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ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER 8��. o i �r s o <br />(I Year Treasury 111 t•lRateCAP) <br />THM ADIUSI'AIIL,B RATB RIDER is made this 3rd day of April 19 8S <br />and is isoa lsormd into and shall be deemed to samd and atrpplimi nt the Mor4w, Deed of Trust, or Stsmsity Deed (the "Security <br />ItWrntseat ") or the name elate given by the unders aed (else "BOrrosm") to seem bmwa's Adjusto a Rate Note (tbe "mete") to MOMS <br />MLML M MU A LOW AMOCIATWM OF GRAND lsiLAMD, N98RWA (the "LendQ ") or else same: rue and ,aver the <br />propersydneribed in theSecurity burrment and towed at: <br />1722 Tril ,innd Lane. Grand Island. Nebraska 68803 <br />(Prope"Address) <br />Tutu one eaalstats /evrYlaa afawYg fw down IN sp hum sat Gat so ago" <br />/s=maaM M 1110111111111 swill lira ttmat M tars Ylnaat me era eit up at aq eta td■ts asst <br />abaft wishanan sat clue arndassm not Gras pay. <br />ADDITIONAL COVEN.. . in addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Smdty Imate mint. Boerowra and I:,adQ <br />further covenant and atcse wfW nes: <br />A. MEREST RATE AND MONTHLY IPAYM NT CHANGES <br />The Note provides for an initial interest r*e of 12.0 Sir. Section 4 of the Nola provides for d emW to rife InUmat We ...a the <br />monthly payments. t follows: <br />4. MIEREST RATEAM MOMTMLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />(A) Ctusp IDan May 90 <br />The intsrest rate I will pay may clrtat�on the first; day of y 19 aado>s that d►y erQy <br />months thereafter. Each date on which my intent rate torrid cbsttgeis caked a "CltaapQete." <br />A) itie Imes <br />Beginning with the first Chimp Date, my interest rate will be based on an Index. The " minx' - is tbp weddy avow Add on United States <br />Treasury swuritks adjusted to a constant maturity of I year. as malt usflable by the Federal Reserve Howl. The rMW reeent loft figure <br />available as of the date 45 drys before each change Date is called the " Cu,_ eat index." <br />If the Indat is no Ida available, the Note Holder will choose a new index which is based upm oompKt»z>atbratatlem. The Note <br />HOW= will jiveme noticeai'ft choice. <br />(C) lasW"Maci ages <br />Before each Champ Dam the NowHeJ a will calculate my new interest rate by adMU three $ one -Half pQMUO <br />Points r. 1- 95 ; to the c urrent Indeat and rounding to the nearest 118tH of 1%, subject to this Uu tt turfed in Srecdon 4(D) bdow. <br />Thin rounded amount will i* art new interest rate until the am Change Date. <br />The Note Holder w-,If tired determine the amount of the monthly payment that wOUM be suMdayt to rem in full the prbcipat I am <br />eatpected to owe= that Champ Date in substaatWly equal payments by (1, maturity date at my new its WW tale. The mea ti of 11bit takutadon <br />will be the nens"adont of Mrnontlrly payment. <br />(D) IM& so biasttsarMw Mann <br />The interest me 1 required to pay at the first CbWP slate will not be Vega then U4 % or less than <br />lQ . %- Thereafter. my tares Best rate will never be: inctMd or *creased on any dnde Chaaga Da ion= that t_o ._ <br />`�r_...,trom the rate of interest I base been paying for the prooediny twelvemonths. The mlalnmtm inttnst MUM this lmw w111 never be <br />less than Q - t1 % and the maximum intadX rate will never be grater than. 16.0 01b. <br />(E) Etfardwe Date of Cie "m <br />My new fmterest rate will become effective on each Chaade Date. I will pay the amount of my new m athly paymmt beSha a/ on the tint <br />monthly paXmmt date after the Change Date until the amount of my monthly payment dattgm again, <br />M !r wer of Llasgsa <br />The Note Holder alit marl or deliver to me a notices before cads Change Date. rm notice will advfaa m oft <br />(1) the netts Interwar rate on my loan as of due Change Dater <br />(i;) the amount of my monthly asyment followlmg the Change Date; <br />( iii) any additional nutters which an Note Holder is required to d'racimr. and <br />(iv) the address of the ataodation you could contact rgprding any gMtlom about tiro ad jUmetlt courts. <br />IL CHARGES; LMNS <br />Uniform Covenant 4 of the Security Instrument is ameaekd to read as folStttsrr: <br />4. Ctiargn; glees. Borrower shell Day all taxes, arsamwts, and other d4'sargee. tines. Gad )mpoddM attributable to the property which may <br />attain a priority over this Security lorwumeat. and tatsehoid payments of lroad renu, if any, In the mantim ptovWet taadsr paregTo 2 hereof <br />or. if not paid in such manner. by Borrower malting payttseni, when due. directly to the payee thereof, Aorsowar g W[ promptly fltrubb Lender <br />all ruction of amounts due tinder this psragrsph, and In the event Borrower shall mate paymmt diri ft, Bosom Shall pramptty furgM to <br />Leader reoeapts evidexing such payments. Borrower shall promptly diuharpe Goy Ism which has priority am ebb Swwky Instrument; <br />however, Borrowers shall not be required to discharge any such lien so long u Borrower: (a) shall Mw in writing to this paymt of the <br />obtiption secured by such lien in tbeataamer acceptable to Leader; (b) $hall in good faith contest such Iles by, or deemd sStdul eatforo meat of <br />such Gen ire, kpi proceediap which in the opinion of Lender operate to prevent the enforoarmsat of the on a fodiihare of the Property or any <br />Part tbered. or (c) Shan secure from the holder of ouch Gen an agreement in a form wtisfutory to bender t <br />w bor <br />SeemelyI>vat�. dtaat(nt; roth lien to this <br />It Leader determines that dl or any part of the Property is subject to a rim which may attain a priority over this Satatrity Instrument. <br />Leader shall She amowa a notice ideet IAM web tiro. lorrower $hill satisfy such item or take one or orate of the action set forth above <br />..idoinC:,.6t�tti+�vftiDemtitx. , <br />LUmifarar Covenant 14 of the Security Itutrumtnt it unended to gad u follows: <br />U: tY"w Except for any notice required under appikable law to be given in another manner. (8) any notice to Harrower provided for in this <br />Security lostrument $hall be given by delivering it or byrnaiGng it by riot class mail to Borrower at the Property Address of at such other address <br />as Borrower may desiSute by notice to Lender u Provided herein. and (b) any notice to Lewder shall be gavot by first elm mail to Lender's <br />ttddrtss stated herein or to such oihetaddre" as Ltmrlcr may designate by notice to Borrower as provided heMn. Any nodceproti:ded tot in this <br />Security lnstrutnent that) be domed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner desi gr atad herein. <br />, ' `- <br />. r <br />r 0. . <br />V <br />