<br />89-101797
<br />10. Amekradw; Rsusafiss; Pawer of Bale Upon an event of default by TrAter as defined herein, Beneficiary may declare all Mwe recu ed hereby ismae tiately due and
<br />r payable by de&rer)r tovia"Ols written declaration of default THETRUMEE SIMU M%S T IM POWER OF SAL£ OF THE PROp"= and it ileoeficiary desires tlar
<br />Pr %DertY to 6e sold,
<br />it" deposit with 7kuatw this Deed of Trust, the Note. and all other protaiwoxy notes and documents evidencing apeaditura secured hereby. sad shall
<br />deliver to Tiva4ae a wtidaa ondoe otddourlt and election to cause the Property to be sold, and the Trustee in tom shall prepare a simil-Notice in the form required by law.
<br />wbJch shall be duly flied far terad by Trustee.
<br />(a) After the lagw asf such time as rao be required by law fdkmiog the recordation of add acne of default, sad notice of default sad notice of axle Saving beers pt4n as
<br />requirodbylaw. 7lmsteewithoutdemudonTrustor. shallaellthePropedyontbedateandatthedmeaadplmdm oatedinWdwUceotaak ,atpubbeewtiooto
<br />the ktihed biddi r the purchase tskepayable,=lawful mmey at the United States at the tint eof asle.'Ihe personaooductimR tbeaalemay. LoraoyRtrehedeens ex-
<br />pedient, positpooe the ode f om time to time until it" be completed and, in may such me,aotice of portpmement "be gym by public declaration thereof by
<br />such person at the time and place Lat appointed for the sale; provided, if the sale is postponed for (auger than one (1) day b"W the day designated in the notice of
<br />sale, notice thereof shall be given in the same manner as the arginiti notice of sale. Trustee shall execute and deHvft to the purebsw: his Deed conveying the Property
<br />sold, but any covenant or warranty, esprew or implied. The recitals in the Deed of asp matters or facts shall be concluaret proof of the truthfulness thereof.
<br />Amy per son, including: Beneficiary, may purchase, at the sak.
<br />(b) When ThWassallepurrpmatto the powei herein the Trusteeshalappl ytheproceeds of the sale, tspaymentoftheem" andeqenmofesecisingthepawerofRde
<br />and atthe sale; inclodine but not limited to, the payment of the Tmstee' s few actually lacurreE t which Ttueleesfees 40 not in the aggregate exceed the gum of F-My
<br />and ao1100(f50.00)phs %of 1% of the amount secured thereby and recodaing unpaid. and then to theitemsinsubparagraph (clin the order them stated.
<br />(c) After paying the items specified in subparagraph (b) if the sale is byTrastse, or afla payment of props court costs if the sale is pursuant tojudidd fate elaesrre, the
<br />proceedsotaleshallbespplied intheoederstated below:
<br />(c) Parsent of the obligation secured by this Deed of Trust
<br />(u) Jamw trot deads, martgaim or other penholders;
<br />OEM 1 t e remainder, if any, to the par® legally entitled therew :
<br />It. Duda aid Oil(ptiow cif Tlrurtea; (a) The dadems esd(ulli3rtiicne of Trustee shall br a is iursi ":ail .fig, the express "4ke a of this Deed otTmstand Tcsatse shall
<br />not beliaitteesoept for the peformaaoaa feudtdnt3eaimPiliAlola�aaast, faIIyaettarta ; era#? ir; iiedcovedrparrutdidatioosabaUbeimpoaedupoaTraate�
<br />(b) No provision of" Deed of Tract mall r q fizz Tr x U �f s? ox r tk sin' a fwmde or otherwia: itrdiu,p y in the performance of any of its dutim
<br />hereaadrs crfn the exercise of any of itucui{pjiiis cs{imrir i "r rfitjtni iravQgtruufiitfu for believing that the re uy aria d such funds or adequate indemnity against rich risk or
<br />Its
<br />biityisuattrmsooablpasauredtait frJ7q+a�ia( Layietnstt: vjiirurrc�e', iitvnwarbaaeiagendihegdvices` counaelskalibefuUandoompieteauthoriutiaaandprm
<br />tection iatja►r�gect of say actiaa tafa� ?usr.•Vtfiered by it`ll �urri !i<.liii rri::t *�liarp`:� thereon; (d)Traatee shahs nos rheT�ble for any action tiakea by It Ice good taJth tadrgaon::bl�*
<br />believed iiy'4 W beautborined orwithlnliir, berationorsiglix�iirp? rev upon itbythis DeedofTruai:(elTraateeaLall notbe rerponn6ie forthepaymect�feug u
<br />' paid taxer on the Puropetty due and o*iag at the time of the rria � "sf crry�i �7att of the Property pursuant to the prooedurta in t'arapaph 10.
<br />12. Addednnal Se rarity instruments. Truster. at its ems. sill esrr/trdstid deliver to the Truatee, promptly upon demand, such amity instruments as may be re;t6xd
<br />by Truster. En form and substance satisfactory to Trustee, wowing arri4 stars V,*perty by this Deed of Trost, which security instruments shall be additional "eoeity fei.:-
<br />Prtutor's faithful performance of all of the tens. covenants. and cdn'ritiaart�4H,i ; Seed of Trust. the Now and any and all otherdocume"atievidencingthe Obligations .
<br />hereby. sad any otbm security instruments executed in fsxrnruon. Such inLrurnenta shall be recorded or 00, and reatccrW and refiled. atTrrt 4m Wti:
<br />PMW-
<br />13. Successor T'rwstee. Beneficiary may from time N time taixiiti�W a ,ss�r_mr w auceessors to any Trustee named herein or acting h ercunder this Deed of Trust. VX_- ms,-h
<br />appointment and without conveyance to the successor Trustee. die latter �arJi:£>£ vested with all title. powers; and duties conferred upon any Trustee herein named or actin,;.. .
<br />benunder. P—vb such appointment and subm ution shall be made by written =Nvo_zuent by Beneficiary, contaimicig reference to this Deed of Trust and its place of record, whirls ,
<br />when recorded in the office of the Register of Deeb of the county, or countior %-.afi a said Property is situated ftff be conclusive proof of proper appointment of the successor
<br />Trustee. The foregoing power of substitution and the procedure therefor shall nd: to exclusive of the power and p medure provided for by law for the substitution of another
<br />bustre or trustees in the place of the Trustee.
<br />14. lirpecdom Beneficiary, c rits agents, representatives or workmen, are authorized to enter at any reasonable time upon all or in any pert of the property for the purpose of
<br />inspecting the same and for the purpose of performing any of the act@ it is authorized to perform under the terms of the Deed of Trust
<br />15. iPorbeasssee by Beine0clary or TrumteeNot a Waiver. Any forbearar. --i lay Beneficiary or Trustee in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise afforded by
<br />applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exmise of any right or rmredy hereunder. Likewise, the waiver by Beneficiary or 7rastee of any default of Tractor under
<br />this Deed of Trust shall not be deemed to be a waiver of am <i cider or similar defaults subsequently occurring.
<br />10. Tlrwtor Not Released. Extension of the time for pe rmumi:6 modification or amortiwim d! the sums secured by this Deed of Twwt granted by Benefuciar*•• tm any sue -
<br />oemm in interest of Trmtor shall not operate to release, in a -ty iaumner, the liability of the ririgir : rustoror Trestar's suooesswin interest Benefklary shall not Y*.req,7ired W
<br />commence promeedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortimmm. of the atmts secured by this M% o!Tran fry ifmft of any
<br />demand matte by the origins) Truster and Trustoes successom in interest.
<br />17. Beseficlarys Rfgki to Cme. U there shall be a default under this Deed of Trust or under any prior mortgsae or deed of trust, the BeneficWy t»sy tulutprlt der lltrat. This
<br />amounts advanced by, wend other costs and expenses of the Beneficiary in curing such default, with interest (from the Bata of dbbawmentst the rate jar) ifs fnitis tinit<to time
<br />on outstanding principal on the Note unless payment of interest at such rate would be contrary w r,ptirable, law, in which event auci somata shall bdar linji"tr1. flaw_ Wghest
<br />interest rate authorized by applicable law) shall be added to the indebtedness secured by thin Deei of'rrust and may be collected hereunder It any time tltcr the true of such ad-
<br />vances or payments and shall be deemed to be secured thereby
<br />18.00iss to Fosdass as MorWige• Upon the occuranee of any default hereunder. Bens wkry. ehaD have the option to foreclose this Decd: af'1'iaal iii the manner provided
<br />by law for the foreclosure of mortgsgea on red property.
<br />19. T'rustors 1110%Abomt Default. Until any default as defined herein, the Tutor, its successors► and amigns, shah poseeae and enjoy the ProWrty. Upon payment of all
<br />gums secured by this Deed of Trust. Beneficiary shall request Trunee to rmanvey the property and shall surrender this deed of Trust and the Note, and all other documents
<br />evideonog imdebtednen secured by this Deed of Trust to Trustee. Truster &41 reoonvey the property without %mrranty and without charge to tlix persons legally entitled
<br />thereto. The grantee in any reeonveyance Inv be described as "the person or 1xvixms entitled thereto. "and the recitals therein of any mattenor facts shidl be conclusive proof of
<br />the trathfutsess thereof. Such person cr pp.mme shall pay all coats of necordhtg. if any.
<br />20. Beirfieivy s Fawns Without affecting or releasing the lability of the Truster or any other person liable for the payment of any Obligations herein in cntloi:4 and
<br />without 01mtins the lien charge of this Deeed of Trot upon any portion of the Property not dims ortheretafore released as security for the full amount of all unpaid ObIlgadow.
<br />Beneficiary stay, from time to time and without notice at the request of one or more 7ruston (i) elerses any person w liable. Oil, extend or anew, the maturityor alter any of the
<br />toms of asp sash obligations. (iii) grant aeirt indulgencra. Gv) release or mconvey, or cause to he Weased or reronveyed at any time at 13eaefl&ry s option any parcel or all of
<br />the PropWt ;,. (v) faire or release any other or additional security for any obliyyitlon herein mentioned. (vi) make compositions or other amngtements with debtors in relation
<br />tbereta. AS Ynastarlr shall be jointly and severally obligated and bound by the actions of the Beneficiary or any one or more Truster ae erred in this paragraph.
<br />21. (remedies Not Exclusive. Trwtee and Beneficiary. and each of them. shall be entitled to enforce payment and performance of any indebtedness or Obligations secured
<br />bum-by and to esencise all rights and powers under this Deed of Trust or under any other agmetuent executed in connection herewith or any laws not or hnVal a In fo w, not -
<br />withetandLtgsome or all of the such imdebtedaas and Obligations secured hereby may now or hereafter be otherwise secured, whether by toortgrge. deed of trust. pledge, lien.
<br />ass4mineucnr otherwise. Neither the acceptance of this Deed of Trost nor its enforcement. whether by rota setion or pursuant to the power of sale a other powers herein awn -
<br />taiaed. ePiuilpmjudiceorinanymanneraffectTrusteesorBeneficiarysrigbttorealiz euponorenforce anyothersecuritynoworhereafwrheldb Trustee orBeaefirlary,itLx-
<br />ing agreed Brat Trustee ad Beneficiary, and each of them, shall be entitled to enforce this Deed of Trost and any other security now or heeedter held by Beneffrfaty w Trustee
<br />in such order and swum M they or either of them may in their absolute discretion determine. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Beneficiary is intended
<br />to be exclusive of say other remedy herein or by Ors provided or permitted. but sash shah becumufative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or
<br />heee.ttsr es>isting st lawor inequity or by statute Every power or remedy provided under this !Deed of Trust to Tutee or Beneficiary or to which either of them may be other -
<br />wiw entitled, may beexercised,coacurven'ly orindeprndently. from time to tine ands often ss may be deemed expedient by Trustee or Beceficiary and either of them mry par -
<br />snt ineoiaiateat remedies. Nothing herein shall be ccaytrued as prohibiting Beneficiary from seeking s deficiemey judgement against the Truster to the erten*_ such action is per-
<br />mitted by law.
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