase pride (greater than <br />1102 for tsrgeted area rsgi4nces):,.ail ss provid- <br />ed' in Section 143(e) and 4�3(0, (2) of the Internal <br />.Sauenue Code; or <br />(10'. has an.incoae in excess of that established by <br />Uie AYebTgBka Investment Finance Authority under <br />ibs appUzable regulations or program guidelines <br />in effect on the date of the sale or transfer; or <br />(b) Borrowr fails to occupy the property Uscribed in the <br />Mortgage wlthaur Lender's prior written consent; or <br />(c) Borrower Cults. or misrepresents a saterial fact in an <br />application fadr the Mortgage. <br />References are to tila Internal Raysnue Code in effect on the date of ezecution <br />Of the Y4rtg4gq and.are deemed to , include the implementing regulations. <br />�xx - VA kl RTGAGE ADDENDUM <br />If, so lnag as the Mortpge 18 outstanding, all or any part of the property is <br />sold or transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, other <br />than a transfer try devise, descent or by operation of law, the Lender say, at <br />iwnder'e optlaw, d*elare all the .arras secured by the Mortgage to be isimsdiately <br />due ad payable. <br />Date :_ APRIL 22.11313 9 <br />- <br />State of Nebraska j <br />) ss. <br />- -_- County of RnL ) <br />i <br />Bo rJOHN �+li..!' ROJEW <br />BOrrOWdtBETTY L. ROJEWSKI <br />Tine foregoing instrument was acknowledged before se this 22TIR day of <br />1tiPA. �� —, 19$� 9 �, by JOHN W, ROJFWAKI AND BETTY L. ROJEWSKZ HUSBAND AND WITE <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at 6ro o d 4100d in said <br />county, the date aforesaid. '- <br />my commission expires: <br />Notary Publ c OEW <br />un� _ <br />4010 -15 M i 191 <br />M <br />J <br />