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<br /> . i`�. - : .< < ; � � , - � 90_ �0�4�+� . � . �
<br /> :...._. � h. As m�Y � t��.tted b�r l�w� .after deducting.a�l costs: fee� and . . � � � `
<br /> - : --�-�� �s�e-��f-this T1['tast� incl__ - y-_ -- -_ - -- =- --=—�-.-__...
<br /> �---' - va�nectiai �rrttl� sal.e, Truste�•shal.l � oos�s of �vides�oe o£ t�.�le �in � ` -
<br /> aPQ.ly �che prcae�8s ��.aale to payma►t of
<br /> . . ia) a}2�sums �ded �r the terms hereof, not �n repaid, witb aac�ued • .
<br /> . , • � :intesest at Nine pera�t t9�) :per arurum, (b). a12 other s�os thaa �ec:mced < . .
<br /> _ ! ' hereby. anc3 (c� t�e renaind�er; 3fr any, t� the person or persans legally �
<br /> entf.tlefl tltiereto. � � . ` � - `.
<br /> . . c. �rustee ma�y in the manner provicZed by law, pas� sale af all o� auy ,
<br /> ; , �! �� postiaci of tl� �arst Estate. . �. � �
<br /> F „ _ , . . . • . . `
<br /> � �.2. RF?�DILS t�►Y �SNE. Trustee and Be�€iciary, and � pf thmt;
<br /> sl�i7.1 6e�en tl to enfaroe payme�t ancl perfonararioe of any •i�odebte�n�ess or
<br /> . . � cablis�atfa�s �ecuted hezeky and tra exercise all rfghts arYi powess w�er tt�s .
<br /> � Oeed of Trust or urder any Loaa L�struaent or other agre�nt or any 3,aRVS now �
<br /> . . • or b�re+after in forae, ua�twithstanc7ing sane ar a12 0� the s� indeb�edness and
<br /> , ' _ obliqatio�s secured herc-�y c�►y now or hereafter be other�r�;secured, whether
<br /> . , b� ��trgag�� deed Of tivst� pledq�� lieA� asslcp�lt.O�C QW..�e�wfse. NP.3.t� tb� . �
<br /> • • �aooeptar�c�e of thi.s Deed of Trust mr its enforce�� �r by Caurt actian or
<br /> ! pursuant to tihe po�w�r af sa].e or other paaers herein ax�ta�ed, �tsall pre ju�iae �
<br /> ' , or in any c�enc�er af�ect�Trustee's or Heneficfarys riqht tr� realize upoq or � �
<br /> enforae any other security naw o� hereafter held by Trust�ee or Heneficiasy, it
<br /> � ` bei�t�3 agreed tt�at Trustee attd 8�eficiary, aund each of t2�a, sh�ll be entitlecl
<br /> to enforce this Deed of Trust ar� any other security na�w or hereaf�e,r held by � � '
<br /> . Be�eficiary or �rustee in such orcZer and ra�user as they or either ar thaa fiay � •
<br /> � in�their absolute di.scretion c3eteimirie. No zemedy t�erein oonferred upon or �
<br /> reserved ta Tn�st�ee or eenef iciary ia intended to be exclusive of any o�her
<br /> , resmdy t�erein or �ry law pravided or �ern�i.lted, b�,tt each shall be cutulative anid . . _
<br /> ; shall be in ac3ditiwl to every other raoedy or by statute. EVery power or
<br /> remedy gfven E>y any af the Loan I�tnsnents to Tnu3tee or 8�neficiary or ta �� -
<br /> which either of them may be ott�erwise entitled, may be �cercised, aanc��rrently
<br /> • ar i�ndepenc�stly, from time to tfine and as often as nwy foe deeaed expedient by � . -
<br /> : Tiustree or 8eneficiary and eittyer of them �y pursae ir�onsistent re�edies. .
<br /> , tiothirg herein shall be oonstrue8 ag prohibitirg Benefic9.acy fraa seeking a , � 't�
<br />, deficfen�y judc�n�nt agafnst the Trustor to tt� extent such a�tion is pe:mi.tted ��
<br /> � by law.
<br /> ;
<br />� 13. R� �OR NOTIC�. Trustor hereby re�quests a copy of any natiae of '
<br /> default and that any notice of sale hereunder be ma�iled to it at t�e address
<br /> set forth in td�e f irst paraqraph of this Deed of Trust. ,
<br /> . 14. t�E7N�NLNG IAW. �is D�eerc� of Trust sh�ll be governec� by tt3e laws of �`
<br /> the State of tsebraska. In the e�vent that any proviaion or cla�e of any of the
<br /> I.oan Ir�trumen�s aonflicts with applic�ble laws, su�h oonflict� shall rwt •
<br /> • affert other provisiorts of such Loan Instrunents wfuch can be given effect �
<br /> ' witlwut the oonflfctiny pravisions, and to this end the provfsfons of the Laan �
<br /> Instru�nts are a'i�clared to be severable. 'Itiis i,s�strument canrwt be wa�tved,
<br /> chanqed, dischargec3 ar �rn�fr�t�d �orally, but only by_at�► instcvnent in writ�inq •
<br /> .. . . ...- ----._..._
<br /> ---. . .. .. . . . . . . ..
<br /> � . . ._ Y ch�n9e discharge
<br /> � - the patty agaic�st wha�m� eriforcz�r►t of an waiv�r, ,
<br /> � or termdn�t�on is sou�ht.
<br /> ,
<br /> . . � ____ ._ -_ _
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