<br />$9-- .01690
<br />Norwest Bank Nebraska, National Association DEED OF
<br />Na"
<br />1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Gary R. Mettenbrink and Roxanne Mettenbrink, husband and wife
<br />John D. Mett/e�nbrink, a single person. Lynn Mettenbrink, a single person and Thorns L. York and
<br />That, WhC. s, i . arol & yari
<br />ii�,.i usband and w1 f p and Arlene M ink- a widnv
<br />of the city of Grand Island County of Hal 1
<br />in the State of Nehraakn by Deed of. Trust dated the l nth day of eAhrnarT 19.$l�,
<br />and dufy recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the County of Hal l
<br />AND THE State of Nebraska , on the 1 4th day of VAhr -ma in
<br />liE" An no nmont Nn: 94_nno721. of the Mortgage ReCord, in said office, conveyed to
<br />NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, certain real estate in said Deed of Trust described, in
<br />trust, to secure the payment. of the indebtedness mentioned therein.
<br />The Southeast.Quaater• (SE})Iand the South Half (SD of the South half (SD of the Northeast
<br />Quarter (�E}):of Section 3,, Township 11 North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br />County, Nebraska-
<br />AND, WHEREAS, Said indebtedness has been paid and the purposes of said trust- have been fully satisfied, �_-
<br />NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, does hereby'fflrraise, release and quit claim unto the f
<br />present owner or owners the said real estate and unto the heirs, successors and assigns said owner or owners forever,
<br />all the right, title, and interest which it has under and by virtue of said Deed of Trust in arid to the said real estate in
<br />said Deed of Trust particularly described, reference to which is hereby made for greater certainty.
<br />TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the same, togetheir i vith all and singular the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging
<br />forever. ArNO FURTHER, that said Trust Geed is, by these presents to be considered as fully and absolutely released,
<br />canoelled'and forever discharged:
<br />WITNESS z, y- fifr7d and seal this 28th day of March, 19_
<br />AiT. "TEST.• NOR WEST BANK NEBRASKA, Natiorel Association," rhrstee
<br />0. A
<br />Charles R. Olson, Vase, Presiditit
<br />The foregoing insttunent was acknowledged before me, a Polary Public, on this 28 th - day of Marrh
<br />'19 09.._, by G hArIe,s R Olson Vite President
<br />of NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA, NAT/pIYAL AS;SfJCIATION, a National Banking .�zrociatia T on behalf of said
<br />corporation.
<br />;f
<br />Notary Public
<br />tticarr: a..::r:Pp�Eib ;
<br />En -t ! 19M
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<br />lt_ r?231 LfSD r +g„ FOW5
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