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<br /> `� : � �q��R�Q.Extenston at�hs ttme tor paylnent or modificatian o1 amortizd�hon o!ths wm�`secure0 by tl►is .
<br /> - - - - i3iatfaiTni=i�:mdfr,�tsn�rlaanyrucz�or'tn�±�±+re�oi8orroweraha�notope�ateMreleass.tnanymenner.t�reltsD�!#y -------
<br /> . ottbaori�tnai8onovVeranAHorrowe�asuccesso�sininta[eH..f.en�sha!Ertotbs�requir�tocommencepro�ee0tnpse�atrtst -
<br /> . ' " sush aucce�sor or rehneto a�end time tor payment ar otl�erwtae modfiy�neor6ulion ot f�e auma secured by this Oaed ot Trust �
<br /> , � � . by re�aon of ttny demanQs ntads by Me arigina►Borrower e�d 8orrowe�a succesaor3 in iMerest
<br /> • (b)L�mNr'�powws Without a�ectirt�Ms ttahility oT any athec person liabb for the�ayment of any oWipation herNn .
<br /> • � � mentloned,and without aflec8np tAe lien or cAar�e of this Dssd oi Trwt upon any porti4n at the PropeRy nct d►sn or theretotore
<br /> ,,.� raie��ed as security tor ths full amount ot a!i unpaid obiipations.Lender may,tram tlme to tlmeand withaut no�ce(7�eteasest►Y < < .
<br /> • � per�art so liabb.(iij exlend the maturity or aiter any of the te�ms ot any auch obi�atinrt�.Ct��4�nt other indut�ences.(iv)reteass .
<br /> •' or�sconvey,or cause ta be retesaed or reconveyed at ac�y Gme st Lender's option any parcel.poRion or all of Me Property.
<br /> , ' � (�faks ar_reteats'any other or addiGonal se�uriry tar any obtigation herein mendoned,ar(v�make campos�lons or other -
<br /> arrenQamenfs with debtors in ratation thereto. ,
<br /> `' (cj F�b�Nanc�by L«IeMr No!a WNwr.Any torbearance by l.�nder in exectistng any ripht or�emedy hereurtdei.or
<br /> � otherwtse eifarQed by apD�icabte law,sl�all not be a waiver of ar prectude the exerciae of aay auch r[ght or remedy.The �
<br /> • . � •�, procurertiant otinsurence o�ihe paymentot�ces or other Iterts ar cfiarQes by Lender shalt noi be a waivar ot Lendera r�ghtto .
<br /> � ° , accelerate the maturity ot the indebtedness secured by this Deed ot Trusk
<br /> �����s�����d;��n1 and�wni LtabAity:Ciption�.The covenants and asreemen�s�esein con-
<br /> ' t�ined sh�lf birtd;and ths ri�hb hereu�der shall inure to,the respective successors and assigns bt Lertder and Trustor.All
<br /> � �� {' covananb snd s�reements of Trustor ahali be jotnt and aesveral.The captiorts end headin�s of the pare�raphs vf Mis Oeed of
<br /> � 1 Trusi are for convenfence onty end are not to be uaed to rmArpret or define ths provislort�hereoi. - .
<br /> � � ,(e}R�qYNtfor Naliass•The par�ea hereby requesttGata copy af any natice of defaµtt hereunder.and a capy ot any nottce
<br /> a!aals hereunder be mafted to each party�to this Deed at Trus�at tAe aQci�ess set torth above in the maaner presc�IbeQ byr -
<br /> � appiicabte t8tw.Except tar any other nottce require0 unQer applicable law to be given in another manner,arry rtatice pronrtded
<br /> tar in thia Deed of Trust ahall be plven tiy maifing suCh notico by certified mail addses�ed to the ntRer partfes,at tha adCreas set
<br /> � toRh above.Any natice proviQed for in this Decd of Trust ahatl be ettective upon mailing�n the manner designated harein.tf
<br /> Trustor is more than one person,notice eent to the eddrass set tOrth 8bove shatl b8 notice to all soGh pereons.
<br /> (� tn�p�tbn.Lender may make or cause to bs maee reasonabte entries upon gnd inspections at th�ProDerty.Droviasd
<br /> j that f�ande�shall qive Trustor natice prior to any such i�spection specifying reasonabte cause therefor relateA to LenQer'a
<br /> � irNt�est in Me Pc�yqeRy. .
<br /> (,�) R�eonw*sne�.Upon payment at 3�.i sums secured tiy th�s�ot TruBt.Lender shall►equest Trustee to reCOnvet 1h�
<br /> � : pro�erty and shetl surrender this�oad of Trs91 and a11 notes evidenc�:�g indebtedness 58CUt80 by th�s Oeed ot Trust to Trc,.s�ee.
<br /> . � � Tru�stse ahali reconvey the Properry without warranry�-�wartout charge.to the person or persons iegatry entitted th�reto: , ,
<br /> Trt,.�s*nr shdll pay etl costs o1 tetordatlon,tf any. , �
<br /> (h) Peson#1 PropNtY;Saurfty Aqr�t. As aCC�uonat �ecunry for the payment ot tho Note,Trustor hereby granta
<br /> Lendar under Me Nebraske Unitorm Coms��=c�a�Code a securiry+nteresl in etl f�xtures.equipment,and other perso�al prope�ty ' '
<br /> � used in connection with the reai estate or�T:�rovements locetod thereon,�r.d not otherw�se decfared or d�emed to be a paR o1 � �`
<br /> ' the real estate SeCUred heretsy This inStrument shall be construed as a Secunty Agreement unUer sa�d Cade,and the Lender
<br /> � shal!have 811 the riphts and r�^�etlies ot a secured party,:nder 9n�d Code in add�tion to the ngt►ts end remedfes created under . •
<br /> � and acCOrded the Lender pursuant to this Qfled ot Trus�,p►ov�ded mat Lender'8 nghts and remed�es under t�is peragraph shatl
<br /> bs CumulBttve with,artd in no way a lim�ta':�n on,�anaei s ngtsts an�iemect�es under Any otner secunry agreement a�gned Dy
<br /> : 8orrownr or Trusto�• •
<br /> . � (i� Lbna and EneumbranC�s.Tr�stor r,greby warrants nnd represents that the�o�s no detau�l urttlEr the provis�ans o18ny —
<br /> � � moltg8ge,d�d of trust,leese or purcAase COntract desrr�bmfl al1 or any part ot the Proporty,os other contract.�n9trument or +
<br /> � a�,r�aemenf constitutmg a I�gn or encumbrance aga�a�t att or any part at the Praperty(co►tact�vety,°liens"►,exuUnfl os ot tho 3
<br /> ' date of this OeeQ o1 Trust.an0 that nny�►�:!a�1 e��st,ng l�ona rema�n unmod�t�ed oxcopt as a��ciosoA to Lender�n Tre,stor's
<br /> writte�disclOSUrB ot kens and encumbro^ces prawtletl tor n�+rotn Trugtor yhall UmE�ty 0[t�tOrm al!Of Tru92ar's o�t�gaf�ons, •
<br /> � Covenant�,�epresent8trons end warranties undar any on9 alf oMis�t�ng an0 tuturo t�ens,snall prompily torvrar0 to Lender cop�e�
<br /> ot 81)rtoUces ot default 8ent in conneChon with any an4 oti oM�st�np o<<utuve Uens,antl shall not wdhout LenQer 8 pr�or wntten r
<br /> � Consent in any manner mod�fy thfl prnv�s�ons of ar a;�c� any fulure ativan�es�:��er uny eM�sting or luturo L�ens .�
<br /> • �� AppYC�tlpn p)p�ymw�ti,ttrdoss Utnerw�se re4::.•ed by law.surts Ga�d to��°der herounder,�ncluding wdh0ut I�md�UOn
<br /> . peymellts Ot prnc�p81 and interost.+ns4���'Ce Graceeds. conclQmnTt�an procee�9 an0 rento tsnd prof�ls.shgll tse t�ppbcid�iy , .
<br /> lender ta tha Z^��unts due ond ow�n4 tra.M i�ustor and 8p►►ower��s,:ch order o�lender m its soto disc►�tron deems desr��le �,,
<br /> �k) Swrrlbility.�1 anyr pro�is�on o!:�.s L1eed at Trwst confh�ts w�th appi�cab�o la�v or �s acc�ared �nvef�d or othGr,tv�sd �!"
<br /> ur.entorceabte,euch cont��ct or�nva��a�ry.�nai�not a+tect tno othor prpv�aons ot th�s CJOed ot T►ust or tn�N6i�wh�ch Cpn be
<br /> , q�tiEt18N@Ct WdhOUttheCOnfliCting provi9�On,end t�"°3 ond thp prov�3�ong af th��Ueed ot Trust anA 1h�,hi�taaredec�erodto bv • .
<br /> severeble.
<br /> (q TMnH.The terms°Trustor"an0'E�trow�r"6h�lt mcludo bath,�ngutar�fnQ{ftu�d►.Anb r�r�0i�1h(►?ru9tot Etnd f30r�owet
<br /> erg tha s�me pvr9on(s),tROSEf tUrrn9 tfs v���i�th�9 Oeed o! Tri�gt yh��n k�e u�te►cha�'�gC���e
<br /> � ��-� � � (m) ��owtMrp law.Tht�3 I7�ESd ut ituSi 9h.711 t3@ gOVElrnE'A by thE�I,�ws�Ut th0 5:�3to Of NCh:F79k�7
<br /> T►uSt�! he9 OxeCUtet1 thi9 DeOd ol'Trust U9 01 ihU d�tES v�rr.!t(iw at�u�o
<br /> �;'�=/.' �t�.,y,-- �•l� �' .,.. ,
<br /> aill wocx.��a�rc� a� � F3r�� �ds�f�3�rarc� a/k!a Wzlliam �.
<br /> . �.. /l /����, ;r��dwarc�
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<br /> �fieri Wacx3ward t«,scor
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