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<br /> tr.� ... ; i` ' . . . . . . ,_ . ,. ` . . , — — . ... -..
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<br /> , . , ' NON•U'NIFO1111f.COYENAM'S.BottO�ret and I�ender fufthtr Cavestani and agle as fdllOws: ' , ' ' —,
<br /> .� 1�.�R!�lNef,l�!!�!r�tl f�/!�otk! i0 BorNwli p'[dr t�atee!ltsfi0i f0lbwi�BOerowlP.! • ' _-
<br /> .M+�■e�t��T t��e�t or f�p+[eieet i�t�h Sec�rity i�wes�(b�t�ot�rior to�acekraHoe u�ier�ra�ryd t3,t�17:�•. � , ' .
<br /> ° �1�aj�e�Mt�w/eo�iie�et�wi�el..'I�e'vMiee ii�U 4ecii�:(s)die ieia�tl�(b3 tk aetios nq�ir`e��tn,ewse tLt .
<br /> � � i�ii�s iK+e.sot�slio�JO i��tro�tie�tt t�e idtic�i��►�to Harowtr,�by.�t�e�tk ittaatt��t bt es+� . . .
<br /> � .� � • ar(�l lll�t h�t+e b srre d�e ieh�t�ei or M[ure•tie MRe qeei�ed�t�e�otiae rsg r+anit�i�arxeJeradow�f t�e sr ` < " �
<br /> s�eq[��i,i�d�i�S�e�rky�t asi�of t�t Ptedeet�+.'[1e�atfca sNll tMrt6er fttaes Bor�owt+r ot`tbe ri¢t to <
<br /> •= � ` � � irai�fds il���f�d t)ts��t��s�actioat tv a�ar!tne���+�ei�ak ae a��r od�er . . , �
<br /> Mlireat�epw+ee to�aa a�i sde.if t�e iehidt b sat caei a�ar Sefi�ret�8te sp4dfi�e�i�t�+e ia�tke,tsoies , ,
<br /> , �t ib�/IfMi wiy ehidre i�eBiKt i�a7�a�`is l�II.bf�!surseeMnei 1r t�s Se�aeitf I�eat wtdlo�lE fi�rt0er , ,
<br /> . �t�ry�e t�e pwer ot s�ie oi n�y et�er re��er�itted bY�!!�Inf.�.e�s1Mt!De a�tttlei t� .
<br /> . � aNiee W e�s iic�resi Hi�tMe re�e�ie� lro�tid is tl�k Me�r�M f9. i�d�iiy,�t woE li�foe!to.
<br /> ° ' ` � � e�r�iie�tiK�fs'f�s t�i t+�fs ottide e�ieica ' � � , � ,
<br /> . . tl tie Mwec ot�is��oicsi�'CrMce s�craeaef a�otiet�at iei�it ia e�cb+ea�t9 is wiie�a■y Mtt ot�e .
<br /> . ik�o�eet�v toratei aN�aMae�epie�ota�ct�ottoe i�tie�er�re+c�d�Y a�inMe I�w to Borrower sM to rie : ° ��' : . . • .
<br /> otM��!��3�N+��ew.ARer He d�e rs�t ir�a�ia�Te 1=w T�rtee�alE�i��pMk Retice at .. .
<br /> � . ` �le to tre�ees�s s�ir tl�e�wer�racriiei�'N!��wd 7fra�c��3e�d�a�rower,si�lt x�tie � , . .
<br /> . - . - llr�ety at�i�'iic sreiiwto�ie Midiest 6iltes u dic tiwe�i�t sed naies d�t tenn3 desi}�sted in t�t�o[Ioe af�ale is ,
<br /> � +�fe�r�ere�eis pi i�a�y o�er Tnste+e 8etenei�es.I'r�stee may pastpa�e sale oi all or any rrrel of t�e Pro�eety br
<br /> � �rl�ie a�ce�e*t st t�e ti�aed�isee af aM�r Karioa�slY sr�tdakd s�te. Lender ar its designse ntfr twrt4ase tYe ..
<br /> � � • � ����r�: � .
<br /> • • ` UMr��MY�M t�e/rice bi�Tr�ut�ee erai!icti�tr to t�e�r�Ieaser Trastee'3 detA co�eyt�R t�e �
<br /> , � ` Prs�ertr.'1ie seriuM i�die Tr�ca•s�eea aMa116e��ns tsck R.ideace ot tre trutA ot�e sutr�a:uir tferels. �
<br /> Tt�Me is11�fy tUe/tneeeie of t6t s�Je in the foltowieR otder.t�1 ta�l�es�ses af the rate.ineirdis�,brt iwt 1(�itN . � . '
<br /> , , ts,T�rte�s tea a��Ett�by��i�swk Iaw esA rcasoa�b{c utareeys•fies:lb►to atl�unu eecWred�y`tMM Seerrtty
<br /> ` I��t;u�(e)uy excess ta tht/etsoe or ptranas le�iiy entiUrd to tt. �
<br /> �� ` � � ' ` 2A. l,ee�er iA pos�ession, l;pae.�cceltratinn�unQer�3ragrapt I�+ nr�han�nnmen� E�flhe Prc�pet!}, t.tnttu ftti '
<br /> pet�tsn,by aasnl nt by jud�c�ally appn�nteA rrceiver►shall Ix enatled to cnter �pan. take�s`rsscon af and manage�he
<br /> Prope�ty snt!tcs ee�ltect the rents uf Ihe Pc�pert}�nctuding thrrse past due. Any rent4 r�dieite�i bti t,eii�ter ar the rece��er
<br /> . � shaU be applied first t�payment�+f th�eastc nf manasemr.nt �f the Pro�+erty :sr��f c�f[ect�nn of rents, �nctud�ng.6ut nut ,
<br /> limited to,receiver's fees.prem�uma�►n rrceurct'�M►nd+and reasnnabte attorneys fees,and then to�he tums ucurod by �
<br /> �
<br /> thi�Security Instrument. . .
<br /> 2�.Retoattsyaeee.Gpnn payment�f ai1 sum�Sewced by thi�.Securet}I��strumrn�.Lender ehall rtquest Ttusta to . •
<br /> �� _ � ' reccx�vey 1he Property and shal!surrender th�c Secunty Insttummt and alt nute�,e��dencmg deht secured by th�s Secunty
<br /> Glsttument to Tcustee.�Ctustee sha11 rcconvcy thc Proptny w�thaut w�rranty and u�th�iut charge tr�the petson or perscros .
<br /> Ieplly entititd to u.Such pettan ar�etsnns shaU�►3y any rccc�odauc�s►rocts �
<br /> 22.SyMtitutt 7'eustee.L,encte�.at�ts opttnn,may frum tsme ca umo remove 7�ru�ic�r and appo►nt a succcssar ttustee � .
<br /> , tu any Trustte appantnf hereuo4er by�an intitrurncnt rcccsfded�n the cctiunt��n wh�ch this Sccunty Instrumetrt���ecorded. ; '
<br /> Withaut canveyance af tht Poope�ty,the succe!ru�r tru�tee shali succred tc+all the ttsir.�rsuErr and dutiei conferred upon
<br /> Ttusta hernn and by�ppl��able law �
<br /> .t
<br /> 23, Ite�ft [or!`oticts. f`sorrauer requ�ses�hae ca�pte��,f tFe��i+�s±ces c��(LCPJtit' anc2 cale be 4ent to 8u��weT'�
<br /> addiesswh�cb��the Prapeny Addras. •
<br /> Z�,it1/tt�s to tUb Setudty/nst�ras�cet.I��'-"'�est ftt(�fC rl(�Cf��Ct C1lG<��::ed by tio+c�wer anA itt:asdet!tn�ether with , �
<br /> this Srcurity In:arumem,the co�ena.^.��and aget�cmcnt5 of¢arh.ucf�r+der�.�;�;1 tfe incc+r���r�ted�r,e�:,rtci chall�mend And `. �
<br /> supQlement the c�tenants und a�r�rntnrs uf th�a �c.curuy ln�trurtent ss i9' th� r��rrt�1 were n part af thts Secun�y �
<br /> instrument.(Checkappl�csbteboRte�sa} �
<br /> ,_ � AQjustsble [�are R�der ._ �oriQnm�mu�r� Ridcr _� : 4 �am�ly R�dtr -.,.�
<br /> 's
<br /> � �„�`'r G�aduated P$}ment Rr�er :'" Planne.� 1'ait [yevelopmem R�Qer .
<br /> � Qthtr(s) {stxc�iy{ p�:krwwlecigernE�r►t �,
<br /> . 8Y SIGK��ti�� �z.��sw. Ns�rrE,H�Pr a�ce�,tt ane a�r�°r+ tn chr terrr�ti nnd c<,.cnan�� ,:+�r�eaucets ia this Srcunty � ?i'
<br /> [nstrument ond in an,y ncter�slew.^.4uted nv Hurn�wc�and re���rsk.i w�cn�� �
<br /> ���L fM��""'' ir���''`.. ' �Fr�. , (Sesl)
<br /> G .
<br /> � ..
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<br /> �l�l l 4i�Ici.� ��i1(1 c'r'ULt , -�''
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<br /> L �.Z� �� t �..k ,t ` 't. .r�. _ � "�r .� (SC11) �
<br /> . (�s�i trrly r•, ,r.t�t�! -Bo.,a.,e,
<br /> • STAtE (1P eVF.F3Wi1tih4. NJ1� � E o�.r3t� '�•,:
<br /> f!n th�s �Ld 4}.e: ,•< <'�'`J'��.t . Iu '�'? f.;frfr u.c, Il�,• ui,.fcn�::neit. �i '��+i:fev 1'uhli.
<br /> (�UIy 4[)flliiilSSIEiI1Ct):!!1v t�llitl�p�C� .!,( �.s�.I,��lI(1t4, � ;'(.�731.11{. i.�lt��• wZ�jyiy;;t F]�1t1 ;�J�!ttt, ifitl� �II�iJE!L I`
<br /> A. it;ntt. Ff�;�"�nrs�i �'�� lilif�: . , tu►�,.�kntn�i► Ec►�e thc , - __--.
<br /> , idttlhCtll �tfst�tit�t u�;�75r ittim.l�i a:� ,nt��cr�1+:�.E t,, <hc• �,�?��_�•*+��,. ;,�unrmc�t+ .En�! ��<krietw'i.d�rd �h: ctc6utivn
<br /> thesenttv?�: �,rt��t' t+�iut�S.�fs .t,: .+t�:! c��C..t.
<br /> • �YitnCSS rn3� h.trid�ntt nt�ta!��t ,:,�t.+t [,L�ri;� I�.I�:t�cf, ':��t>tct�,K%� ,:i+�+d�uunty,thc
<br /> .. �:s�sfas�.assf_ _ . . .
<br /> MY C'amn:irsiuc� ck��ue�. =��;
<br /> l..�.�. . �.,.; �
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<br /> - 4t�[Ti:i6�{1�Yrt+icc;i-hIcclri: � :ctt[:ci.``t s*1t�iYi-:i , �:s�.. `:i'- --.-, _ .. �t' „ '• -. �.° - .. . �1:r--, -' tr... .t+cl �' �
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<br /> tic��s 3rcltl ��� , •t un�l,.. =��F. t}:,:4 ,t I-��. . .., � - �.r, , i ,.. .
<br /> ��.1tC �
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