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y_ lw <br />. r <br />•. S <br />t <br />89- 14184£ <br />NON - UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />19. Acceientian: Re mediex. )header shall Rive tOke to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's breach <br />of any coven at or agreement; in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under paragraphs 13 and 17 unless <br />applicable law prnvides otkerwlie). The notice shalt specify (a) the default; (b) the action required to cure the default; (c) <br />arrt= ks. tbn!r 3l1; dsYs f` tta the doe the n� E9 glAttm to Bfawmwer, kv which the default must be cured; and (d) <br />that fWhire to cure the 8ktfartih an or be6zte_the date specilltd in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums secured <br />by. this Security btatrtthomt:ptd .Sale oC the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate <br />after acceleration and the rWk to?, bring se coal action to assert the nm- existence of a default or any other defense of Borrower <br />to acceleration and sale. If time detank is Fiat cured on or before the date specified in the notice, Lender at its option may <br />require immediate payment in ful oEal): seams secured by this Security Instrument without further demand and may invoke <br />the power of sale and gay other remedies permitted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitled to coUM all experim hm mmr- <br />red in purse ft the remedies provided in this paragraph 19, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fewand <br />costs of title evidence. <br />If the power of sale is invoked„ Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which any part of the Proper- <br />ty is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the manger prescribed by applicable tax to Borrower and to till= other <br />persons prescribed by applicstble law. After the time required by applicable law, Trusaft shall eve public notfienEsale <br />at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and,*ce- and under the terms designated in tint notice of saG� ;f1z %alto <br />or more parcels and in any order.Ttnsstee determines. Trull ee. may postpone sale of.9t11 or any parcel of the PM Z.,rty by <br />public announcement at the time and: pitree of an) pervioteiky scheduled sale. Lender ar its designee may purchm tiiir.•Pro- <br />perty at any sale. ' <br />Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shalt deliver to the purchaser Trustees deed conveying the Ruperty. <br />The recitals In the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. Trustee shale <br />apply the proceeds of the safe is thir following order. (a) to all expenses of the sale, laduding but not limited ta, Trustee' <br />fees as permitted by applicable law and reasonable attorney's fees; (b) to all sums secured by this Security lnEttuntrtt , <br />and to any excess to the person or persons legally entlAd N it. <br />20. Lender is Possession. Upon acceieratiun undecp=graph 19 or abandonment of Property, Lender (in persana by agent':. <br />or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be upon, take possession of and manage the Property and, t+u collect <br />the :eats of the Property including those past due. Any reat:ccullected by lender or the receiver shall be applied first tiz:'payment <br />of costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, including, but not limited to. receiver's fees, premiums an receiver's <br />bonds and reasonable attorney's fees. and then to the sums secured by this Security Instrument. <br />21. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, lender shall request Trustee to reconvey <br />the Property and shall; sup-ender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security Instrument to Trustee.: <br />Trustee shall reconvey the Properrs without warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally entitled to it. Such person <br />or per-w—as ;hall pay any recordation costs. <br />23. Substitute Trustee. Lender. at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appr�int a successor trustee to <br />any l t"u'; a appointed hereunder by an instrument: recorded in the county in which this Security Instrum a t. is recorded. Without <br />crnvey iitec of the Property, rite successor trustee wall sucoag- to all the title. power and duties confamd upon Trustee herein <br />and b }'applicable law. <br />23. Request for Notices.• fierrtower requests that-copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's address <br />which is the Pmperty, Address. <br />24. Riders to this Security Instrument. IC one or.more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this <br />Security Instrument, the covensntts uAd agreements of cads such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement <br />the covenants and agreements of qli� Security Instrument al} if the riders) were a pan of this Security Instrument. [Check ap- <br />plicable box(es)) <br />f.. Adjustable Rate Rider '': Condiminium Rider f ! 2 -4 Family Rrr4�r. <br />1:! Graduated Payment ii,&x ' Planned Unit Development Rider <br />X-*: Others) [specify) V.A. Rider <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrou�i- w4:epus and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and <br />in any rider(s) executed by Borrumn .aiu! rdzcrded with it. <br />(Seal) <br />W. ROJEWSM a " " " "' BETTY L. ROJEWS91 8"aro4a <br />t Sa al) (Seal ji <br />^_Itip..c lia6,w Ih -+ l r.,c fan A. i•.,r1 :J,;ara Q ._.-._ <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />HALL SS: <br />COUNTY OF <br />1. THE UNDERSIGITED • a :airy Puhisc in and for tiaid s:a :unty and state. dap hereby testify that <br />i*se0t 4J.aJEWS>CT 1t'ltD BETTY L. RJPWSKI HUShBAt';? AND WIFE personally appeared <br />Me me a t, fare) nown or proved to me to t e per,onfs) w• o. eing informed of the contents of the foregoing instrument. <br />have executed saute. and acknowledged said instrument to he T F'& , free and voluntary act and <br />decd that �} � executed said instrument for the pvrp)w anal uses therein ,ct filrth. <br />Wdnv%& my hand and ntfioal seat this 12TH day "f APRIL 14 89 <br />!tc t'nrnlnw. : :on f:iptres /y�4 <br />-- - - .. 1rlt�la. trnhtll . tt i�t�i�°.t;CtittL►it <br />the Imrt.una �t «�• orejra :ect ! '. <br />0W AG Oth7. 1993 <br />.1 <br />1 <br />{ <br />i <br />{ <br />i <br />'t <br />t .. <br />i <br />i <br />1 <br />