. . _ . . � - . ' � �,
<br /> � _ . < <
<br /> s" ., _ , . � _ , ' �.
<br /> ` , . ,
<br /> 't ' <, < � ,� • . • � . - �
<br /> � � . � .
<br /> . k . � � ��..:t.���.�..w�. � � 9Q� it}4484 �� � � .
<br /> � ` � . �•)Dehrt.�.aieer mqr.s�ap►aa wniced E�►rrjWaicia�u is�td hr tl,e seccetary in the case ot psymenc aerautu,roqnire � � ,� .
<br /> _ immediue p�yment ia Fu11 of�!!aum��ecured by ehis Security tnstrument if: �
<br /> —, , �,
<br /> ,. . (�B�ra�rtr dtfanits t►Y�t�P�►Y ia full any atontAly PaYaielit required 6Y this Snceuity(ttistrumeni prior to or ou . ,
<br /> tbe due due ot thc ne��t mal�Y P�Y��.at � . � .
<br /> � ' � (if)Borro�ret deh�ifs by f�,[or t ixriod of thicty dajs,to petfastA any othet oblijttions canuintd in this Se�huity . ��. � .
<br /> --- -. -- - - .I�atn��eentti . - -- - _ _- . � , � - -
<br /> ''• • - (y S�le M�(Irr�e Cnit A�rY.l�cader e�lF.if t�amrled bY appliabk taw and v►ti�t�ee prior�ppiair�l of tl�e 3erceary.sequir�e ' � _
<br /> � , - �dirc p��pt�dS d all Itic a��ecuted b�r dils Senirit�tcnatmfaY i� ' '
<br /> �. s. (�.�t14pr pR�irtLe�ap�ty is al�vue�ba�ea ca�er arn ey aevae.ar de�t)6y t�Bocmwer.,oa ,
<br /> `. ° � � ' y��S 7�e Penpatr�S aot uavpied by d�e piu�or grmx as Eis a Gar p�suy�iaoandacy�deoct.a tbe pu�or .
<br /> . . , pa�l�+e'doesx�ooarpy�e P�opaty 6ut tqa a her cmdit A�s mt bae apptored m aoaord�oc arim�e tec��r�cs dfie Sa�eruy. ' �
<br /> � � f le)N�Wii+�r If cFtcumnaaces occut ttiat wotild permit Leade�to rcqn'ae immeQiate payment in full,6ut Leader does not � ' , �
<br /> � re�uirc�pa�u.I�t AOES ROt�IYt 1t51'I,jtii5 rYit�i t�t t0 SI1bS�QUlDt NORTS. �
<br /> t . ��}�M HUD Seeeel�'!•In m�qy circumstaaces re�niuiun4 i�avect 6y t�e SecretarY wiD limit Leadet's ri�hts.ia._
<br /> � ' . t�ca�e or p�Yment deraWte.to require immediste psymmt in fut�a�f�catosr if cat pa�d.This Sae�uity Instrameat does`
<br /> `. . not�nthadne acodention or�otectosure if nat permitted by resutuisms of the Samaty.
<br /> i � ti. rl�■st. Barmrcr 6as a rlsht ta 6t retesuted if I.ender lias.required imtnedtate PaYmrnt In fuU becavse of
<br /> , F Bo�rowres•s[Wure w qy an anwuat due undee�de Nae or ihis Security tnscruumeM.'i7�i�rijL�a�piies evm afcer foreclosure .
<br /> �roceadin�s�re in�tituted.To reinsutr the Secudty lnstrumrnt.Borrowrer shall trnder in a tump sum all amounts rcquirod to .
<br /> � �rtes RorroMer's accoun!current includlaj. to the exteai they sre o6llaations of 8orrorrer under this Security 7astceuaent.
<br /> � : ' fae�cttowrc oosts �nd reasonabie tnd customsry attomey'a fces ind eaperLSe� property assaci3ted witb the forcclasure
<br /> � proceedin j.Upou re�nuate�cat 6y Ilorroxer.thi�Security lastrument and the o�liptiona that it sxureg shall remain in effect as
<br /> ' � If Lender 6ad natt requtred ittupedi�tte papmept in fu11.However.Lender is not tequired to pertnit rcinstaumrnt if:(i)Leadtr tus �
<br /> , ' accepttQ reinsatemeot attu the comineac�neat o[ fc+rcetosure prnceedings witbin two years immo/diatety pieceding the
<br /> i wmmtncement of a curreet torectosure proceeding. (ii)reinstatemtn[ will prectude[orxtosure on different groun�s in the �
<br /> ! future,ar(3B)reinst�tement aill adversety affect the prfority of thr lien created by tl�ts Security Inss�ument.
<br /> � .
<br /> � i1 i�ee�wer NM Relariel;i'ar�e�n�ct� I,esier Not s Wd�a. Eatension of the time of psv�n;ent or rrtodificatian of
<br /> ; • a�martltatloe of the sums savred by thfs Security Instrufieni granted by Lender to any successot in interest of Borrower shall not
<br /> optrate to rekase the liabiliry ot the ori�inal 8orrower or Borrower's sucaswr in intercst. Lender shall not 6r�equired ta
<br /> '; ,' comme�x pro¢adinp qainst any�uccessor in intbrest or«fuse to acend ame for pay�m[or otherwise modiFy a�r;ortization � �
<br /> of tht aums secsued by this Serurity Inctrument by reason af ar�y 8emand maQe by thc otigin�l Borrowsr ar Bonower•s
<br /> j • aucxeseors in intertst. Any fotbeuwce by LenQer in exercising any right as remeQy shall rcal be a wai�er af os gtectude�he
<br /> aatrcise of uiy rijh[vr rem�edy.
<br /> ' !�.S�ecaron�ai A�Ip��o�M;�ot�t�tie�tnl I.b3flity;('o•SI�Cn.Th�covenants nnd agrcements c:f�f;.is Security •
<br /> Insuutnetlt�hall bin4 and benefit the successars and�ssigns of I.en�er and Borrower.subject�o the pta.i,ie�ns pf par,y3raph 9.b. �
<br /> ; Borrower'a covenants and as�amenta sluill be jnlnt and severai.Any Barrower wh�co-signs this 5ecurnv[:strumcrz but does �
<br /> � ncst exeeute the Note:(v)is co•sijnina this 5ecurity tnurument�nly eo mortg�ge.grant and convey th,u[3snrrow�er'•;interest in '
<br /> tht Property ueder tAe terms oi this Secuiity Instrument;(bf��nnt persnnallY odligateQ t�pay the sums seeurut by this Stcurity ; ,S
<br /> frtsttument; and (ct WKS �hat Lcnder and �ny nther [3orr�KCr may agrce �o eatend. madify. torbear or maice any � �
<br /> ; accommoQatlons witA re�atd to the term of this Security Instrum:nt as the Note wiihout th�t Borrower's conseni_
<br /> ' 33.iVolkw.Any natke to Borrower pravided far in[his lecuncy Inctrument sha41 Fx given!�y Q�tivering u o�by mailing it by .#'—
<br /> ' firsl class mail unkss applita6le I�w requlres use uf anmher methasi.'the n�tice shail bc 9irected to thr.Propeny Address or any '
<br /> � othtr addreu Borrower deslgnates by natice ta Lendrr.Any noticc ca I.rndcr shalf t�r�vrn by first clais mail co l.c�der's addrrss
<br /> stated hercin ot any sddras l.endtr desi�ates by notice to I3nrruwe�.Any r.otice provided fc,r in ehis Secunty Instrument shall �
<br /> , 6e deemCd to h�ve bten givrn to Horrower or I,ender when��vcn as pro��Qed in this par�graph. .
<br /> . M.Coree�L�w;lRenerailitJ.Thie Security Irtltrur�rent shall tx go�emed by Federal lava And thr tavr pf the jurisdictian in
<br /> ' v�rhieh:Ae Property i�loeated.1��he evene Ihat any provislon ar ciause vf this 5ccuriiy Insirument or�hr Nnte canflictg with ap• �
<br /> . pticabk I�w.�uch cnnflict shali nnt affe��other provisicros��f this Snurity lnstrumtnt ar the No�e which can he given eifect
<br /> ' rrithoult the conflictlns pravision. To th�s end thc paavisionr of' this Secutily Instrument und th� Vote are dcclarcd tn be � . �
<br /> aeveraDie. -
<br /> �,
<br /> 13.�unowet'�Cu�y.Botro�►•cr:,halt be gi�e��c�rte�anfutimrd cupy�.+t Ihi►tiecur�ty (rnnuinent.
<br /> 9i.Asi�e�M oi'Rt�ta.Bntrowcr�cnco;tdrtw�nalty atia�gu�anA trantiferi to t.endrr n!1 t he n�nts nnd revenues nf the Yraperty.
<br /> ` �. Hotrou•ec authori�xs[,�nder or Lender'!�egcaex�cu wltect the rentti and rr.enue�nrid herehy d�rert.�ach teaant c�f Ihe f'rut�rrty �
<br /> to pay rttt rentsio t,enQer nr t er_4sr'9�tgentr, Ht►wever,pr�vr ta!ettder'a nof�ce tc.Borrourr af t3orrower's breach of any eove• �
<br /> nult Ur a;�Teemene�n the Security tnstrument,1lprrower yhatl u�liect an0 receive ati rentq and revenue�uf t4ee{'roptrty as trastee
<br /> . foe the lsecteft oi[,tndrr and Bor�cswer.Yhi3 uss�gnmene of�enes ronste�u�eti nn abeolu�e a5+ignmem and nc�t.nn asc�gnn�em t�r
<br /> _ tdditionoi:tilcurity ont.y. . - -- .__. . _ . .. .... .
<br /> I!i,trt�'tf gists n^;ri�eof breach tu Botrowrr:l b�a2t tents rece►�ed p�Eic�m�au cha11 b-gield hy Hi�rroucr aY trusteelor btneCit
<br /> ai len�fer onty�to ttr t�pplicd ta�.*_e�ums secured by iAe 5ecur�ly Ino�r�nrcm:!b)I cnder shall be e+�t�tled tc�collect and re�tive al1
<br /> ot the rtnts of the PtuDerty:arrJ(:►tach ten�nt of Ihe f'eopeny!,hall pcs>aU reut.dur ai�d u��naid tu I cu�er ur i.ender's s�ent
<br /> an 1�7�irr'a wriltcn demand to��ic tcnant.
<br /> Ibttowtt hu atit executed anY prior aqsignment e�!the rents aad ha,nut artd uiil�u�t pesfnrtt�any s�s that.uuuld�+rcvent
<br /> Ltndtr frum exrrcising its rights under tha parnpraEstr If�
<br /> . 1.cnJa shAll rtat t�e re�uited tv enter upon,t;te it��rtirs�l e�f cr mamW�r��hc 1'r;�perty hcf��rr or after g��,ng nut�,e uf[+tea�h t»
<br /> • Qatruwer. Nawcvrr.!crrdcr ar a�udicially anper�nced re�e��er rnay du sa at unv t�ent thece��a brca�h.Any arpl�wUp�►of�ent;
<br /> , shall nc��cure or+�aivr eny�letu:�lt c�r invalydase auy ez:hee t�ght vt t�mecly ot t enc!:r. T hsa a.s,gnr:en¢c�f rentc�,�the i'royrnr '�y " �
<br /> shill termht:�te when the det+t sc�urcd t+y tht 4eLUtity Inc�rumrnt �s pai�u►tult '
<br /> _ . _ . . _ �,
<br /> i�. • , .
<br /> �
<br /> c�.
<br /> � . � . ��.
<br /> .�._�_a_.� _—� �_.r : ,1.�._._ . _. . . � -— --------_ _ .__ �
<br />