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<br /> . . . • -. ., � ,
<br /> �3��• ` � ` ' ` .. • � � . . ` , t � C ..,(' . . .�
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<br /> = � _ � f _ ., � � � � � � 9Q=- ga4���?' ` � � ` . � . `.
<br /> � . � ° t��p�r�t�:�o�t d�h�c�.��t�e'�n�•s�'t�tk ae4`.an t�r.m�ia�nceresc ansf cdaim o�ux Tr�smr an�tu�sucassols � . ` .. �.
<br /> � � iu in�erest atlii if� `�P�e�s cl�mi�'bX oc tl�tiou,�L or und�r them.iri u�d to ttie p�uperty sotd inctuding all such righ�ti�1e•iatetat. . � � � ,
<br /> .` �,4�+at arW.b suNt pcdpat[�r ac9uiied hy tl�Tmstor a hi�su�its in`iflteRst snbsequenf to tht cxactitloif o�t�e?rustot 31f� . • -
<br /> � ` . � Th�qae�i�ail�r tbe pracceda��'the Trenteds sakr fe�t, to tt�e cost and expensts of�tetrisirt,s the pawer aP sale. and ot ilie sate. .
<br /> � ipdudi�thr yrtyef�t�af.t�e?'tusiee's fas lciwttty incuti+ed trst w exceed th�amoune which may bc'pmvide+d f�in the tnist ci� .
<br /> � ieco�dr w pYment of tve obliptjon's sxu�+ed�by the Wst dcod.and Uae batance.if�ny.ta tha peraaa or persons k�a11Y tntitkd��heseto ,
<br /> ` _ . . , .
<br /> ' • � . � A►s�d the 3'iustee cov��nu►ts,fi�ittifirlly ta�erfan�the trust�eiein cn�ted � , -
<br /> . �: . � � � _ , . � . �. � , .,- ,
<br /> . < • ' _ - _ � . � � � . .
<br /> . �1'4EFK�l�R'Y �r`iiu�tmne to�ime.sub�tc s suca,t�or ex saccaso�to ury Tn�stoG named haein or ictinj he�nder to.
<br /> . ' awcei��tl��Trust�Dbe't1.Upce�h i�ppobt�t anr!rrithaut canveyance to the s�ooes�or Truste�.the 4t�er shiD 6e vesLed`w��II
<br /> . tit�•pri�a;awd dutie�ea�kreed upoa any lfrtesiee hezein named��ctin�Gettundc�r.�F.sch sach s�ppoFqtment and`substituqon sit�i!
<br /> .. bd n��de.by q�Yit#en inswnnent aad eaecuted bY Benetkiary.contairaing nfermce to tfis Trust deed and its ptacc of nc�d.whict�,wl�t
<br /> � � .mca�dad ia tbe etl'iee of the�af Deeds`af t�e ca�nty�r caQnties in which`aaid pcaperty is situamd.sMll be ca�ctnsivie prnof .
<br /> � ` a�poger appoinUt�ent at the�ccessor Trusta.,71�fote�oit�Pvw�e�.of sabstitu6an and the prbceduie thnefoie sbali aQt be�xctusive .
<br /> af the po�rer and piocodure pcavided for by iaw� for the s�bstitutio� of u Trustte ar Trust,ees in�the plaae of the.Trastee or Tmstas .
<br /> '.� � a�med l�e�ein. . � . .
<br /> ; . , . ° . . . � f� ,
<br /> � Slwold the.Trustor or its successa in int[x�est withaut the cansent in wrimng of tDe H�ef"lciary seil,transfer,or coi►vey.ar permit
<br /> � � to�be a�otd,ttandec�d cx conve�i�ed.bN�+eement fos saTe oe in any manner.its intet�tst.in the a6ove dtscribed rcal estate(or arlY Pu't
<br /> ' `• tltet�ecr�').t�rdu:&nafxasrY may declaze all snma secund henby iromediately due sanQ payS�hie.s�tbjat w applicabk fiw. �
<br /> � . . _� .. . .
<br /> , . _ ,
<br /> � : Tl�e�raira�y Tr�tee or&neficiary of any defautt af TnuWr under this Tnsst Deed shs33 not be or be deemed to be� waiver �
<br /> af say otber br similar def�ults subseaquently occuning � � , �. � .
<br /> � . , � _
<br /> '1'I�is Trust Deed sEi��inune ia au�d bin�tt�e�irs,tegatces.devisees.�ministratars.executz*�successors and assigns of the parties
<br /> ,'l�eteto. -;
<br /> ;
<br /> . , ` � .
<br /> � , .
<br /> ' The 7�rust Dud shalf be cnnstrued aecording t4 the taws of the State of Nebraska. ;.;:_-
<br /> , ;..
<br /> � The Tn�sWt tequests that a cupy of any natice ot defauTt and af any natico of sale herCurtQtr bc maikd to him by certif�ed mail , -
<br /> at the addnss her�ein6efare set farth and evidence af�uct� mailing sha11 canstitute evidence of rcceipt of such notice. `
<br /> Trustor nepresents and warrants that the ubave described nal estate is not used for an agricuitural activity. ��
<br /> � Whtnvtr the context so requit+es�singefat vrords shal! bc cc�nstrued in the piura!and vire vcrsa,and the masculine gendcr shall
<br /> � � � �e canMud ta inctucie the feminine and vice versa.
<br /> IN WlTNE5S WHEREOF,the Trustor has heminto stt his hand the day and ycar fisst ab�sve wriiten. � . �
<br /> . . '�.
<br /> �
<br /> � i��S��K � Miohael A. Smith
<br /> • �• ��
<br /> I—�LSIUK � � �
<br /> STA7E U� Nebxnskn phyllis R. S�fth
<br />- CUU2��'Y O� Hei i ��.
<br /> l3efote me.�N�Wry i'u61ie.qu:tlificd by s:titl c�t►t�ty,pets�maity�cam. �� �`��chne� o. Smith � �nd ,__,-_�:_--
<br /> Ph�llls R. S*sith knuwn to me tu�e the��entcc:il petsun{s►who sigrted the f�reguing ,
<br /> instrument and acknowkdged the executian thetcwf to be his, irer ar their vnluntar> ace a�jd deed. �ti'itnes�my hand and N��tar�al 5cat
<br /> __. .. ��__ -—- -- --�i'-,�'-".�±'--��.:�!� 94 . . . . .. • _ . • _ . ..
<br /> . Mycommissioncxpires: ���f � ��� . ��'-� _"�� ��-'�=. _ ��
<br /> ,, l'� , 1 ,/
<br /> �UTARti' i�l:f3i.t(' �
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