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<br /> ' , �. .. � .
<br /> �< .
<br /> ' .: � � . . '
<br /> 4 . . � . Q . \ � � � _. . - � . . .
<br /> ' , . . �4 Y, � .
<br /> ' � .P..�,.�.5.. s f .� - ` ` . � . . . . .. ' , . . ` , , ' __ , � .
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<br /> `. �- ` , . ` ` ' ` . . � .t ` ` • .. G " . . .. . . ( S. .
<br /> � • � - . . � , . ( - � - � a ` � . '
<br /> . �� ; . ���..�.���.��. � . � � . � �9Q-�0�43� � . - .
<br /> (U D�11•I.ul�er may.e�toept�s ljmited by n�utatioa�tstyed by tLe Secretvy in the case of ptymeat defauita,raquire
<br /> � . . uemedi�te p�ymmt Fa fWl oi di wm�seCUtad bY this SecurkY Instrnment ii ' ' . " .
<br /> � (7 Eet[owrcr aefat�3ta 6Y f�n�w�Y ia fa11 wY��S►�Y�t rM�d 6Y tLis Securitq Instr�ent Qriorto�r on
<br /> .�`�' , ; tlse due dsft of the ae�ct montlily PiY�.o� . . • .. .
<br /> � (")n Borroipa defauks by fii�,fa��aiodoflhirty�s�s:to yaform any aha o6litttioas canuined ia this Sec�utty�
<br /> _— - HbftuaQ�ent. � � � . , .
<br /> � -- , _ • �Q)'�idR W�d C�e�Il�ewal.t�eader ahdf,if Per��d bY appLca�ie lrv aod�vi��e p�iai�p�rd af tbe Sacteu�y.tequiR � . ,�
<br /> . ` ` ` � �a�e�li�oe prymmt io tuD d dl tae somt ieduM by mis Seaniry Ia�mmt� - .
<br /> ' . '
<br /> , t7 A�a Nie d the PiopQt�r is�drs�ire tiao�i�ce�ta�er d�a by dav�e a drscs�)6y ebe Bore�wtr,ud
<br /> ` : � Cn'}The Fiope:ty ir aot oocupi�ed by tl�e pan�a at p�ee as his ar des parrry or�eooadaey etsideaoe.ar tbe P�o� ,�
<br /> . ita�lee doee sa oocap�r�be Pinp�eay ua tw a bx a!e�itl�uot bea4 appeved in mcoedAO�e�d die co�d�e 5er�mey. , , '
<br /> . ` � . ` �e)ri�Wiirr.If ci�c�mstancea oazu tIut�rauld peamit I:eader to roqu�re immediue paym�u in fn11.6ut I.ender does Qot, `
<br /> - . reqain mch p�rmmts,I.eader does aat esive in tiy�ts�respect tts missequcnt eveats.
<br /> < (�)�w W HUD S�oeYe�•It�many dreumstanca aNlstions issued by tIu SeaaasY wilblisnit Lende�'s rts6ts.ia .
<br /> . the esx of paymeac det�ulta.co crquire immed;ate prYmant w fulf�nd faectose if aoc p�iQ.This Savrity Inscrumeat does
<br /> � �t fut6orl�e�oedration or farocbsure it aot permittad by re�utations of the Seeretary. .
<br /> ' ' ti�irMIN�INf. Hor[owec has a rijht to be rdastated ii�:mde�r lu�s requind imm�diate paya►tnt In full becaute of ` .
<br /> . .�• ,r�.` . Borrawa's f�ue ta pry an aeaaunt due under the Nou or th"s�5�aa�ty►tnst�ament.'i'his rt�irt appties evrn aRsr farecl� • �
<br /> • �� � prooeedio�siitie iastitated.To reinstate 1he Savdty�nstrume�t.S�rro�rer st�all tender i�a i�np sum dl amounts ra�uiced to
<br /> �..f b�Dosae�rer's iocouae current iac�udlaj,ta tbe exttnt tdey ue obli�tion3 of 8ormwer under thi�5ceudty Instr:sntent.
<br /> �Lbtecio�ure casta and reasons6k aad custamary usorauy's fea �nd esprn�es propaly usocisted rr'u.h the forxbsbre
<br /> ' {atece�edtty.Upon[tinstuen�mt by BorroRa.this Se�wity lnstrument and the obli�uans thst it secures st�.z:l raaain in effort as .
<br /> . ' . . . ..�L,ender A�d ua requir�imprsdisce paynumc ia fatt.NoweYer,l.ende►is aot required to prrmii atnststertaent lf:(j)Lender has • .
<br /> ' sccepted reinstatemest aftrr tAe commrnrement of foralosurc proceedin�s within tvvo years immNiatety preaedin� the - , �
<br /> � � �enoemetu of s curreat forectosure praceedie�,(ii) relnstatanent wW arrctude for�losure on different grounds in the
<br /> future.or(Ii�aeinstattment wi11 advei�eIy affect tAe priority of ttse Uen created by lhis Security Instrument. .
<br /> 11.l�ee N�t Rdea�e/;FoAara�ce S�Lesies Not�WaNer. Extcnsion o!che time of payment or modiCcatior�of
<br /> Ntqortiz�tion of tAe sums stcuad by this Security lnniument�ruuat by LenQer to any successer in iaterest of Bonower sha�!not
<br /> , aperate to teka�e the tia6iUty of the oritfnal Borro�ec er Bosce.�er's auccessor in interest.[:�der shati not be required to • � •
<br /> � cpmmencr�roceedia�a�ainst any saccessor in iat�rat¢a cafuse r:e�tertd rime tor p�yrment c:�:herwise modify amortizatton �
<br /> of th�tums sec�red by thjs Security lastrummt by rrrs��-n c�f aag deman�l mute by the ar��in�l Borrarres or Barrawer's .
<br /> , suoctasats in iutaest. Any fiarEearartce by Lertder u ex�is�ng aJy ri�ht or remedy shali nat 6e a wu«af or preciude ihe
<br /> exercise nf sny ritht or«medy. �:
<br /> _ �.......
<br /> 12.S�o���iM 11��/e�M:Jot�t�/�eteN l.laWitt:Co-Sipen.The covenanq en4 agrtemtnts of this Security ' `:�
<br /> Iastrumef�t�ha116ind aad braeFt the succeswrs and aui�ns of Le�der and 8orrown.suDject to the provisians ot parajraph 9.b. '
<br /> Borrowa•s coven�nts and yreementa�h�ll be joint and several.Any Barrowe�who ca-signi this Security Instrument but does
<br /> . not eaecutt the Note:(o)is co•sijnins thfs Securfty tnstniment only ta morttaQe.orant and wnvey that Borrowec's interest in `
<br /> the Property u�der the terms of�hla Security Imtromrnt:(b)is nat persan�lly obfigated td pay tRe sums ucured by thisSecudty - -
<br /> � lnsttument; at�d (c1 ��s �hac l.enCer and tny otlter [3orrower may agra to e+�tend, malify. fo�bc�r or make any --
<br /> accama�od�tbtu with resard to the tetm of�his Security lnstrumrnt ar the Note wishout that 8orrower•s wnsent.
<br /> 4'*
<br /> _ U.Notltw.Any tiotice to Botrower pravidcd for in this Savrety tnstrumcnt sDali 6e given by dtlivsring it ar by mailing tt by � ��
<br /> . fint cius m�il aniest applicabk la�rrquires use of another rttethod.The natice sh�U bs direrted to the Propeny Address or usy
<br /> other�QQrtsf Borrawer designate3 by no�fce ta t.ender.My notice to I.ender shall be g�ven by lirst class mut�o i.ender's aQdress
<br /> statN herein or u►y sAdras i.enda de�ignates�y noiice ca Bonower.Any nali:e provideQ tor in thit Secu,:y Inucument sh�ll
<br /> • � be deealed to ha�e Atm 4iven to Banawe�ar Lender wRen gir•rn as provideA in ihis puaga�A.
<br /> ' N.Crar�I�w;St�rfM�Ny.'Chis Secr�rity Instrument 9ha!!be governed bY FeQeral l�w artd the l�w of the jurisd�ction in
<br /> whiclt the Ptopeny is Eoqttd.ln the evrnt that s►ny pruvision or clause�f Ihis 5ccutity Instrument or the Nnte confticts with ap�
<br /> � plieabk law�,tueh aanftict ahtll noi�i'fect other pr�vi�ions of Ihis Security fssvument or the lVote w�ub can be�ven elfeet
<br /> � � without the conflicting pmvls[an. T.�this end t�r �rori5ions �/ this Se�urity Initrument and tht Note r,.re dectared t� be
<br /> sevcnbie.
<br /> . . ,�
<br /> 1S.�roRer'�('v/9.[3arrower ahalt tx given one confprmca c�py of thu Secwity Instrumen�. � '
<br /> M.At�e�t ot Rtsb.ilorc�w+rt uncaaditional}g usigns and tran9fcrs to t..rnQer AD Me rtnt�and revenut�of ohe N�aperty.
<br /> Borrower aatt�orltes l.endc�r or l.�cndcr's ogrnte to cotlut th�rents end«vcnues an�!haeby dut�ts eacb terant ot the Yrnatrty
<br /> . to pxy the.sects to tfiader at t.endn'a�gentr•H�r�ever,prior tc+1�cr.det'�na;�ce to Eiurruwea of 8orrower's b►each at a:y,oce-
<br /> nant ar asrtement in tho Serurity tr.s:�-.�cnent,E3orrower shall coltcct oad receive aU renz+anc;:ttienues c�f�he Ptarer�y:�s;:uctec
<br /> .for the bet�etit af Lendcr w�d B4rrowcr..7 f:is eNSS.ignmcnt r�f rema cunsti�ute�an absot�te r�sSiYnmsm und nc,t on as»gnmene for- � �
<br /> oaQition�! security only.
<br /> � . 1f Le�Qer�i�e�not}�e o!brcich tu Borrower.(a)�;rents rectived by E�ozrower ehal!be heid by 8otru+�er as Irusue tat heeefit
<br /> of I.enQer c►nly.toh:e�ptied t��the sums srcured hy if�e5r�cunty Instrunatnt;!b>l.rndc:sr,�it beenutted eu�oucce and recei��eau
<br />' ' . of Ihe teni�of tht Propc�ty:and 1c1 each tcnant n!�he f'rcpe�ly.+f►all p�X uli rc��ts�uc and unqaid w l,erider ui Lcndcr's agcut
<br /> ' ' on l.cndes'e wriften demand tn tht tenane. •
<br /> &rrrower has not executcd any ptiat�tsigamCnt of the rcntg ruid taay nui arid N�!!not peifarm auy act.that W��uld ptevent
<br /> LenQer fre�ni exer�ising its rights un4er thi��arngiuph 16. '
<br /> 1.enCer shall ant t+s required tn enter upon.ta�e coniruf ut ut maint�,t►the t'ro�etty Aetoae a:�Rer giv,ng n�+tice ui breach to
<br /> Horrowet. Hawever,l.ender ut o judi�ially np�wintrd�e��nver roaY dv co at any umr trtere�q a t+rrach Any aprtccanon af renis . -•-----
<br /> shall no1 curc or wd�c any defauIt ar inval�date any�ther right nr re�ncQy c�j I,eudcr 'fAic ac�ignmenc�t rent�nf 1ht f'ru�erly •
<br /> shall terminate when thc debt securetl by�Re�w�ry instrumcnt �s p:isQ in(u1L �
<br /> . . ��
<br /> � • •
<br /> ' r �w�
<br /> �
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<br /> � .
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<br />. . . �'drq l,.f f -- - -�-'-- ----------'�.._. _ � - . .. .. _ _.___ �
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