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<br /> - . � ` � � _. -
<br /> � . � �. ' � . . . _`; � �.
<br /> , 4 , . , ;.� . ,
<br /> � �, ,°. NOnt-UNIFORM£OVF.�fAtst3�Boan�reland i.mdv farthercovm:et and aaree Ss foito�s:� .��"' ���4�� .
<br /> � t!.l�L�o� R�iwl�ier�M�i��e watke to Botrorrer KEa to ac�d�atin�foifowt�s 8orrarre�'s � , , . - ,
<br /> .�� icwet+�f�■�r�o►s�leeyroe���t�tlisS�ir�r�eaEtMet�tlrbortoacaiaratlas�ar�ra��M i3�iI7 ; �
<br /> . ��iM�ppile�i��r /ce�ii��eew�e):�'ic �et tirft�edh:W tLe ie�ad�t6)ttie acfio�seNdre�to c�e tte . �
<br /> idad�fr)s�e.wt kM ti�3�rtts I�i�Iie�e t1e�oelet if�t�+a ta Borrower.iy whki"ttie�efitilt��t be curcd► : � .
<br /> � �i iU t!u`taitire to e�!�e ietsih aaar�efaet ttie!Ne s�xi5�ii�ttie��W►`��ia�ceekratfoQ o!tbe saw�s -
<br /> ,. �. �, �c�r�i�7 d�t S+�e�uit�►I�t i�i sah af t1e �o�ity.'ire�at�oe�all tYtt�idnn�Bor�ower ot t�e rt�t[o
<br /> nirpMe�x�oteie�t4��r!tie'�it`to iriy�t caet aedo�to a�rt t�e toatzEstes�e of`a detaott or ad�r othei
<br /> �. _..�eetB�ietu�r�td�nda�io4�drie.Ut�tief�tissrEe�reiosotbeiaeths�s�i�s.ti�e�otise,t�es/er . .
<br /> - — --- � �.��(� ��re�icc�e�e�t is(aU�of ali�see�r+ed-�r t�is Sendt� I�a�t wit�o�t fattl�er
<br /> ' ` �/!��a�aaT i��tie p}�ec of�ai!a��dtier�e�ei(es/ee��Y�/!�isw.�ee�1b1L�e eRtitkd to� . . ,
<br /> . , . ed{�et,�ii,e=�e�ea i�N�*+�i ir �r+wiK tie ce�eiies 1le�s�iiei t�t�s,�lti 19. i�el�, iat�at I�ited to,
<br /> - r��ie�lka+tberie�s'lws�Mt�lt�[tidee+'He� � , ' ,
<br /> � � tf il�Mner ot t�ie it irt+�M.7'rsrlee �noo��s�otice o[ietu�lt i�acU Qoah i�t wlticr n�r l�tt of t!e .
<br /> ' . � P1r��est}r r loe�te�a�t�l!�i!ea�iesels�t+eetiee i�tie�er�ra�ilei In►�NKaMe 4w to Bore�owa s�to tYe .
<br /> ' � ot�a�e�o�s/r�aerR'e�h►�ic�ie It+r.Atter tl�e ti�e teNini iy spiieaile bw,T�rtee sWl�he/�Mk'Rotict ot
<br /> � we so ere'�en�as.�!i�rl�e.w�.er,�e�iki 1�a��w.rr�tee.wftYo�t de..�o.8o�ro�►er.vau aell tiie .
<br /> Fr+Nett�at Niii�e arctla�ta tLe�Uiiter ss t�e tiie s�i M�ee a�i ra/es ti�e ter�s�atpstd t�tte totic�eatsak is
<br /> • a�ear�ae�e Nree1�a�i i�a�y�et Tr�stes�eter��aa►Trostte�y p�t�o�c sale ot�Il a oy�tr�cl of tic Pro�atY.bY
<br /> �.tiir a�+ie�oewe.e:�etie e3��d �I.ee ot ar� �re.fa�ir�tcd sde.�s�er or tts ae�ipee.u�r�.n#ase tGe
<br /> � �YN��� � � � . � � .
<br /> � u/���f�7�ot tl�e�rioe ai,�rw�Gee�ialt deliitr tA t�e/�rciaser Tnatec's�eet a��eyi�tLe
<br /> � Pe�eetr.Tie reoit�s ir ti�t�Texstee's lerei da�ll i�e�ei�t�ek e�iieaee ot He trrtt ot tre�S�a�e t�ereia.
<br /> " Tti�e slyY sNhr tre paaii�i ot die�le ia tine(oi�ewiy odea ts)to W es�e�ae�s at i�e�le.l�d�ii�:�t�ot tia�itsd�
<br /> �; .� ta�Tr�te's ha�t/er�iEtei�g swtic�ik taw�rd rs�so�attarseri'feex(bl ta atl�s tec�al#y tl�s SeeYrit�r •
<br /> � I�Me�a��a�Rs1�Y eYCe�ta tre�er�or oeno�s kpll!e�titkd to i�
<br /> ,IO.I.ender is PoKe�io�:Upon�;celeralion nnd�r puagrspb 19 or abandonmenc of the Praperty. i.cnder(in
<br /> petson.by agent or by judicidly atipointcd recriver)shaQ be entittod to enter upon.faice passtasian of an�rnarrage xhe
<br /> ,Property�nd to eoltecR the rents otlhe Prdperty including those put due.Any«nts coltected by i.endet or the receiver
<br /> . : sh�tl be appiied first to paymeat of the cc�sta of management nf the Propt:ty and colleccian of rents.inctuding, bnt not
<br /> . limited-�o.teaaz•er's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds and reasanable atcorneys' fees.and then to�he sums sccurcd by ,
<br /> ' thisSecutity Icest�atnent. � .
<br /> � 2�:Re��ee.Upan psyment af sq sums secured by this Security Instrument.l.ender thall request Trusta to .
<br /> aconvey the Prapeay nrtd shall surtender this Serunty Insttumart and all note�e��der.c�ng debt�ec�.::e�by thig 5ecurity ' -
<br /> Instrummt to Trusta.Trusta shaU reconvty the Property wuhaut war��my and wuhaut charge co tke�ersan ot persans
<br /> leaatly eatitted C�i�Such person�s persons shall pay any recardation cats.
<br /> , 2Z.S�b�titute"ftnttee.I.ender.at�ts opt:on.may from time ta nmG remave Trusier and appaint a succ�sov trfcstee
<br /> toany Ttustee appointed hcrtandu by an�nstrument recorded�n the counry m which�h�s Secunty Inscrumet+t��recorded.
<br /> Withaut wnveyance of the Property, the�uccessor trustee sh�li aucceed to a�l the utle,power and dutits conterred upan
<br /> Tcusca herein and by applic�bk law. ,
<br /> Z,1.ReMrest for Notka. 8orrawer�equsts that capies of tAe nAtices oi defaule and sale,be sent to Bnrrawec's �.
<br /> address which is the Propea�y AQdress. ` _
<br /> � � � 2,1.Bl�ers to t!V St�t�(t�1�est.I f ane or tnore ndeta�re e�ccutGd b}8c►rrower and rec�rCed together with : _
<br /> this 5ecunty Insttvmtnt.the eo�en�ttts8nd agree�ents af t�tch cuch ndes shall tx mcorporatcd mto and�hall amend and . —
<br /> supplrmrn� the caytnaMs and agrerrnmts of thiy 5ccunty Instrumen� s� if the nder(s1 u�ete a p�tt of th�s 5rcunty +
<br /> � � Instrumant.[Chrck appfiable_box(es)J � � .
<br /> _. � Adjusubie [tace Rtder J ConQammium Rtder 'y, 2-4 FamAy Ride- _N
<br /> � . ❑Gndwted Payment Rides � Planned Unrt Development R�da � #+
<br /> �Rj CHher(s� [spec�fy] Acicnuwledgmertt
<br /> BY SI(;Nlyc� Bel.t�w, �otrawrer accepts �nd agreey tp � rm` and cntienaats eont��ned �n eh�4 S��nty
<br /> . Instrumrnt rtnd�n any nQer(s)eaecutedby F3arruv►es and►tcord � it �'�'
<br /> t
<br /> • -- ..... . .... .15ea11
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<br /> ....... . ... ... . —.qor,trrN
<br /> . �aL'�(� �.. �rftl lJil, 1'� �
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<br /> • � E • v _t{�na�R�
<br /> !:c•t,eern J, t;raftu�i,;�
<br /> $TALF (1F N[BftAtiK1. Hilil �,.._j:il4 �•, ,
<br /> �n this 11 d:ty v: .3uty . 19 ��!►, t+cf��re me. nc� under���rted. �► N„tar4 k'uhl�
<br /> dulyc�mmissvanedartdcival�f�eciicyr ,.u.iu,�:i�y. �+ci�,��nalltic.ame t.ebe•ce.n .S. Geaft<,rt. ` .
<br /> t� rt�rt�if�d persc�n ,t�►me i�nuwn t�+be the
<br /> tdcntic�l �+c��onlsi ��hs�s: �iaittrl�t arc� �ubt.nts;d tu N�c Rr�rF���nf; ��<<.�c:unrm anJ ��tin�,KfedgcJ =hc .tc.u��E+r� . �• • -_--°-
<br /> lhercuf to Ge lic�r �oEurn3t� a:=�ric�dccd. ; .
<br /> , . Witrtess�nr i�and�nd nos�fllii� ��it� :it (rf�fl�() j�:�il11t�� tif��+tii4kil U!�:t�c1 �c�Utt:�, '.tl�
<br /> � dnte afort�a:�.
<br /> ;4�� �f)tIlI11lcstut�CRE71tl't: . p.- . �� �.
<br /> ,f ��� �7. a�_ �e'� . �� ,� ' 1'z
<br /> . 7. . . �.. �. ,.
<br /> L ���IMrl�ll y� ti , . �•,�• _ • � .
<br /> CYNTt�iA�.AIIRENS ��V�•'�'�t [tiK KF�[f�til`E ti'•t�:4.'E
<br /> ta, 1Mt�ier fta Moe?Z. 399T �
<br />, ��1C Ullt�l'ftil�*i1C(� i� t�7C�tF��ttC• t�� CfIC(t:•It':�t It�eff. �Ct:1i:CS I'}G [f±:, �1::�} =�S I�€t«t `+w:ti t�:�,_'�•c it�rt•�, !•y�;•,tii' {�
<br /> - 64ll�F:lI�1!��?L'fef?�!'F�I{�!}E•����'L!1l.l�CtYi�ilR�t:`�i�.-�TIt[i;[��hd:Ci���ti�.t:'.111: `:��i `r�•:. .sf:"t7l'':r`k .{iT:�f��illt"'c:� �-� t�:. . ::s�
<br />� � .t:nlE'i�r 1tt!:ek dil:� (�ti�� I?iCl�tSa TiU4l, .>ftttf' .lf� l�i`lts-`t�tf�:ii�I'E. �tt;:� -_'�� :y:.- . :�tiitt `"r ,..ir,-.�r,--,. . r -..- -. ., _ -- �" .
<br />.- Ctt�tt l,rfd ��Yit`4! !1li�fiC1 -tll:< ;ft'`.'t� "t=� �?!t,[ 1•.�I�f� rc.•;_�i�; .i! •�rt�.r�;�. ...'.t�._ . ' .__� -i�,r_, � � �
<br /> �)lIP
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