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�L <br />QUITCLAIM DEED <br />The County of Hall, Nebraska, herein called the grantor, in <br />consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable <br />t+ ideration r ce v i. fteim the grit ee, does grant, bargain,, swill .convey <br />and confirm unt of Grand Island, Nebraska, . 'a. i`. municipal <br />F�Ooration, the &- scribed real property in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />;. ACT 1 <br />:.:?� tract d .'. > pis , ;i �aiaprising a part,::, f U . •s+iorthea: .Quarter (NE . :,'. <br />1 /4k of Section: it .ill), Township Eleven �Il), North ;.;li nge Ten (10% <br />West of the 6t�n P: 'k : in Hall County, Nebr w., .more' particularly <br />described as follows-,'.,`- , Leginnia#, at a point off'; is ie west line of. said <br />Northeast Quarter (NK�. �4), si�-A_ point being dui,Thousn r Two Ill&4red <br />Forty Six (1,246.0) "Aunt so-tth of the ndrtl est eoriiit of said., <br />Northeast Quarter (NE'; i �� ); thence easfir�aiy alth$ a l Hundi�od. <br />Eighty Four (484.0) soufb, off, and:')p: tite, fip; th .aid of <br />Sunset Seventh Subdivision, a. �14tan + .-4tF - Two.: _Hipifted <br />Ninety Two and Four Tent'ns , (.1,,Z9T_A '` :Vi� to �t:.ta!�3� 7itite of h Lcron <br />Street; thence southerly on and' a1oi: '.-tiu:,; West line of ;4f': ux-On Street a <br />distance of Two Hundred (200.0) feet;'thence westerly pZirAlel to the <br />south line of said Sunset Seventh Subdivision, a distance. of One <br />Thousand Two Hundred Ninety One and Twenty Six Hundredths Xlj.2'91.26) <br />feet, to the west line of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1�'tr)�; thence <br />northerly along the west line of said Northeast Quartet';:.(14 1/4), a <br />distance of Two Hundred (200.0) feet to the place of beginning and <br />containing 5.931 acres More or. :lass; and <br />Tract Z' <br />A tract of land comprising a part. of try Northeast Quarter (NE <br />1/4) of Section Eleven,•(11), Township'tigven (11) North, Range Ten (10) <br />West of the 6th PA,* in }fall Cou*ttj* ' " Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as followat ` Weginning at a:polnt on the went line of said , <br />Northeast Quarter said point being Seven Hundred Sixty Two <br />(762.0) feet south of, tihi? iiorlhwest corner of said Northeast Quarter <br />(NE 1/4), also bei.tty.' ttie, southwest corner of Sunset Seventh <br />Subdivision; thence easterly along the ' soui therly line .ui;. said Sunset <br />Seventh Subdivision; 412' stance of Eight: 110ndred Forty Five and Sixteen <br />Hundredths ( 845.16) feet; thence southerly 4ong r a line Four. . Hundred <br />Fifty (450.0) feet nest of and parallel to the vest I'lat-of Macron <br />Street, a d'i'stance of Four Hundred Eighty Four (484.0) feet; thence <br />westerly parallel to the south line of said Sunset Seventh Subdivision, <br />a distance of Eight Hundred Forty Two and Four Tenths (842.4) feet, to <br />the west line of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4); thence northerly <br />L <br />4— <br />r' y <br />1 <br />