<br />y.
<br />f.`
<br />.i
<br />1 Know All Men by These Presents:
<br />1 .
<br />9336298
<br />Deed of F%Cofnveyance Hall Co
<br />THAT WHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed by
<br />Orville J -A Lemburg and Deloris A_ Lemburg, husband and wife
<br />to COMmOrciel Federal Savings and Loan Aeaociation
<br />89...J01652
<br />AS Trustee for the benefit of Commercial Federal mort4a1e Corporation
<br />the Beneficiary named therein, dated September 13 19a8 and in the
<br />+otfice of the Register of Deeds of a$11 County, State of Nebraska
<br />Doc. N0. 88- 1051�Q
<br />has been paid.
<br />:NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of such paymiitfi: 4e+ ,in iicc�rr�ance with the request of the Beneficiary
<br />Rained therein, the widersigned as Trustee deer byjhd$e preOWs,grant, remise, release and reconvey to
<br />the persort.vr persoi B:�titled thereto all interest arrd.•��.,VS'deFiVW to said Trustee by or through said Trust
<br />Deed i0 .the following described premises by only a_S' isJ .L4uch premises:
<br />Tract of land described as commencing at a point iii the South line of First Street, in
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, a *.a point 66 .feet Easterly from the
<br />Northwesterly corner of Fraction Lot One (10, in Fracticnal-131eck Twenty0one (21) of
<br />Palmer, s Subdivision of rut Seven (7) of tae• County .gubdiv': :bra of the southeastQuarter
<br />` +Sr*1 'Of Southwest Quarter (Swh of section j6;:.Ttlr,;,tr�r�ip 11 North, t ab.ge 9 west,
<br />lei» '. thtnce Southeasterly parallel wi tit ;WP- MterR.
<br />the $Ortherly a2jey line between First and .V` "' 3fns of said x4-k ae (1), 132 feet -to
<br />Northerly line cf, said alley 43 feet more'. Or :esa'; ^tweet; >;?te,pee )irj.V ed i eriq along the
<br />Southeastariy caxnIer of Lot "A, -, of Elm Pl$Ce Addtt f a , � an• f ":�:.' ta;:iy -from the no. the Easterly lirie. of said Lot "A ", 132 feet to the southerly line ,of First street, Parallel
<br />Southwesterly along the South line of First Street;..43 feet more or less to the real place
<br />Of beginning.
<br />M tateerer 16th March
<br />i 4 cfey of
<br />Commercial Federal Saving., Cnij Loan Annnr_iai-
<br />On this _16th -day f March
<br />y _ . 19 89 , before the undersigned, a Rotary Public
<br />duty commissioned and qualified for said County, personally came Ka: _n r. iKnrey_________`� Vice
<br />President of Comercial Federal Savings and Loan Acan�.+s +i..,,
<br />the idantica! person whose narr� is subscribed to the for i instrument and acknowledged the execution
<br />MOM to be the voluntary act and deed as such Trustee. � g
<br />My Commission Expires:
<br />�� C -� -•-, ERp.oct5,i9
<br />hC'd�, Pat,",- Carlene Clauson
<br />L ,
<br />. . L . ..
<br />n'ASSDP3
<br />R=4. 785
<br />�r
<br />U =
<br />SIC NESRAA� I ")
<br />.
<br />COUr,>f�hrtivi;, tas )
<br />Commercial Federal Saving., Cnij Loan Annnr_iai-
<br />On this _16th -day f March
<br />y _ . 19 89 , before the undersigned, a Rotary Public
<br />duty commissioned and qualified for said County, personally came Ka: _n r. iKnrey_________`� Vice
<br />President of Comercial Federal Savings and Loan Acan�.+s +i..,,
<br />the idantica! person whose narr� is subscribed to the for i instrument and acknowledged the execution
<br />MOM to be the voluntary act and deed as such Trustee. � g
<br />My Commission Expires:
<br />�� C -� -•-, ERp.oct5,i9
<br />hC'd�, Pat,",- Carlene Clauson
<br />L ,
<br />. . L . ..
<br />n'ASSDP3
<br />R=4. 785
<br />