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LOAN #: 012132061 <br />notify in order to exercise the Conditional Reflnancin Option. If 1 meet the conditions <br />of Section 2 above, I may exercise the Conditional Refinancing Option by notifying the <br />Note Holder no later than 45 calendar days prior to the Maturity Date. The Note Holder <br />will calculate the fixed New Note Rate based upon Fannie Mae's applicable published <br />required net yield in effect on the date and time of day notification is received by the <br />Note Holder and as calculated in Section 3 above. 1 will then have 30 calendar days to <br />provide the Note Holder with acceptable proof of my required ownership. Before the <br />Maturity Date, the Note Holder will advise me of the new interest rate (the New Note <br />Rate), new monthly payment amount, and a date, time, and place at which I must appear <br />to sign any documents required to complete the required refinancing. I understand the <br />Note Holder will charge me a processing fee and the costs associated <br />with u datin the title insurance policy, if any. <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants <br />contained in this Balloon Rider. <br />JANEE L WEB <br />kLai-uv. ATE (Seal) <br />MULTISTATE BALLOON RIDER - Single Family- Fannie Mae Uniform Instrument <br />Ellie Mae, Inc. Page 2 of 2 <br />201705104 <br />[Sign Original Only] <br />Form 31801/01 (rev. 9/01) <br />F3180BLR 0412 <br />F3180BLL (CLS) <br />07/27/2017 08 :09 AM PST <br />