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9e•° , <br />l_ <br />CONti'MUCno" anclul ttti' IlfligRdl` <br />a !Ilia Mss .scarp sir. oil$ I, w whteli *A tfo tor• <br />8v— <br />101659 mw !seared for the wpm *1 nekaig MpesvmEmk <br />DEED OF TRUST • cis llyd tisfats is rtktei "" omaMsww tlresrlty <br />• Iaw.atra�. <br />"W DEED OT TRUST. rinds this 31s•tlay of March 1989 , betwea Steven A. Stec <br />D.D.S. and /or Rebecca J. Stec, husband & wife, as joo em6w s p t .ttenontssswith right ofounivor- <br />teT'FirsTier Bank, National Association, Omaha, Ne <br />Y Tmedee. aced <br />#irsTiez Bank, National.,Association, Omaha, NE <br />ea <br />IIr1TH� . . ' •r... ' <br />That 'Itraiarieea7►lt�t�braaetwae limit;! taaTeeateeietnrtw6tB�pewKefiaM�tMteYdeaeribeipreperts: <br />Lot Two (22; Block Two(2), Colonial Estates Second Succivision <br />- . the City of Grand Island, Hall Coun ty" Nebraska. <br />together with all interest which Trostor now has or may hereafter acquire in and to said property AM in and to: (a) all esse, <br />menu and rights or way appurtenanttheretaA41*1i tenernents. hereditaments. baildinge.sbudslea iimprovements. fixtures, <br />equipinenR bmishings and appurtenances narrer hereafter placed thereon; Wall leasehold edakli*h . title. and inkrestof <br />Tc vbir in and to oil leases or sableam thereof or any portion thereof tow or hereafter existing or entered into, and all right <br />titW, isud interest of Trsator thereunder. indoding. without limitation. all cash or security deposits, advance rentals, and de. <br />parts or payments or similar nature, and (d) all mineral. dl, gas rights and profits. water. water rights, and water stock <br />Tnstor agrees to execute and deliver. from time 3o time. such fartherindmwenla r may be requested by Beneficiagr in form <br />and aabdancesatGdaetorytoBeneficiaritccea .'rm the lien of this Deetal Trod on any oftheaforemtstttbnedpropMy .The <br />property eo coeveyed to Trustse hwmmder is hosinafleur rerernd to ad's proPOW. <br />TheTn" absolutely and irrevocably grant@, transfers and assigns to Bsasfiefarp til+a reutr. iueoras.l@aees. and prsfitsoi <br />oil pseperly @@tend by this Dead of tsar •. <br />FORTHE PURPOSE OF SECURING: <br />1. Payment of the principal mm of one hundred sixty seven thousard. and 100----- - <br />- <br />evidenced by the certain prom note dated or even date herewith (hereinafter referred (msw pine "Promissory NOW') <br />UllVAlly gxp , Ad },u Steven A. Stec D.D.S. & Rebecca J. Stec <br />in said amount and payable to the order of Betrefs`iaty maturing on demand , <br />together *jib intetedthmeor tatecharges . and prepaymentbonumna000rdingte Slue(*msofthaPromiseoryNokandall <br />renewa* extendints. and WMI1.3catfie00 thereof: <br />2. Perforinanee, disehsrge of and compliance with every obligation. covenant and yreementof frustor incorporated by nG , <br />erence or contained herein or tm any other security agreement or dead of trust at anytime given to seven any indebtednese <br />heft y recurek of any part th. -tW- <br />& Payment of alb rem and charges of Benefrdary or Trwbs, whether or not set forth herein. <br />TO PROWZr 114E BECURITIf OF THIS REED OF TRUST. TRUSTOR COVENANTS: <br />TITLE: That it is lawraliy 96.ud end possessed era good and indefeaaibletitle end'"Inteto all crouch property in feeslmple <br />free rretm any prierumofencerauranee. bags red rlghtandlawful authority baronsvy lhessme. and will foreverwarrantand <br />dshwd tie tills ILwnNa yaittmt the e:lalmo sod demands of ali petsonawhoeeevtr thatiturW. atiNeapenme. aratntala and Pre- <br />@w" the Bea a( this Dead of Trust r • runt end pa arnount Nee spon tech property. <br />MAINTENANCE: To keep such property in good condition} and repair. to complete or restore promptly and in good and <br />workmanlike manner any building which may beeenst wetcd. damaged ordedroyedthereonandtopsy .whendo@, all claim <br />for labor p"Amoed and materials furnished therefor and for any Alternations thereof; to comply with the provisions of all <br />Insurance policies covering ssidpremiaee.toComply with all lsws. ordinances. regulatiorw, covenante.tonditionmandrestric - <br />tisns affecting such property; not to remove. demolish or materially alter any building, or theeheraeter or ore thereof at any <br />lime thereon; net tedriiii er extrattmor to permit the drillrne for orextraetim ofoli, gasorother hydrocarbon asbeteneea, water. <br />ov any mineral of any kind unless the written conmentotBeneficiary is bed andobtained; nol tocemmitor permit any waste <br />lhereol or any ad upon sash properly in violation of law; to do all other acts in a timely and proper manner which from the <br />eherackrw ameteselnprolaty aa" baressonablyasoeeaaryIspnMelwWrsssrgoaaidaseWIV .thespodfkentmasystians <br />herein not extluding the W rat <br />L f :UNFrFRUI'fIUN or IMPROVEMEMM: To complete In good and workmanlike manner any building or Improvementor <br />repair relating thereto which may be brsvn on moth properly or contemplated by the loan secured hereby, to pay when due all <br />reels and liabilities incurred therefor, and notte permit any mtehank a lien against each property. Twetor also eve". any <br />thing in this Itetd of Trust to the contrary notwithetandirg; (s) to promptly commence work and to complete the proposed im- <br />provemrnts prari* Its completessme in accordance withplsnesndspe6frreWro asapproved by Wrieficisty.le)ta com- <br />ply with all of the ternwerany heilding loan sgrettntntWw"." Ttustor and V eneficiary .iheterrnaorwhieharelncotpbratrd <br />herein by aferenre to the Name Witent as if fully set forth herein and made a part of th {s Ilmdelf I'runt.(dltnallow Beneficiary <br />to inspect such property at all times during construction, and rd to replace any work or materials unsatisfactory to Ilene• <br />flciary, within fifteen ttli) drys aAerwritten notice from tiienefreimry of arch fact. which notirermay begivsn toTtostor byteg- <br />tdrM ov tertiRW mail, sent to his last known address, or by personal ssrvW of the sortie. <br />­I <br />