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89- 101684 <br />i RELEASE OF ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE <br />IN CONSIDERATION of the debt named therein, NORWEST <br />BANK NEBRASKA, N.A., a federal banking institution, formerly <br />known as Norwest Bank Omaha South, N.A., hereby releases the <br />Assignment of Lease executed February 13, 1984, by and between <br />Mettenbrink Farms, Inc. and Norwest Bank Omaha South, N.A., which <br />concerns the following described real estate, to-wit: <br />See Attached <br />which is recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall <br />County, Nebraska on February 14, 1984, and entered as Documefit <br />No. 84- 000727. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Norwest Bank tebraska, s, <br />I1.A. has caused these presents to.he executed by an At:t_horized <br />officer and its corporate seal- to ' be affixed here this 28th dii5r, <br />of March, 1989. <br />NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA, N.A.' <br />Witness: a. federal banking institgtieJn, <br />...formerly known as Norwe'st , Bunk ;.. <br />timaha, South, N.A. <br />Title: dice President, <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />ss.. <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />ON THIS 28th day of March, 1989, before me, a notary ; <br />public in the State of Nebx�ska, personally appeared Charles R. <br />Olson, to me'personally know -n, who being by me duly sworn did say <br />chat he is the Vice President of Norwest Bank Nebraska, N.A., <br />that the seal affixe =d to the said instrument is the seal of said � <br />Cdr,-.or rari�an, and that said' instrument was signed and se Iieei on -= <br />b'r 1ialf of the said Corporation by authority of its board all <br />: �:- <br />di+ractors and the said Charles R. Olson acknowledged 6ie-exeuction <br />of said instrument: to be the voluntary act and deed of said <br />Corporation, by it voluntarily executed. <br />TAM TA�AL. No 'Public <br />CIr <br />f t <br />