<br />Stet /cs 4, T O N- N 0 W
<br />Uwp /at1/d
<br />rr.
<br />0
<br />b
<br />ove and accepted by the Village Board
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<br />S w Car. SRWsSWV4, Sec.
<br />4, T9N- R9W,Favad
<br />Ahwiwm Cy
<br />y4
<br />R.O.W. Live 6 11iner Rood
<br />_C— / /mot —.r —i Nol4— t
<br />L SeCilan Lase S.E. Cor. Swn' Sec.
<br />T9N -RI X foe
<br />A111mloam Cep
<br />.• -ILEG �1cotes Vx "Iron Plot Found Unless Otherwise Noted
<br />Indicates Vx "iron Plpe Placed Unless Otherwise Noted
<br />A- Indicates ACTUAL Distance
<br />R-Indlca/es RECORDED Distance
<br />I heieby cattily that on July 5, 2000, I completed an accurate survey o1 'BRONSON
<br />SUBDIVISION', Hall County, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plot thereof,* that
<br />the lots, blocks, streets, avenues, alleys, parks, commons and other grounds as contained
<br />in said s#bd /v /s /on as shown on the occomponylnp plat thereof are well ond accurately
<br />slaked off and marked,• that Iron morkers were placed of all lot corners; that fhe dimensla
<br />of each lot are as shown on the plot; lhol each lot bears Its own number; ond ihol said
<br />sure as made with reference to known cod recorded monuments.
<br />l Boll O
<br />sw
<br />Ronal . Rockw-efl, Reg. Lond Surreyor No. 349
<br />Submflted 10 and approved by the ReglonalPlonning Commission of Noll Co9n 1y,.Grand
<br />Island Wood River and the Villages of Aldo. Cairo and Don /phon, Nebraska.
<br />f AaA qt 2� 2000
<br />Chairman Date
<br />Approved ond occepled b the Holl County Board o/ Supervisors /his � day of
<br />— Gclyd4 :W 2000.
<br />hairman
<br />coun/)' lark
<br />A tract of land comprising a //art of the Soulhwesl Vearfer of the SoulhresI
<br />Puerter ISM104SWV41, of Section four 141, Tawosh /p Nine 19/ North, Range Nine 191
<br />,West of the 61h. P.N., M W/ County, Nebraska, mere particularly descrlbed as
<br />follows:
<br />Beginwlny of the southwest carp or of sold Southwest Ouorfer of the Soulhwesl
<br />.##after ISirftSW'Vsl; thence ronn/hgWesterly #/##I the south l /#a of said South we
<br />49uorter of the SowthwesI 0uorler 1SWV4SW1Y4/, a distance of Six N #tidied E/ghleen
<br />end 5eveh ianths till. 70) feet; thence deflwatiaD left 8811875' ond running
<br />northerly a distance of Fo#rly four sod Two Nunlrsd /hs 144.021 feel, to o point on
<br />the northerly rifhf of toy ilea o1 Glltner Road and to the ACTUAL po/nf of.
<br />hog /nnlog; lhswce continuing along the lost doscribed course, o distance of.Tro
<br />Nw"m4filly Three and Elev*B Noedredths 1253.1 /1 feet; /hence dellecting right
<br />.68'18'15' and rumn /ng owsterly perodle/ with the south //tie of said Southrest .
<br />Awfer of the Sow/h*rsl Aaarller ISWVsSWVaI, a distance of Tire Hundred forty
<br />Three and N /n.ety Faun NuAdrsdtbs /24J.94) hr l; thence dof /e c//,7g right 88'13106
<br />and running southerly o d /stowce of Two Hundfod fifty Four and Forly One
<br />Hundredths 1254.41/ feel, to a ppw/nl on the northerly r/yh/ of way line of 6 111ner
<br />Read' thence drfJecttn right 92'04'00' ond runnla�gg westerly o/osf the northerly
<br />right of toy 14#4 of Itl r Rand, a d /steace of Twe Kuedred Fifty Nine ond .Th/rly
<br />four Nuedredths 1159: J4/ Awl, Ar file ArCTMeAL pwlot of beginn/ny end centoinieg
<br />1.465 acres more or lass.
<br />M. BRONSON, husband end wife, and DUANEC. RIEFLIN and VADA N. RIEFLIN, .
<br />h9sbeod and wife, being the owners el fhe Had dosrribed benOA, bare ceased same
<br />/o be surveyed s#bdiridided, p/effed sod des /fse /ed as 'IRONSONS111PIV/SIOC
<br />Nall Coro /y, Nebraska, as shorn off fhe rccampany /ng pptef thereof, rod do Wahl
<br />dedicate the easements, If any, as share lherros for tte larefioa, constrset/00
<br />end moislenonce ofpAb/ic service #11111les fsrerer, tofofher with the rifh/ of
<br />ingress and egress lbereto, sod herebyy prohlbifisg the ploot/sf of trees, bashes
<br />sad shrubs, or placing other obslractloss 9.800, over, aloof or rederserth /he
<br />s #dace of s#cb easements; +ed that the ferafolsf s#bdivisr0n as Afore perf /c #Isr /y
<br />descr /bed In the description hereoo as appears as this plat is made with the free
<br />,consent Win accordance rlfh Ike desires of the afidersIfned oreors red
<br />propileJors. °
<br />iN WITNESS WH£R£pF, re here affixed oar signatures hereto at APOWr
<br />Nebraska, 1h1s 10"'9' day a( Is. I / #000.
<br />a iy.� � ��iew«– ✓�_.� � C �A'
<br />Charles E. Bronson Duane C. Riefll
<br />Brenda M. Bronson Vado M. Rieflin
<br />Stole Of Nebraska ss
<br />L'ounly Of ' do
<br />On f e y o/ 2000, before m
<br />a Notary Public rllh /o and for sold County, personally appeared CN RLES E.
<br />BRONSON end BRENDA Al. BRONSON. husband an rife, on DUANE C. RIEFL IN and
<br />VADA M. RIM IN, husband on wife, to me personally known to be /he ldenlica/
<br />persons whose signatures are offixed here /a, and that asch did ocknow /edga the
<br />execution /hereof to be his or her voluntary act and deed.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and offixed my offle
<br />sea/ of T%^ + 0-fia Nebraska, on the dale /as/ above wflllea.
<br />Mycomm /ss/onefxpi'.o
<br />PAS. J. ISea
<br />No /cry Public
<br />)a-
<br />�
<br />ove and accepted by the Village Board
<br />of Donlphan, Nebrosko,
<br />this
<br />c:; o y
<br />day of 2000.
<br />U
<br />a p 3 N
<br />p14, r y
<br />C irman Of The Board
<br />_)Village C/ k
<br />v N
<br />L
<br />O N
<br />/Seal1
<br />1
<br />SUBD/ Y /S /ON
<br />N
<br />HAL L
<br />_
<br />Sheet No. l
<br />