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<br /> _�`. , • � . . , , WARRANTY II�EEP� � � �-- 1�4398 `. : .
<br /> - - - -- -. � - -- � , _ � - = - _ ,- _- ---_
<br /> . - � NQRi�lAN i+�. LhpTI31�5CHL11G$R and GQRPlLBE I. Lr101`Ed�t$�iC�E#t s �, � -`, :
<br /> �: �. husband an� wife, each in� his and_ h�r o�rn right and'�as spouae of� � . � `
<br /> ' �`� < the ather, �¢rein�called the Gran�ors, for arid ia consideration�• < `�
<br /> • ` s. � �Qf tttt tue af Ten �oII�rB and No/It10 pollare�. ��I0.06) `an�d, . ° `�
<br /> ,� � ' � other vaxuable consid�rration seceived fs�o�n Grantees, do qraat, .� .
<br /> .. - : berqain, .��11, co��ey and con�ir� unto COR�lLEE i.. LAUTENSCHI�AGER, � ` � .
<br /> � � . � .TRUSTEE, herein ealled the G�antee, an undiv.ided one-half , � '=
<br /> �. -.` ��. ,_ int�rest. .ia �the fa3lowing-described .reai estate �in Hail County, �
<br /> < � . I�lebrask�t: � . , . . � .. . �. -
<br /> � -� • The Ea►st' Nalf af. the Southeast Quarter �
<br /> �•� , (E�SE��) of Section Two' (2) , Township Niae (9) •` � `
<br /> � � . ° North, Ranqe Ten (10) West o� the 6th `P.M., , �
<br /> � :, � . . Ha�l Gounty, Nebraeka; , , ' -
<br /> , ` � ' The Korthwest Quarter ENW�� of Section Ten ' � .
<br /> . . . = (10) . Township Nine (9} , Range Ten 410t West � ' < � . .
<br /> , � of the 6th P.M. ; Hall County, Nebr�ska; ,
<br /> � • , ' The Northwest Quarte� !tv'ir��a. and the Nor�hwest � � '
<br /> . ; Quarter af the Southweat Quarter ENW�SW�1 cf - �
<br /> ` Section Six�een �2fif , Township t�ine (9�
<br /> � �f F NAr�th, Range Nine (9) West o� the 6th P.M. , ' -�
<br /> s . tIa2I County, N��ra��ka� an¢l '
<br /> . . ;:
<br /> � � Lots t'ive aat8 Six �� b b) , Biock Eight (81 , � � '-
<br /> , Doniphan, Nall County, Nebraska. -
<br /> � �`d3 HAV� AND Tb Ei6LD the premises above descrik��d, toge�he� �-
<br /> witb a:�.l the tenem�nira, her�dit�.;,�n�s and appurtena:�cea thereunto
<br /> _ � ; belonqinc�, unto the saici Gra�tee and to Grantee'� successars an8
<br /> . � assigns foreue�. An@ Grantarg bereby Gavenant with th� stxi8 �
<br /> � Gxat�tee and w��th Grantee'� successors anc3 assign�. that Grantor� -
<br /> ' are 1��£ully aeized �f aaic} �z��mir���;, that they ��e. fr�e fram
<br /> � , eneumks��ace and t�i�t Grantor� have �ood right and lawful
<br /> authoz`i�y to sexl the sAmet and Grar�tar� hercby covenant to �
<br /> . werra�nt and d�fend the tit2e ta �aid Pr�r�i�et� ��qain�t th� law;Eql �
<br /> claims of e�ll. per�ona wh�msaev�r. An8 thF. �aad Crantors fiereby
<br /> , rela.nt��:iah all rigr�., title, claim and interest iri �nc� ta th�
<br /> abov�-d�aczib�d �rw-i�e�s. '
<br />. Signec3 thar „/. ci�y c�: Jul�, 2��90. . �
<br /> �-�:
<br /> .�:
<br /> , _
<br /> ll' .J f *
<br /> � ��..�rr... '� .:.���'�..���.ft�a..�' . _
<br /> Normt�n 6J. T.aut�n�r;h c�er
<br /> ,, j . • -
<br /> Y,- l ,_
<br /> t'ar�� co I . IYau�c�nsc lager {� '
<br /> � ���5TAT� OF NEBRASKA 1 . �
<br /> � :;s:
<br /> . �:OUNTY Cl� NALL ) �
<br /> . Befare mc�, � Not��ry Yutii iG fc�� saic3 Countj, �-�er�i�n��.ly cairce `�� T
<br /> � Norman f�'. L�tit��sc.�hi��grx and C'ar�7�.ec� i.. I.aut�n.;c���uyer, 'r.n�wn ta
<br /> m[.� to Y�o thc� ic�E�ntical �uer�c.ns whc� ��,c3r,�c� t,h� forcc��snc� �
<br />-; -,- - - - � ��tT����:�� Q=�� ��;�t�c.�ic�iigcc�r t�e �x��ae�t� ��iere�f ta be theis _ . _. _ ._ . -.-
<br />� . t►calunt��x�r �rt �tic� .de��cl.
<br /> � • tit�tne�>� my h�r�� anc3� Nataxi��l Se..�e 1 �r. Ju�Y , -.��. �.�9b.
<br /> �K��r - � • .� - r..
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