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r <br />A <br />R� <br />• i <br />1 <br />842 -21- 93173317. <br />101 <br />._m9awff -(Q7- <br />Page, of <br />I ; ACKNOiMLEDOMENT <br />The undersigned Trudor(s) hereby acknowledges and understands that (a) the security document below to be executed is a Trust <br />Deed, and note mortgage and (b) the powerof sale provided for in the Trust Deed provides substantially different rights and obligations <br />to the Tnator(s) than a mortgage in the event of &default or breach of obligation. The Trustor(s) further represents and agrees thatthis <br />certificat has been read and executed in connection with, but prior to, the Trustors' execution of the following Trust Deed. <br />Dat his 3rd d0kyof Aril ,19 89 1 <br />It iAu.r-�.t� f k �-•�.. <br />ari W. Lau J R. Lau <br />111E SIGNED PRIOR TO EXECUTION OF DEED OF TRUST. <br />ND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS <br />This Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents referred to In the above acknowledgment is made this 3rd day <br />of April ,t8 -99— by and among Dean W. Lau and _Joan R. Lau, <br />T�tit3band and _wife <br />Tiustor (s)•..whoasmasiingaddressi! Rouge #1, Eat: '�Skf:'.lZaniphan, NE 681 32 an <br />d <br />Farm Credit Bank of Omaha 'Trustee;' Whose mailing address is <br />2M ' youth - 19th St. , `,V :`' tM - 68102 ::..' ' , and the Farm Cred3,t Bank of Omaha <br />- `Hquir ctoW, whose mailing atfdAesi is 2d4 sr(.nla 19th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68102. inconsideration of the advance by Beneficiary to <br />TiuMaqn) of the princiDal sum specified boto*,, It,* receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. and any future. additional or protective n6ances <br />made 10 or on belt90 f 7rustor(a) at Bene4cfat*'s'option. Trustor(s) irrrjl+.�.MQly transfers, conveys and assignsto Trustee, INTRUOT, WITH <br />PITAMR OF .S`ALZ f10.ghe benefit and securityof Ranef iciary, its succewf diatrrd assigns, under and subject to the terms and'coitdfilbpe of this <br />Trust Dead, the isatnopsrty. located in the County of Hall , State of Nebraska, and described es follows: <br />Sea TNp• " R� <br />The SW 2/4 --------------------------- - --- -- - - -- 26 9N 10W 6th P.M. <br />except a tract of land in the SW 1/4 54f 1/4 <br />.described as fctllows: Beginning at a points .. <br />,.an the West lire* Of said SW 1/4, said .p4a�iht- . <br />being 45.4 Feet ' Forth O; the Southwest. 'C e"z'i;gr <br />of said SW 1/4; thence Easterly perallol-to the <br />South line of said SW 1/4, also being the <br />Northerly right -of -way line of the County Road, <br />a distance of 918.0 Feet; thence Northerly parallel <br />to the West line of said SW 1/4, a distance of <br />300.0 Feet; thence Westerly parallel to the <br />South line of said SW 1/4, a distancarr of <br />918.0 Feet to that West line of said SW 1/4; <br />thence Southerly along the West line of said <br />SW 1/4,_4 'distance of 300.0 Feet to the place <br />of bosinlring; and excepting a tract of land <br />platted Hawk-'a Nest, as shown on plat recorded <br />as Document No. 68- 103415 in the Register of <br />Deeds office, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />together with all Trustor(s) right. title and interest in said property, now or hereafter acquired, including all buildings, fixtures, crops and <br />improvemente nowon or hereafter placed upoi7 Lsid re tt property; Inetudl rig also all appurtenances, water. Irrigation, and drainage rights; and <br />all rents, Issues, uses, Income, profits, and rights! in (S(amaasion; all oil; gas, gravel, rock or other minerals of whatever nature, including <br />gsothormal remross, and all personal property that may integrally belong to or hereafter become an integral part of said real estate whether <br />attached or detached, including any appurtenances and accoutrements of any residence secured hereby, and all above and below ground <br />Irrigation equipment and accessories, and all leases, permits, licenses or privileges, appurtenant or nonappurtenant to said premises, now or <br />hereaafto issued, extended or renewed byTrustor(s), any State.theUnited States crony department, bureau, instrumentality orogencythereef. <br />All of which is hereunder collectively raisrred to as the -Trust Estate.- <br />It IS Watsrslaod WA spud tifshraee Tnwlor(s) aei tanslkiary the/"Tno Deed to Otwn to swore: <br />(a) A promissory We or notes together with interest thereon executed by Trustor(s) to Beneliciary and described as follows. <br />Data el Mete Prhtdpel Aimmall Daft of Nofo Pfkmk al Amount <br />4 -3--89 $91,200.00 <br />Payable according to the terms of said notes) <br />(b) And the repayment in full byTrustor( s) ofanyandallfutureandadditionaladvanceswhichrnaybemadebyBeneficiary .atiteoption,at <br />the request Of. andtoarfortheaccountofTrustor (s),ofanyot them. for any purpose. plus interest on all such advances. under any note(s)or <br />Other instfument(s) taken in refinancing, extending; renewing, reamortizing or restructuring such indebtedness or any pan thereof. all <br />payableaccofdingto the terms of said nots(s) at other mstrument(a). provided. however. that the total pnnc�pal indebtedness outstanding <br />and secured herabyat any arm time shall not exceed thesumof Ninnt! One Thousand Iwo ffLr,3red and <br />--------------------------- ------- r- -------------- --- <br />"DJLLAfi5t5 <br />exciust,sof mteresi and of the protective advancesauthortred herein at in the tasn agreementis), provcded. f urthor. that THIS PARAGRAPH <br />5E4Att. NOT CONSTITUTE A COMMITMENT TO MAKE FURTHER OR AnDirIONAL ADVANCES IN ANY AMOUNT AT ANY TIRRE <br />WHETHER OR NOT 10fF lrofAL PRINCIPAL iNOESTEpkF ,S.ARQVE HAS (1 - ?s anvgNCED, <br />f�. <br />(r <br />{ <br />r. <br />it <br />t� <br />�f <br />;I i <br />i - - <br />ii <br />1� <br />i' <br />'I <br />�I <br />4 <br />;j <br />s <br />6 <br />it <br />i' <br />t, <br />�I <br />ti <br />i <br />