::;:. : ... . . -- :
<br /> .. .. . . . �,'1.'. L _ . . .. . _ ' . . . . . _ . _ .
<br /> �� ' � . . � _ �t,��.._ � . -- ._ _ . . ,. . ' ,- . . �
<br /> .., ` ���- ` `, ' � . . , � , � . . . . � ' . • [ . ( �.
<br /> � � . � . . ' . � , . � �
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<br /> . �� .. � ` • � ` C �
<br /> : `uN��w��� ������„�as��eouo�: �Q---f.04481� .
<br /> � 1. 3M�t o�PriaetMl a�i t�ter�Pue�y�t a�Lte A�e� Barrativer shal!promP�tS►WY�rhen due . '
<br /> �, ° , tl�e principal of�d intuat on the debt evidenced by tHe Nott�nd�ny ptepaymrnt and hte cisarga Que under the Note. .
<br /> �. F1�ske�'�tss�ll�t� S�s6jecttt��i�iea62et�wcxtoswritteitwaiverbyLender�Boamwessha3ipaY � �
<br /> . . - �- ' ta I�nder oa t�se dsy ajo�thfiy pnyments are dt�ynder tlte Not't,unti!the Note is paid in full.a awn f"FunQs")egusl to .
<br /> � aoe�t�rdR�ot: [a}yarly wta anQ�ssmrnts�vhieh may uuin priority nver this.Socuricy tnstrczment: (b) Yaariy
<br /> IaxholQ payments or�round rmts an the �sQperty, if�ay: ic) yeuty h�zara insurancc premiums; and (d)yqrJy ` �.
<br /> aaetplc�muraace praniwm.if any.T6ese items are a11od"escro�v.items."Lender may estimite the Fu�due on th�
<br /> . � b�alcutKnttf�taandtea�onablea�timataatfutureescrow�items.
<br /> � � � T6t�u�ss1�!!be t�dd in u►iastitution tl�e depvsits vr accauets of which ur insured'or guanntad by a t`ederal or
<br /> . �+��/�Y fiscluda�I�eeder if I.ender is such sn instieution).Lendet sh�l!appty t6�Funds to�y the acro�v items.
<br /> - Leades msy nat cAar�e far boWias and apptyin�the Funds.analyzing the accauat os vuifyia=the escro�itenis�untas
<br /> . � l.a�Pt�Bcumwer ieEerat an ti�e Funda atuf applkabk t��r parnits Lender to mal�e such s cliarae.Borroa►er and
<br /> t.endes utsy a�r�x in Nritinf thu interest a6a11 be paid oa the F�nds.L'nless an�gra�aent is made or applicahte Lw �
<br /> rr�ui�+es imaa�e.W be paid.l.ender shall na be roqu"ued ta p�y BornoRCr su�y interest art�minEs on tbe Funds.l.endes
<br /> . ' �ll yve to Aorroxa,�vitltout ehar�e,an tnnual aaountin6 of the Funds shoxirtg credits and debits to the Fundsand tbe � .
<br /> prr�e�ot wbfcireach debit tothe Fe�rtds w��s made.�'be Funds are piedaed ss additionsl security tor tlee su�s savred by .
<br /> . . , t6i:Sec.�rityTn�'tumsnt. � �
<br /> If tljc am�mt otthe Funds heW by�.end�r,co�ethtr�rith ctie fi,ture monthiy payn�e�rsts of Funds psyable prior to
<br /> tbe dut Qat�of#�c escrow itcnns,sha1�ex�eed the amount reqo'u�to psy th�escro�v itsats srhen duG the euass sh�1)be, �
<br /> . u Qc�r+ro�itr'�aption,dther ptompciy repaid ta Sorro�ver or rredited to Rorrower on manthYy paYreeen�s of Funds. If thc
<br /> . � amcx�at ot tAe Funds heW 6y i.etadtr is not su}Fcient to p�y the esc:ow items wben due,8arrawer shaU pay to L�der any �
<br /> u�ouet eaoast�ry tv m�lce np the delFcieacy in ane or t�totc Qsy�te�ts as required�sy Lmder. - � . �, .
<br /> Upvn psy�seni in full of ail aums securod by this Seeurity I�s�rument.Lender shslt pramp�ty refund ta 8orraxec�
<br /> � u�y Funds Aek1 tl�y L�t�der.tf under para�raph 19 tltc Property is sal4 or�cquaed by Lendtr.La�eer sh�ll appty.ao IsteE
<br /> than immedNtet�g priot to the 6sk af the P�apeny ar Lrs acquisitton by Lender,any Funds held by Lendtr at the time oi
<br /> �pplication u i credit�pinsl the sums�ecured�by tbis Sccunty�nstrumtnt � .
<br /> . 3 A1/8nfio�of P�lwe�b. Unku ippticable lawr provides otherwise.all psymrnts roceived by L�ender under
<br /> p�njraplts 1 and 2 sMli 6e appl�ed:firat.t�late chsr�es due unde�the No.te:secot�d.to prepsyment chsr��s due under the "
<br /> Nate;third,to amounts p�yabk under p�raaraph 2;fourth,to interest due;and last.tn princip�l due.
<br /> �. �tle�s. Bo�roaer s4�aft psy at{taxe�,�ssessmrnts.charges,fines and impasitians stlridutabk to the
<br /> prope�ty �hich 9nay attain prianty over this Sorurity lnstrumrnt, anA leasehdtd psymcnts or tround rrnts. if my. '
<br /> Bort�owrer siu�ll pay these obli�tions�n the manner pravided�n parograpA 2.�r d not pa�A m tha�manner.Baaower shall
<br /> p�y them un timre E�rect)y to the ptrson owwod E►ayment. 8arcawtr�ha1)promplty furnish ta Le�der all�otices of amounts � '
<br /> ta be paid under this qrasrap6.lf Bonower makes thrse psyments direc�ly. Borrrewer shall pramptly Yurni�h to Lendsr
<br /> recsipts evidencin�the p�yments.
<br /> 8otsoaer shall pratfptfy dischat�t any t�en which has prtotity nuer th�3 Sccunty Instrument unfess Borro�er:(a� �
<br /> ajtees in writin�to the psyment af the obit6at�on socured by the Iren�n a manner acceptabk ta L.ender,fb)cotnats in�oad
<br /> faitli t�ae(ien by.cx ddends apunst enfarcemene ot ihe licn in,tcgl Proreedin��rhicb tn thr l.endefs apinion csperate to
<br /> � prevent the enfcxctment oi the!�m or forfe�ture o!any patt of�hr Pmpeny;ar(c}securs fram the halder of the tien an � _
<br /> �nettrtem saqsfactory ta I.enGtr subordin�tma,ahe t�en ta�his Se�cunty Inr�trument.If Lcnder detetm�nes that any part af
<br /> the Psaperty is subject to a lun whuh nuy attain pnnnty c►ver thi�Sccunty lns�rument,i.endet may gtve&moKer a
<br /> noticr ideatifyina the fien, tin►rower ahal!�atisty the liea�ar tske one os more of�he acnan�set fonA abr,ve withm 10 d�ys
<br /> of tAe�ivins of rtoltce. '
<br /> �J. ���+ri[�MC�. Borrowet shall{�ap the improvements nnw e�istm��r hereafter ettcted vn the Praperty '-
<br /> insutad�nst los�by fire,huards�ncfuded w�thtn 1Ae tetm"cwtenQed wve�rae"and any o�hrr hazards ins which l.enAer
<br /> td�uirss insurtnce. This insunnce shali be ma�n���ned m the�maunss�rtd for the pcnads �hat Lcnda �equares. The
<br /> in�unnce catrier prov�din�the�nsu�rirtce�halt De ch�sen by Rorrower aub�e.�tci I.ender's saprava.i wfisch sh�11 nnt bt �
<br /> unra�an�bly withhticl.
<br /> All�nsur�n�e poi�c�es and renewats shall be acceptal�te�rr l.ender and ahaU inciode A standard mongage clause '.
<br /> Lender tha111uve tAe naht io Ratd the pal�cieg and reaew�is. !f Lender«yu�re�,��trow�er sf►all promptly�ive t��l.ender
<br /> all re�ceipts of pud premwm�and rent�al nat�crs.ln�he e►eni nf loss.Horro�er shall give promyt aotcce to Ihe�nsur�nce
<br /> camet and LenQer.Lendcr nuy mafce prnof�►f tas9 if nos made ptamptly hy Hurrowrr.
<br /> Unles�4ender and fi�rrower a�hcr�►se agrre��v►nt�ng,msuranct prncetQs sh�ll tx eppl�ed to rtitotat�nn c�r reparr
<br /> of tht Property damaged.d�he rstora�tnn ar repau i�ecort�,m�cally feasibtr and Lcnder's securecy�s nat lessened It the
<br /> _ r�tontion�n rtpatr��nnt_rcnn�im�c�lly fe�sibte oc I.ender's.sccur�ty.wuuld tx trsscac+d.tha msurARSe proCad�ehall be .. .-._ . . .
<br /> spplied to Iht sum�secuted Dy th�s Secur:ty lnstrumzne,whe�her c�r aot thcn dse. w�th any e.wce�s pa�d tu&�rrow�eT it
<br /> Ha�na�ver abndvns�he Pn�crsy.nt does�nat anc�rer wnhm �U dnys�nnt►�e frr�an I.enclu thet the insurar.;,e carner has
<br /> olfera!tn�tlk�Clum.ther5�.r�tdet ms�cnitect thr msurancr prcxec�s 1 tad�r:rmay ux thr proceeds tn rcFa�r ar restc�re
<br /> the Praperty or r.c�psy sums secured by�Izi�Srcurity lnstrumm�.whether or nnt then due The 30-day period wdl btam
<br /> wAtn the not�ce csgt�ea.
<br /> ' Un{eas Le.�der and 8orrower otlae:�cse pgree u�wnnng,any ipplicanon oi p•tixceds to princi�l�h�U no1 e�tend or
<br /> post;ont Ihe Q►�e d�te of Iht[�i�nlhly�ayrnetrts reterrcct to�n�3ragr9ph4 1 and 2 i�r�hange the��nuunt c+f the paymrn�s.If
<br /> undtr Qarisr��tr f 91ht Pr�pctty�s acyu�red by t.ender, Ik►rrower's ugh�tu an�insurnrice�x�l�cie�an0 prekeed�re+utr�ng
<br /> ttom damage to c:'te Property ptu�t ta Ihe acqu►�I�on shaN vas9 tu t,enQrr t��th�eetent c�f the Sumc st�uted by thiy Stcut�ly ��� ���•"�
<br /> tnstntment�mr:��i�teiy prior to ehe ac��.:,itu+n
<br /> 6. P'rt�err�f,ioe u�Mdeteunce ut Proper�;l�easehol�t.. Eiatrc��•rr shafl r�ut dt�ttuy,damage E�r sutv,xanhally
<br /> ch�n�e tAe Praperty. allow s�:e Property t�daenorat� ur cumm�t we�tr If th�s sccunty Ir►suumrnt �4 on a Icacehc�td,
<br /> Botrar►er shall rampl�r wuh cEtr prr�Lr�i�ns ut'the leau,nnd it Hnire�wer acywres fec t�tletE+the Pr�perty,the tea�ehc�ld aa�d
<br />: . . �csitiif5f�z#`sm�tmer6eon{e��,ert�er�gTFtS[i1[ft@i�itig�rifivvniing �
<br /> T. P�otect�os at I.euQer'� RitAts in tbe i'�uptNy: 11ort�ge Insutauet. It r�utt<tiwer tads to �e►fe�rm ehe � ��
<br /> cavertmtsatldagreementscuiva�nM m this Serur�9y Instrument,i�r�here i�a Irgal pr�w•ce��ng that may ciqnifi:antty aft�ct
<br /> � t�endC►'s n�[hts�» the Ptt�petty{such a�a ftesc�tding tn h�nl�ruptcy. prubate, ft�r cc�ndetnnat�nn or t<+entcrrre lawc nt �
<br /> ,teaulattUns),then t.rndrt mav dc��nd pay fi+t whate�er�s ncces�ry to{�r��iect tt�e�al���.�i tht Ntu,�xr��at�d�ettdf��5 Tt�Sh�S �
<br /> in th:Pro�tiy t.tnder's acunn�may �nclude pu?;ing�ny sums��urec9 hy a t�en whuh has pne�r�tt ���er th�s Sr�:ur�ty �,,p
<br /> Instrument.ap�r�n�C m caun.�3y1(1F;ffd5o�7aI�{e Hfl('�1RC,yt'fCpS�tiQ tRtClttt���ti ths Nf(�'�+PIS} t«►rreke rc��a�r� A��h��ugh i�f
<br /> _ tsndet may take�cUUn under ehic pata�t�►�h?,t endco de�es i���e ha.et�r�Ss•sti• .
<br /> ' ►�ti��tlii�titili�1iTtllf�F�}�ChC�['(URt��T[I'1{L�9Tf1�►A��'i j�.1JI C►e�E�ft1C dtlt�t21E�t7.11 t}t�!�.+{�!�it(�!4('f SCi 11/f�f���fifY ' �. - •.
<br /> . 5tew�tF In�:rutnera !'nir}t Hrur�wer und i.ender aRree raa�her rerms��f rd�mer,t thece a:n���nta chalt i+e�r ir�►erte�fre�m
<br /> the�lnre ��f ct�it+u:sentrnt �t the tinte rate ;�t�d chatE he revahte. �;itf� ir�rrrc�� �i,�n r.�f��c 4r�.nr't rra;#cr t�� it:�rn�c+�er
<br /> rc�ue�tfnp�+�yrRrs�i
<br /> �
<br />