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<br /> . "�'r."'ta'� . . . . . ` ` , . ' . � � " - � - .
<br /> . � . • 4 � ` ,. ..
<br /> ` , ` ' , ' , . , , �` ASSIGNl�ti� OF T�UST DEED • � � �" ,����s� � .
<br /> � , � ,.,� _' 1CN0[�i �lLL MEli SY TgESE°PRESENTS; That.The averlaad Nationa� Bank of Grand ieland, � , � � "
<br /> ` ,. • - � cosgot�atioa, ti�e pzlrt�► of .�ehe f�rst part, in consideratiqn of the s�aa af �bi=tF-one � � � ;
<br /> � �. �hve:=and ,fiYe hundred an� nof10^_��___-- ` -- - - . Doilars� to it in hand, pa#d b�y, . . � ..
<br /> .,� Y�first Goierer Mort a e C an . a Corporatioa, the garty of "the , . ' � , `
<br /> :se�gnd� psrt,� re�cefpt a exeof is here y actcnovledged, has granted,� assfgaed and �
<br /> __--- - - -
<br /> . . -�. :. _
<br /> -.� „ .
<br /> , tTA'tIB�EI'tsEf� '�9i1�, 6p thrae,�pre$eats does graRt, ,�ssf gn and transfs� unto.=iis succ�sQOte � �
<br /> .� ._ . a�a8 as�iigns: a certain Trust Deecl wliere�in t1�e�said The Overland National Bank�of �Yead � �
<br /> ` Island ia Heneficiary, . Jol�a�Jaseph Hoesche and Julia Eiizabeth 'Hoeeche. hueband 6 vife � .
<br /> � ` � , is gruitar. aad Nat�oasl Bank of Co�erce Trust and Snvings Assmciatioa is Trustee,
<br /> r � . � �ihich T�et Deed .vas dated the 4th. day vf Au et , 19 90 , and recorded the • � _
<br /> ' ' ` ' ���`dap of � , 19,4�� as Doc ent No.g _ltt�sj,] of the MOATGAGE �
<br /> , `� � Reeorde af � s11 - County! Nebrastca and, aIl •ite right, title gnd ir:teresC to �
<br /> �° .i the property therGiu described, as foll.ova, ta-vft�: `
<br /> .- E . - - • � • . . . �
<br /> , � - � � . ' . . . .
<br /> r - .
<br /> , � ` • Lot Niae (9), Vilis LKar Dee Subdivision, ia the City af Grand Island, Hall � � "
<br /> ' ' . ' .:Cowity, �Iebraeka. � . ' � , ;
<br /> , ; . � , � . � , , .
<br /> . � , . , , . . . ; . •
<br /> . � ; ' • � . ..
<br /> , . .
<br /> ,
<br /> , . .. + .. . . . . . •
<br /> ; , .
<br /> .� , , ,
<br /> � � Together Kith the promi�tsory note �htrein d�scribed. artd the money due or 'to ` ' '
<br /> becpme due thereunde�A incl,uding inteYest therean, subject only to the provisions -
<br /> of sald Trust Deed C�i+�r�in contained. � �� . -�
<br /> ; IN WI1'NU5S WHERBQF. The Overland N�tiona� Bank o€ Grand Island. a corporation, _ -
<br /> •, has caused this Asaignment of Trust Deed to be executed by itA Prea�.dent , . _-
<br /> anc! attested by itg Sr. �xec. ttice President , and ita c�rporate seal to be t�
<br /> her�unxo :affixed this tb day of August , ig 90 � � •
<br /> . �: , . • ,
<br />� . . . `' %` • � � � Ttse i3vcrlrlrid ationnl. tit�nk of Crahd Is1�nd. -
<br /> , -� �. n cnr in ,
<br /> , ' ' . " , , - Ry: 1� G7. J/i�%!?�i� �
<br /> �
<br /> ' , . � A�ttest:� �.. ��i�rl�� .L
<br /> STAT� OF NEBRASKA ) � ' .�._
<br /> ' )SS � , —
<br /> , ��, COUNTY Op KALL ) 'T
<br /> On this 4Lh d�y p£ ?�u�ur�t A . 19 90 , �efose me � n�t:►ry puhlic duly �
<br /> cammie�ivned and qunllf ie.cl ir.� �n�t far �aid rouutyr �nd �it.�te. �:e�ynunlly c�me tt�e above �
<br /> • ' Robert A. Morriy w��: - - - .
<br /> �. . �...... . ._ ..� -
<br /> And Thomna H. F.�usch c,f The tivcrl��nd Nnt lusirel A�tnk nf ... .. .
<br /> --- .___...._..._._....,�.,.
<br /> C,r�rd Islaad. w1�o ar� perennal2y tcnaWn t� me tc► be tt�c. 3dent3cal perrru»r� whv�:e nrimea
<br /> ' . tsre atfixed to the nbnve As��Rnment of 'I'ro�t 1►ee�.l zq Chc� Prccaldent
<br /> r►pd _ S� �xec. V�C��resYdent __ vt satld c�orpar��Eiurt r�n�i the}r nc[tnowipdge the
<br /> " in�tttim�nt C� be their volunenry ait nncl�dced nnd the vuluntn�ry nct aitd deed uf eaid
<br />. co�pc�ratinn.
<br /> WIT'HCSS mY itand o��d crf Eiclz�I weai r�t [,r�nc� lslancl, Nebrn�ka . i�ti saicl
<br /> � c�uflty, thp dote nforesr�id. !""��T�'���-"'���
<br /> ��r� , c,1 . � �.,. :— _,_.
<br /> wrr��i .��-°`._��l-r�� ,�:�_.--_.-. - :,,��^
<br /> � Notrlry Pt�t�l fc . .'
<br />. . . '
<br /> - . .._.... . . : I�iY ��1i�iI�SI6N ��'[�t�S: . .
<br /> ___-
<br /> � RETURti T6z ' �
<br /> Grand I�Zan�i Abstcact � �
<br /> 1�.t�. iinx 627 �
<br /> �
<br /> Grand I�l,aa��, t=f: ��RU� � . �;
<br /> t y ..-
<br /> � .. . .
<br /> , �
<br />