_ . r < _ t ` ` ._ -. . . � " .—_ __ ___._ . - - . . .. . ... _ . . .
<br /> . . . ' _. , .�` � � _ . __ '. - _ - s � ._ . . � � � � ` ' . _ .. .
<br /> � .��' � • ` � . .. _ -_ `� c ` � _ ' `, . t ` , . . �. ' . . . ,`- ,
<br /> ' . � .�c , � . . ` .... � _ , . .. � • �' � . `i. . . �� � ' , _ .. ' , .�....'_ � . .. �
<br /> ` ; ` . . . . � . �
<br /> _ � ' . . . . , . � t� . , . , � ' . , , . .
<br /> .�c . . ' . ` i a ' ` r ' . <
<br /> .. . . _ . . . . . , . � _ . . ' ' ' . . � �. '
<br /> �� �. . � � . � . � - � � ' � � w�xzY n�Br� � � �� 1�43�� ` � .
<br /> .� � . . . � ` � . _ � . , `
<br /> .-__ � - - -- : . �a��� �. ��xsc�G�x �r�a.� �s�t: �•- ������, :. , -� - -== =_.-----= ..
<br /> � � � sstfe and hus�ar�d, eaah��tn her atnd hfs o� right �nd as .spouse� of . - �
<br /> � . � the oth�r, t�terein call�ed th�. Gr�ntars< <,fas and f n con�ic�eration� .
<br /> _ . �g. t1�te �tu► of '�en Dol�ars and HalI00 Dc►llars (;YO.Op}, at�a� � � � . •
<br /> �`� ; other� nalua'ble consfderat3.on• recefved. from Grantees, do gza�rt, � � , �
<br /> :� `r . b�argafn, sell, conve,y� and •oonfi�a unto NOpM]�N t�l. I,�IIITEN$C�I.iiGER, � � �
<br /> � TRti�TBE, Merein caiied � the Gra�ntee, an ancifviderl- one-half ' � , `
<br /> ': ; interest in the follo�tfag-described real estate fn Hall County, � � � '
<br /> . - , Neb�¢ska: .
<br /> ,,� � : . . � The East Nalf of the Southeast puarter � ,
<br /> � _. � � (E�SE}� of Se�tion T�o 12I , Townsbip Nfne (9) ' • , � � ,
<br /> . . � Narth, Ranqe Ten t7.0) -West of t�e 6th P.M., � � '
<br /> ,• '` ; � ` A�1I C011T1ty� Nebr�ska f � . , •
<br /> _ = - . � .
<br /> � The Nor+thwest Quarter (I�W�� of Section �en � : --
<br /> :-:��: (101 . Tawnsbip Nine (g), Range Tea .��,101 West ` ?
<br /> '�" `,� . of the 6th P.M. : Na21 CounCy� Nebr�s�a: . . , ,-.
<br /> . �� � The Nor�hwest.Quarter `NW}� �nd the Nozthwest . � �
<br /> � .. �. � Quarter of the Southwest Quart�r l�W3SW}) of
<br /> ;� �.• Sectl�on Sixt�en (2F1, �'c�wnshi� *�z:�e 19f �
<br /> . North, Ranqe �tine (9) Wer�t a€ trie 8th P.l.K.,
<br /> ��all County, �t�ebraska� and � � • ,
<br /> � Lots Pive and S f x L� & 61 , 82ock E.�g�t (S) , � -
<br /> � � Daniphan, Hall Count�s, Nebraska. ' , ; .:-
<br /> �.
<br /> . TO HAVE AND TC? HOLD the premises above deacribed, toqether � -
<br /> � . with all the tenement�, h�r�dit�►ment.s ana appurten��ces thereunto
<br /> . � bclortginq, unto the said Grantee ancd t� Crantee'� success�rs and • -
<br /> �asfgns farevCr. And Grantors hereby covenant with .the �a:ld
<br /> : GrAntee and with G�antee's s�ece�8ora �ind as$igns, that Grantors . .
<br /> � are lawfully seized o� safd �sser_21aes, that they are free fx�om ��
<br /> encumbrance. and that Grantors have good righ� and. lawful
<br /> ' a�thority t4 sell th� same= and Grantors ��reby covenant �o '
<br /> warrant and .defend the t�i�ie to safd premises agafr�st the lawful
<br /> � � claims of ell persons whomso�Ver . And t�� �aid Grant�rs hereby
<br /> r�linquish all right, title, e�.�aim and fnteresx in and to the
<br /> � above-clencrfbed gr�mises. � �
<br /> � �igned thi� � d�y of Ju�.y, 2990. ��
<br /> � �t . � . � .
<br /> _:_'—` �CL���. ,�'t[_%fi i c���Ll!�r�**�r •
<br /> Cor��e I. :.�ut�n5r, c age�r'�` -
<br /> . . . . . . . .. ��,- - �',/ : _ _ . ._ . . .. .
<br /> .� r.:_r;���=�' ' ' !L�G�,�,s-�t 1,Gs ..
<br /> �Ym�n t�. L�u Lensehl�q�r
<br /> . STAT�. Or .N�B�iASKA 1 �
<br /> . 1 sS: .
<br /> C�DUt3TY UF �iALL 1
<br /> Sefore me, a Natary .E�ut�li� ��t :;aic3 `oun�y, ��rsonally came . - --- -
<br /> Coralee I. I,�utensGhl�g�r atid t�arm�_i� W. i.�ut�n�chlaqcr, ;:nown tio � .
<br /> me tc� be �h� identic:al {��rsons whci si�ncd tihe €�r�gair,q •
<br /> . �i�strument �x�d acknowleclg�d LFi� exc��uti�n tt�c�L��of tv be their
<br /> - -.. _ . *_�3��r� �,� :s'..'�' '�°�:3. . _ � _ . . . : '- - �-
<br /> � x Witness my han� and Notar.i�I Se�,l ori .7uJy._.r 'G , I990. ^ .
<br /> ' &!1€Mi.pi�AY•��M tirq�a �
<br /> sa��.s�
<br /> . • � M►Grrr.E�1rlr 7.t!N � � � - � � �``
<br /> _� �l r
<br /> ' � �TUt�er}� Pu��.it• .��.
<br /> ZF:��4iff�?�U9€�.?� �- --
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